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Re: hair test interpretation questions - hair tests 184/5

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- ok, here is my take on all this...




5 red.

13 outside of the yellow zone.

8 high.

That's 2 counting rules!

Mercury is just negligible, meaning no excretion at all.

Congratulations, that's the lowest I've seen!

Ca/P is low, so he'll probably show less toxicity than is present.

Arsenic is mildly elevated.

Lithium is just at detection level. You can try some lithium orotate or

lithium aspartate.

Both of these (arsenic/lithium) are also mercury signs.

Cobalt red low. <<Maybe>> some B12 would help.

Ca/P low ==> fast metabolizer.

Try:Lots of vit D (2000IU/d scaled to weight for child)

Digestive enzymes.

High fat diet.

Na/K fine.

K/Ca = 1.0 - very high.


Doctors don't know how to do this.

Test _free_ T3, _free_ T4, TSH & Antibodies (AIp115-8)

Then interpret using Andy's AI/appendix

or ask for help on-list.

Na/Mg = 26. Wow! He's running on adrenaline.

Avoid Tyrosine/Phenylalanine.

(No dairy, no red meat, ie no mammals)

If you are not a high sulfur person, it is easy to use a vegetarian diet,

This will have lots of sulfur, so if you are a high sulfur person, then

this will not work, use fish and some small amount of fowl.

Ca & Mg vs. Na & K, strong adrenal sign. He'll need adrenal support:

[ " Adrenal cortex extract, Thorne brand, 1-2 capsules 3 or 4 times a day

(other brands are OK but I am most familiar with this one) " - Andy

Allergy Research brand several times as potent.

" licorice in AM and noon,

25-50 mg pregnenolone in AM.

Mg & a bit of K are usually also needed.) " ]

Ok, he should definitely be on the basic supplements (below) and because of the

adrenals, the electrolyte mix (below).




2 red.

8 outside of the green zone.

8 high, but this is very much like an all low pattern since 4 of those are very


Not a counting rule, but it looks like it anyway.

Wow, they match! Lowest hair mercury on the planet!

Ca/P is low for her too, so she'll probably show less toxicity than is present.

Lithium below detection limit. As with dad: you can try some lithium orotate

or lithium aspartate.

That's a mercury sign too.

Ca/P low ==> fast metabolizer.

As with dad, try:

Lots of vit D (2000IU/d scaled to weight for child)

Digestive enzymes.

High fat diet.

Na/K fine.

K/Ca = .047 ok.

Thyroid looks ok.

Na/Mg = .74. Ok, opposite of dad -

she doesn't have enough adrenaline.

This following can improve mood & energy:

Give Tyrosine/Phenylalanine

(red meat or supplement)

Give mehtylation support:

TMG (.5-2g early in day),

Folic or Folinic acid (.4-1.2mg, 4x/d) &

B12 (several mg/d)

The combination is available as Jarrow's " Homocysteine PF "

NB! Too much methl donors can cause anger,

aggression and lack of motivation.

Try B6.

Re B6 - It doesn't agree with everyone.

Try 100-250mg 3-4x/d (with meals and at bed-time).

If it works, it's worth experimenting with amounts.

If not, don't jack it up.

If > 500mg 4x/day can get tingling & numbness in hands & feet.

If happens, stop and it will cease in a few days.

(Adjust for children, assuming avg adult weight 135lb.)

Ok, she should definitely be on the basic supplements (below). In her case,

since she basically has an all know pattern, you want to try to jam in all the

nutrients that you can. Make sure to give a good multi. If they have

digestion problems, open up the caps and sprinkle the contents on food or put

in a smoothie or something.


Both of their metabolisms are completely shut down with regard to excretion.

They will need to do dental remediation before any chelation - make sure,

sure, sure that there is no mercury left in their mouths before chelating.

That means under crowns and bridges too! They will have to be taken off to

check. If you need a dentist, contact Leo Cashman at DAMS: ,

www.Amalgam.Org. Make sure to evaluate the dentist thoroughly. Check, for one

thing, that they follow the IAOMT protocol, here:


Once they are more than 3 days post-amalgam removal they can chelate with DMSA.

More than 3 months post removal, they can chelate with ALA. Please use a

physiologically appropriate protocol. That means, start at 1/8 mg per lb of

bodyweight, stay there for at least 6 rounds, never increase dose by more than

50% at a time, and stay at any new dose for at least 6 rounds. Do not go above

1/2 - 1 mg/lb bodyweight. Always dose on the half life of the drug - 4hrs or

less for DMSA, 3hrs or less for ALA, _even at night_!

It's very important they do this now, or they are likely facing dementia issues

in the very near future. They may be able to save themselves from this.

Good luck to you all -



Basic Supps


A good multi-vitamin/mineral _without_ iron and _without_ copper.

B50 or B100 once or twice /d

Buffered C, 4g/d or as much as you can take without causing loose stools. For

child, scale to weight, but also go to bowel tolerance.

Mag, 100mg 4x/d & increase to 200 in a few weeks

Take with each meal and possibly at bedtime.

Adjust to the max level that is not laxative.

If it's working but you can't get enough in, try Taurine, 0.5-1g with meals

(Adult doses, scale to weight for child)

Avoid oxide form, take citrate, malate, aspartate, or amino acid chelate.

Ca should also be given so the ratio of Ca to Mg intake

from all sources (food & pills) is somewhere between 1:2 & 2:1.

Vit E, 1600IU/d (adult, scale to weight.)

CoQ10, 75-200mg/d (adult, scale to weight.)

Zinc Picollinate, 20mg + 1mg/lb-bodyweight

Flax Oil, 10+g/d (1-2 tbsp) or CLO (1/2 - 1 tbsp)

Borage oil, 1+g/d (1-2 tsp)

Milk thistle, 1-2 cap/meal (adult, scale to weight.)

Folic acid, 400-800mcg/d (adult, scale to weight.)

Make sure any selenium is in selenomethionine, s-selenocysteine or selenium

yeast forms. No selenite or selenium citrate. Take 50-400mcg a day total

(adult, scale to weight.)

Try Lecithin, Choline & B12 to see how you respond.


Electrolyte Mix


Andy has given his formula here: http://onibasu.com/archives/amc/26404.html

" Check out pedialyte, uncolored gatorade, or make it yourself

replacement recipes like 1 tbsp each epsom salts and table salt, 1/4

tsp potassium chloride (dark blue canister salt substitute) and 1/2

tsp baking soda in 2 qts water to drink throughout the day. Add

anything reasonable for taste and flavoring. "

Since I have high sulfate and seem to need more calcium than magnesium, I use:

2tsp calcium ascorbate

1/2 to 1 tsp table salt

1/4 tsp baking soda

1/8 tsp potassium salt

all in a mix if 3/4 quart water + 1/4 quart of juice. The juice is necessary

not just for taste, but to adjust the osmolality so that you don't get stomach

upset. You could also just use sugar, which is what most athletes use.

The calcium ascorbate can be magnesium ascorbate instead - and you can use

less, but I need a great deal of vitamin C.


Posted by: " tanya.lopez75 " tanya.lopez75@... tanya.lopez75

Sun Jun 29, 2008 7:11 pm (PDT)

Dean got my parents' tests posted, they are 184 (mom) and 185 (dad).


Any thoughts or advice or suggestions for further reading (I have

Amalgam Illness and am ordering HTI) would be much appreciated.

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Dave, you rock. And yes, the dementia thing is concerning (among

other things, of course), more immediately for my mom, but I was

concerned even before I posted these.


> - ok, here is my take on all this...


> ****

> Dad*

> ****


> (....)

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