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Re: T3 per protocol while chelating

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>----- My doc slowly raised my T3 until it was up to 150, which is a

very high dose. He based a lot of it based on symptoms, ie temp,

fatigue, and lab test: free T3 and reverse T3. (not TSH). I was

feeling great until a different doc talked me into Armour. Im on

only 2 grains and feel like crap. I'll be going back to T3.



> ..... yet it would make some sense that I need more to raise my

> temps to a beneficial level. My quandry is this - I am experiencing

> quite a bit of anxiety & other mood problems (irritability). I'm


> trusting my doc to make the decision of staying on or increasing

> dosages. I had to really push my docs to let me try thyroid support

> in the first place, as they felt my tests were normal. By the way,


> unsuccessfully tried Armour & also recently started hormones. Maybe

> the hormones have helped & the T3 isn't responsible for the


> in energy. Anyone have any ideas?


> Joy


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> Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 21:09:21 -0000


> To: frequent-dose-chelation-owner

> Subject: Re: anyone had any luck with T3 per protocol while

> chelating


> I can't seem to post my question (email bouncing??)

I tried to reply in private email, and that one came back too! I hope

that you can get the email problems resolved.

& since it

> pertains to T3, I will ask here... I have been taking T3 for 2 months

> now

What dose are you at?

Do you have adrenal insufficiency symptoms? If so, it is best to

treat the adrenals first.

and while my temps haven't gone up, I seem to have a little more

> energy. My doc didn't want to increase dosage or do 's protocol

> (mostly because of timing issues with the multitude of other things

> I'm doing), yet it would make some sense that I need more to raise my

> temps to a beneficial level. My quandry is this - I am experiencing

> quite a bit of anxiety & other mood problems (irritability).

Where you having these symptoms before starting the T3?

My own doctors always raise thyroid hormone in small increments spaced

by several weeks because it takes time for thyroid hormone levels to

stabilize. Then they test about 6 weeks after the last increment.

I'm not

> trusting my doc to make the decision of staying on or increasing

> dosages. I had to really push my docs to let me try thyroid support

> in the first place, as they felt my tests were normal.

TSH is not a useful test is the hypothyroidism is caused by improper

signaling from the hypothalamus or pituitary. The best test is to go

by symptoms (and there are lots of symptoms, look for lists at thyroid


By the way, I

> unsuccessfully tried Armour & also recently started hormones.

Armour probably didn't have as much T3 in it as what you were getting

used to.

What other hormones have you started?

Testing for free T3 and free T4 might help you to decide what to do

next. Andy says that they should be in the top 1/4 of the normal

range or so. (Some doctors push T3 higher, but I don't know much

about that, my docs won't let me.)


> the hormones have helped & the T3 isn't responsible for the increase

> in energy. Anyone have any ideas?


It's hard to say. I assume that the other hormones were testing low,

and getting them up to the normal range would help you to feel better?

> Joy


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