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Re: Bad Protocol Update Week 3

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Will..my opinion only with the following comments

if the anti yeats is having this reaction, it would seem to indicate

that yeast is a problem..

A) i really think that yeast tretament should be done in conjunction

with chelating as mercuiry is released from die off..are you chelating

and with what

B) stay away from alcohol, it feeds yeast

C) what makes you say parasites are a problem?? may articles i have

read imply that yeast harbor virus's, bacteria, parasites and mercury

so its not unusual to have a lot of problems when you go after yeast

some find they can handle parasite treatment in addition to chelation

(sunshine) while I could not...I did find however that chelating with

dmps in the first 3-4 months resulted in 2-3 large dumps of dead

parasites (liver flukes)..so i presume other parsites are also killed

off by chelation

D)some people find things like alka seltzer gold clear head fog..I

cannot remember somne of the other treatments.

E) lots of gut support (enzymes) and some probiotics may help but

keep in mind that good bacteria kill bad bacteria and cause more die

off problems so its a personal balancing act with bugs and yeast and

mercury and other supplement supports

F) drs are a hit or miss..mostly a miss..most tests will give you

little insight into what is wrong and dr's have no idea how to treat

most of the problems that many of us have..sorry do not mean to sound


drs can help with precsriptions for dmps (chelation) and HC

hydrocortisone for adrenals otherwise their misinformed dogma

can lead you off track at the very least

G) also i seem to remember someone mentioning that garlic can feed

yeast and can cause problems for people who have sulphur problems



> think it helped. About a week ago I started on the Candida Cleanse

> product (cyprilic acid, fennel, garlic). Got all the die off and

> other reactions folks talked about on the other forums. Brain fog

> has come and gone with the yeast. I also have felt some

> redistribution type symptoms, but the yeast symptoms were too much

> for me to handle. Strange but it feels like there is sensation in

> my brain that would indicate candida is having an effect there.

> Also indications parasites are a problem. I seem to be improving

> every day with the biggest concern the mental/psych issues.

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HI .. Did you know that anything sugary and yeasty/

moldy is not allowed on the candida diet. I have it badly

again and even good carbs like rice get it going. You have

to be strict. I mean one little thing can cause havoc for

quite awhile.. and not worth the pain.

If you can eat dairy.. yoghurt is a wonderful way to keep

on the pounds. I have only had yoghurt for a few days, plus

some low carb vegis and acidophilus , and apple cider

vinegar and things are good down there. You should rotate

this as if you are like me I will get sensitive to it if I

have it every day.

You do not mention and I cannot remember what supplements for

your digestion you are taking. This is the only thing that

keeps me going. I have a very bad liver / gallbladder after

30 years of not getting properly detoxed and having been very

ill all of that time.. THe supplements can make things

better. Worth all of the money , although I am sure looking

forward to not being so dependent on them .. but what do you


Your doctor could give the tests like thyroid , hormones and

I cannot think of much else.. Unless you have a really good

one most have no clue as to liver / kidney etc problems that

we are dealing with. Spend your money on the alternative

ones , but even there I find pretty well most things to

help through Andys info...

I am not a professoin , just someone who has done alot of

trial and error and this info here is the thing that is




> After being more or less bed ridden for the first two weeks, I have

> finally gotten a few things done today. Biggest problem has been

> concentration. I am going to have to make use of to do lists if I


> going to get much of anything done. Night driving is different as

> lights are glossy like - similar to after LASIK. Went into the

> grocery store tonight and was definitely a little unnerved about

> being around other people. I also spent 20 minutes in the sauna -


> think it helped. About a week ago I started on the Candida Cleanse

> product (cyprilic acid, fennel, garlic). Got all the die off and

> other reactions folks talked about on the other forums. Brain fog

> has come and gone with the yeast. I also have felt some

> redistribution type symptoms, but the yeast symptoms were too much

> for me to handle. Strange but it feels like there is sensation in


> brain that would indicate candida is having an effect there. Also

> indications parasites are a problem. I seem to be improving every

> day with the biggest concern the mental/psych issues. Although it

> seems like with the yeast program, a few days and a long standing

> type of depression completely lifted. I have also gottten up to


> solid meals a day. At the very begining of the problems, Anger was

> pronounced and I am not normally an angry type of person. It was

> quite disturbing. Everything sweet tastes much different. Tried to

> have a drink of alcohol and it tastes bad and makes me feel bad.


> Thankfully my family is out of town. The last few days have been

> very up and down with the yeast product. More up than down. So it

> seems I was a mercury retentive/sensitive with a long standing


> problem and maybe parasites. All this stuff seems quite linked

> together. And I unleashed it all on myself at once! I felt like


> body was completely shutting down. The supplements and other

> recommendations from the book have been a big help. It is hard

> staying focused enough to do them, much less go out and get them.


> I was thinking about going to my family doc and have him run some

> blood work since it has been three weeks, and while I am improving,


> still have many issues. I have easily lost 10 lbs. Still have

> significant weakness in my legs and definitely experiencing muscle

> atrophy. Is there anything my regular doctor can do for me? Or

> should I be getting in touch with an Alternative Doc. Any

> suggestions would be helpful.


> Thanks,



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Hi Nanci and ,

Thanks for the input! I would be really lost without the book and

site. I bought $500 of the supps Andy recommends, and have noticed

an improvement after the first day. I got the Natures Way

Primeadophilus Optima AND PB8. All of the supps he stars, and a

bunch of others to help with various symptoms (Phosphatylderise/DMAE,

5HTP, Pregnenolone, DHEA etc. etc.). The guys at the Vitamin Shoppe

were wondering what the heck?!

I just got back from my doc earlier today, and he didn't buy any of

what I was saying, but he did prescribe enough Diflucan for me to go

two weeks with 600 Mg first dose and 150mg on out. BTW I took the

first dose seven hours ago and am now experiencing a range of things

from redistribution to feeling better/feeling worse. I am thinking

my problems with Yeast have been around for at least a year, and in

my brain not just intestines (systemic). I am looking to get online

with a local Alternative Doc, and get DMPS lined up along with

Cortef. I definitely had a hard time with DMSA.

The parasites seemed to present themselves shortly after I started

the Yeast-Cleanse product with a colon cleanser. I am looking to add

the ia method with the COq10 dose for tapeworm - when I feel up

to it. The curezone has a wealth of information about Candida and


It is becoming obvious to me that first came the mercury build up,

then candidiasis, and finally the parasites. I am afraid I have been

very sick, and have been treading water trying to stay afloat while

this war waged inside my body for the last few years. I see the

importance of discipline and sticking with the program - I get

improvements and it keeps the side effects down.


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Have a look at the low sulfur diet in the files section and in Andy's

book. You may find that you feel much better on low sulfur foods.

If that is the case you may have to avoid yeast aids containing high

sulfur things like garlic.

Also look at the adrenal section of Andy's book and pay attention to

the diet part. A person can feel MUCH better simply by following the

diet modifications he outlines.

The diet modifications above also help to prevent yeast overgrowth.



> Hi Nanci and ,

> Thanks for the input! I would be really lost without the book and

> site. I bought $500 of the supps Andy recommends, and have noticed

> an improvement after the first day. I got the Natures Way

> Primeadophilus Optima AND PB8. All of the supps he stars, and a

> bunch of others to help with various symptoms


> 5HTP, Pregnenolone, DHEA etc. etc.). The guys at the Vitamin


> were wondering what the heck?!


> I just got back from my doc earlier today, and he didn't buy any of

> what I was saying, but he did prescribe enough Diflucan for me to


> two weeks with 600 Mg first dose and 150mg on out. BTW I took the

> first dose seven hours ago and am now experiencing a range of


> from redistribution to feeling better/feeling worse. I am thinking

> my problems with Yeast have been around for at least a year, and in

> my brain not just intestines (systemic). I am looking to get


> with a local Alternative Doc, and get DMPS lined up along with

> Cortef. I definitely had a hard time with DMSA.


> The parasites seemed to present themselves shortly after I started

> the Yeast-Cleanse product with a colon cleanser. I am looking to


> the ia method with the COq10 dose for tapeworm - when I feel


> to it. The curezone has a wealth of information about Candida and

> Parasites.


> It is becoming obvious to me that first came the mercury build up,

> then candidiasis, and finally the parasites. I am afraid I have


> very sick, and have been treading water trying to stay afloat while

> this war waged inside my body for the last few years. I see the

> importance of discipline and sticking with the program - I get

> improvements and it keeps the side effects down.

> Regards,



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