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Re: Jackie's experience with HC taper

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In frequent-dose-chelation DeanNetwork wrote:

> Robin, if you are going to see pretty soon, you could wait

> and talk to her about it, because I know she's familiar with doing tapers.

> She had me do a HC taper after seeing her last year.------Jackie

Hi Jackie,

Do you know why chose a taper for you instead of low dose HC?

---------She did both. I believe she chose a taper for me for a number of

reasons. One, because of all the ongoing family stress I was and had been

dealing with. And two, I had been using Isocort which had been helping, until

my whole appendix rupture ordeal, which was one of three medical

procedures/ordeals I had had in like 6 months, and then after that, it just

didn't help as much anymore. So my adrenals had taken some huge hits prior to

going to see her and weren't responding to Isocort anymore, so I believe she

felt I needed some serious adrenal help.------------Jackie

Surely a taper does not correct long-standing adrenal problems, it just

deals with fatigue, right?

-----------No, I don't think they are ever intended to correct long-standing

adrenal problems. I just think that in certain cases, and certainly mine, where

my adrenals were so beat up by recent events in my life, that it is used to give

them a boost, to help you start feeling better again faster. I believe it is

supposed to help " clear out " some of the built up stress.---------Jackie

But low dose HC use is able to rest and allow repair of adrenals (coupled

with the use of a glandular I believe).

------------Yes, and this is what did, after the taper.---------Jackie

So did one follow the other, or was it a once-off taper and then no more HC?

----------No. I did the taper and then have been on a maintenance dose of HC

ever since, 20mg/day, with stress-dosing here and there. also had me on

another adrenal product, but I have switched to straight ACE which is much

cheaper, and I'm taking a higher dose now, which seems to help me keep my HC

dose down. I got in trouble last fall by doing *way too much* stress dosing,

and this pushed up my blood sugar, so I have to be careful of


I can't remember your response to it?

-----------Well, it certainly gave me a boost! But I remember warning

me not to over-do-it, even when I felt better on the taper. She still wanted me

to try to rest my adrenals. And this was over a year ago, and she started me on

other things too, so I don't remember all the details, but I definitely felt


Oh, and was it a 5 day taper or longer?

----------It was a long taper. She had me do 60mg/day for 1 week, then

40mg/day for 1 week, and then 20mg/day for 1 week, and then that's where I

stayed, was at 20mg/day for a maintenance dose.

In retrospect, it may have been a little too much and/or too long. But, I was

scared of taking 60mg/day right off the bat, so I kind of built up to it by

taking 20 and then 40 for a number of days, before taking 60 for a week, so I

probably kind of messed it up or was on higher doses for longer than I should

have been. Because now that I know it can push up my blood sugar, I think it

did it somewhat back then also. So I should have just done it exactly as she

wanted me to, and maybe that would have been better. And/or a shorter taper

would have probably been sufficient for me.

So I think it depends on how bad your adrenals are, and I would also take into

acount your blood sugar status. Many people with adrenal fatigue have low blood

sugar, so this probably wouldn't be a problem for them, but if yours happens to

be on the higher end like mine, then I would be careful.----------Jackie



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