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Garlic/yeast/sulfur foods, was Re: New here! Questions before I remove my silver fillings.....

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Hi Jiggler!

Posted by: " jigglerpuff " jigglerpuff@...

Fri May 9, 2008 7:06 am (PDT)


>Ok, I was taking the garlic because i think I also have candida.....

should i wait until i finish chelating to start taking it again?

Well, the garlic is high sulfur, and yeasts need sulfur to grow, so if

you are trying to use garlic to get rid of yeast, that will not work!

You should try some of the other yeast protocols that you can dig up by

searching on Onibasu.Com. (Check the Autism-Mercury list and this list.)

There is also other " lore " that says that high sulfur foods, including

chlorella, garlic, onions, etc, will help the body clear mercury. They

won't. Since the body has a lot of sulfur in it already, the only thing

these mono-thiols will do is to stir it up - and that's what causes

symptoms. You need di-thiols, like ALA, DMSA and DMPS that bind more

strongly to the mercury than the mono-thiols in the body, if you are to

have any hope of removing the mercury. So, you don't want to take high

sulfur foods to encourage chelation. However ...

You do need sulfur for your body to function. So, you have to find the

in-between ground - enough sulfur to function, not enough to encourage

what we call " mercury redistribution " . That in-between ground is not

the same for all of us, because some of us have kidneys that retain

sulfur, and so those people need to eat really low levels of sulfur

foods to avoid re-distribution, and some have kidneys that dump sulfur,

and so those people will need to eat more sulfur to have enough for the

body to function. You will have to find out where you are with this. I

was high sulfur and had to avoid it all, including supplements that

include sulfur. Some are low sulfur, and do really well when they

consume reasonably large amounts, or even take NAC. The point of this

is _not_ that the sulfur will help chelate the mercury, but that it

helps the body with the other processes that it needs to carry out for

your body to work. To figure out where you are on this spectrum, you

will need to try a " sulfur exclusion " diet. Search the archives to read

about this.

>thanks again, and nice to meet u dave!

Nice to meet you too!



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