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Re: Re: hair test 181- 5 year old (Kenny) fT3

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In frequent-dose-chelation k.ozbo wrote:

> > > His hair tests are No. 181

> http://www.livingnetwork.co.za/files/hairtest_181.pdf


> > >

> <snip>

> >

> =====Believe me, I understand. It's alot to take in and learn

about, and it just takes time. Alot of people think the diet thing

is easy, but I also find it hard. And give yourself credit, you've

done alot for your son already, and his hair test shows improvements,

so you're on the right track. It looks like you corrected the Ca/Mg

ratio through diet and supps, so what you're doing is working.


> Here's just some suggestions. Maybe you could keep a food diary,

and see if you can figure out if any foods are setting him off? Or

try eliminating the phenols/salicylates and see how he does. There

is a product called No-Fenol that you could try. And you could also

give him epsom salt baths, as this will supply sulfate for him, that

the body needs to process the phenols/salicylates, so this may help

also. Or maybe do food allergy testing? Then you won't have to be


A food diary sounds like a very good idea also the No-Fenol, he does

have Epsom salt baths regurlarly.------Kenny

-----------Try these things, and if they don't help or you can't figure it

out, then maybe consider food allergy testing. Also, check out in the Files

section, " Diet - How to pick the right one for your child " , which was written

by Andy, and see if anything in there seems helpful.-----------Jackie


> And back to the yeast. Have you ever tried treating for it?

Looking at your supplement list, I don't see anything for yeast.

Have you ever tried probiotics for him? Any yeast killers like GSE?

He has been having Biotin 10mg per day (he's 37 pounds) and 125mg GSE

on Main chelating days, I don't know why I did'nt put that on the

supp. list.--------Kenny

----------Ok, good. But no probiotics? If you're giving GSE to kill yeast,

you should be giving probiotics to replace the bad bugs with good bugs. And I

believe has said that the GSE is killing the good bugs too, besides the

bad bugs, so probiotics would be very important to give. Go to the Files

section and check out " Neutrophils, Yeast and DMSA " , where Andy gives

suggestions about what to do about yeast.---------Jackie


> And back to the hair test. Have you found any sources of

exposure for some of these elevated metals? I'm wondering about the

bismuth on the second test, being red all the way to the right. They

say its in alot of cosmetics, do you think maybe his hair sample was

contaminated, maybe if your wife wears makeup and was the one who cut

his hair?

My wife did cut his hair so contamination is possible----Kenny

----------I guess if it were me, with the level that high, I would like to

know for sure. I wonder if you could contact DDI and ask if they have seen this

before, and whether or not this would happen, because I believe they wash the

sample before analyzing it. Otherwise, another possible source of exposure that

HTI mentions is diaper rash cream and stomach remedies, such as Pepto



> Have you found a source for the arsenic? What kind of water are

you drinking? I always ask, because I have *very* elevated levels of

arsenic in my hair, and I found out it was in my well water. Have

you tested anybody else in your family? My kids were also high in

it, so I knew we had a common source, so testing other family members

can be helpful.

My son (Tommy) drinks bottled water but the rest of us mainly risk

the tap water. I'm still trying to convince my wife and 2 older

children to have hair tests, my test did show quite high arsenic but

as I met the counting rules I'm not sure if that means much----Kenny

---------Well, my arsenic was red off the charts, so I took it seriously!

Especially when it showed up high in my kids' also. Anyway, keep trying to get

the other family members to do a hair test, and the other thing you could do, is

just have your water tested if it's from a well, and if it's public water, you

should be able to call someone and get testing information, that they should be

required to do.

Another possible source of arsenic is from seafood/shellfish. Do you guys eat

alot of that, or used to?----------Jackie


> I assume you have HTI by how you have answered some of the

questions, so I would use that book and look for sources of exposure

to some of these metals, and make sure you have eliminated them, and

try to figure out if the bismuth is contamination or really coming

from him.


> Otherwise, I think your supplements are helping him alot, and I

would continue with that and with chelation, as it should help him

get rid of the metals. And keep working on the diet stuff, maybe

you'll find something there that will help with the tantrums.


> Good luck-------Jackie

You have given me a lot of good ideas and recommendations I am very

grateful for this.

On another note I'm still a bit unsure whether too and how too push

up his fT3's most of what I've read about Thyroids are geared up for

adults and have made me nervous about applying any of it to a 5yr old

and wiil probably post a question on the A-M list to see if other

parents have done anything similar or if anyone has any ideas here.

-----------Yes, I would ask on A-M if anybody is treating a child that young

with thyroid meds, or if they use supps or what. I know selenium is supposed to

help convert T4 to T3, so sometimes that can help, and tyrosine is supposed to

be good for the thyroid also. And maybe iodine. But honestly, I wouldn't try

any of this without consulting someone like Andy about it, and he may have been

referring to actually using thyroid hormone for your son, and possibly T3 only.

So I suggest you send him a personal email, and he may ask that you post the

question to the group and then send him the post number, so you could include

this post number, or the original one with the thyroid numbers still on it, and

ask him how to proceed.---------Jackie

Thank you for your help it really is appreciated

------------Your welcome. I just wish I knew more about the kid stuff to be

of more help. I really feel for you parents, and hats off to you Kenny, for

trying so hard to help your child. You're a great dad, and should be proud of

yourself :) ------Jackie





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