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Re: Question about hair test

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> Hi,


> I have requested an analysis of my hair test from last January but

> have a question about this. I appear to have poor mineral absorption

> despite supplementation and this is said to be a good indicator of

> mercury poisoning. However, I also have read that poor mineral

> absorption can have other causes, such as reduced hydrochloric acid

> in the stomach, and this is a common hypothyroid symptom.

> Hypothyroidism can be, but isn't necessarily, caused by mercury

> poisoning.


According to Andy, deranged mineral transport is caused by mercury

poisoning. The only other possibility is pregnancy and lactation.

Reduced HCl is a problem that needs to be addressed while chelating.

(I thought it was more from adrenal insufficiency than from

hypothyroidism? not sure). Anyway, taking Betaine HCl with meals

should help. Many people also take digestive enzymes - animal derived

are the best.

> It's just that I'm trying to heal my adrenals (I am taking a steroid

> to support them) and chelation is hard on them, yet I am feeling

> poorly enough to be open to all options, even if it means chelating

> now. (The advice I've had was to heal my adrenals first but I can't

> carry on in the semi-functioning state I've been in either.)

Chelation should be fine as long as you are using low doses and

providing proper support to your body (There are some supplements that

we all need, and others that are individual. The best way to

determine what is needed for you is to go through the supplement

section of Amalgam Illness.)

It may be that chelation is what is needed to ultimately heal the


I will

> do a few rounds with DMSA and see how I feel but I wish I could know

> more certainly what the root of the problem is.

From your posts, there is no doubt in my mind about what the root of

your problem is. There may be lots of problems that have developed as

side issues from the major mercury problem.

I'd love to have a

> doctor willing to give me all the tests in AI. I'm on my own with

> this completely.


There is no need for fancy tests. Your response to the chelators

tells us that you are metal poisoned.

A hair test (essential elements from DDI) will give us some useful


> I felt better from my first two DMSA doses today (12.5mg), then

> started feeling a little rough.

An indication that you are metal poisoned, and that the dose is about

right or maybe even too high.

With proper supplementation chelation is not as rough. You could list

the supplements that you are taking and doses and we can help.

Sorry if I'm repeating what others have said. I'm way behind on messages.


I'd forgotten what chelation is like.

> I can't identify whether it's simply strained adrenals, or mercury

> being pulled out. I can maybe have a better guess if I give it time.


> I'm really glad this kind of support list is here, and I'm grateful

> for the help I've received :)


> .


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Hi ,

Thanks again for your recent posts. I will look into betaine HCL. It

isn't normal for me to have stomach upset, don't know why I've

developed it recently, but even without any gastro upset there's that

poor mineral absorption. I've been taking some good supplements for a

long time and would like to know what they would do for me if I could

absorb them better.

I'm really focusing myself on serious long-term chelation now, done

according to the instructions from TK. I wish I'd come here while I was

chelating before and shared my concerns before I had those 5 months

off. They have been very hard, I've been so ill. I also went crazy with

chocolate because it was like a crutch, and I gained a lot of weight.

It's a time in my life I'm keen to move on from. I'm glad you all are

here and while I got here a little late in the day, I'm looking forward

to starting to feel better.


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In frequent-dose-chelation wrote:

> I felt better from my first two DMSA doses today (12.5mg), then

> started feeling a little rough.

---------I agree with what says below, and just want to add some things

you could try. Are you dosing every 4 hours? If so, some people feel better

with more frequent dosing, so you could try every 3 hours and see if it helps.

And Andy has also said that some people need to take some Vit C and/or magnesium

with pretty much every chelator dose, so you could try that too.

Otherwise, it may be that you need some adrenal support, or this could just be

an up and down that you will experience during the round. I have seemed to

notice that on my past few rounds, more up and down during the round. So if

it's not too bad, then maybe it will just pass. But you can certainly try the

above suggestions, and hopefully something will help.--------Jackie

An indication that you are metal poisoned, and that the dose is about

right or maybe even too high.

With proper supplementation chelation is not as rough. You could list

the supplements that you are taking and doses and we can help.

Sorry if I'm repeating what others have said. I'm way behind on messages.


I'd forgotten what chelation is like.

> I can't identify whether it's simply strained adrenals, or mercury

> being pulled out. I can maybe have a better guess if I give it time.

-----------From my own experience and from what others have posted, chelation

definitely seems to be a strain on the adrenals. Lots of Vit C is good for the

adrenals and for the oxidative stress caused by mercury and chelation, so that

is probably a good place to start. And other adrenal support can help also. It

is sort of a puzzle and alot of trial and error sometimes to figure out what we

really need, but once you do, things should go more smoothly.--------Jackie


> I'm really glad this kind of support list is here, and I'm grateful

> for the help I've received :)

---------Yes these groups are wonderful, and I appreciate everyone who

contributes to them and shares their experiences. Good luck---------Jackie


> .


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Jackie, thanks for your suggestions. I take 3g of vitamin C with each

meal, so it would be easy to spread the doses out so that I have some

with each DMSA dose. I'd happily add magnesium too but unfortunately

it's expensive and I already take 800mg a day, so I'll see first where

I get with the vitamin C.

I'd like to aim to not have to stress dose HC at all when I chelate,

because it would indicate an ongoing stress on the adrenals. I'll have

to see how I react to 6mg DMSA. I seem to keep on an even keel with 4-

hourly doses, though that will change to 3-hourly when I eventually add

ALA. I'd rather stick to 4-hourly at the moment so that I don't stress

those adrenals more than necessary. If I start as gently as I can, I

might stand a chance of being able to build up from there.

Thanks again for the advice,


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Not Jackie here, but I wanted to offer a couple of thoughts.

See below.


> Jackie, thanks for your suggestions. I take 3g of vitamin C with each

> meal, so it would be easy to spread the doses out so that I have some

> with each DMSA dose. I'd happily add magnesium too but unfortunately

> it's expensive and I already take 800mg a day, so I'll see first where

> I get with the vitamin C.

Spreading out the vitamin C is a good idea.

I would suggest trying to increase magnesium at some point. If cost is

an issue, you can buy mag citrate in powder form, which is a bit less

expensive. Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) works fine and is quite


I didn't get much benefit from magnesium until I was taking 1200mg per

day. I wish I had tried to increase the dosage sooner. Even now, I

get lazy sometimes and take less, but I really notice the difference

and I find I need to increase again. Some of us need a lot more than


> I'd like to aim to not have to stress dose HC at all when I chelate,

> because it would indicate an ongoing stress on the adrenals. I'll have

> to see how I react to 6mg DMSA. I seem to keep on an even keel with 4-

> hourly doses, though that will change to 3-hourly when I eventually add

> ALA. I'd rather stick to 4-hourly at the moment so that I don't stress

> those adrenals more than necessary.

When chelation is " rough " , dosing more often can sometimes be very

helpful. I found DMSA every 4 hours to be quite rough. Decreasing

the interval, even keeping the same dose, felt sooo much better.

More adrenal support may help too. In addition to hydrocortisone, I

take ACE, cordyceps, and licorice for my adrenals. Not to mention

appropriate vits/mins. If you haven't tried some of these additional

adrenal supports, it's well worth considering.


If I start as gently as I can, I

> might stand a chance of being able to build up from there.


> Thanks again for the advice,

> .


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