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question about testosterone

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Hi Dave,

Something you said in your post a couple weeks ago stuck in my mind.

You said that after 17 months of chelation you started getting some

Testosterone back.

Can you tell me what your symptoms of low testosterone were and how

you knew that your body was producing more?

I had a huge loss of libido last year and don't know if that is normal

aging (I just turned 39) or could be Hg related.

For 19 yrs my only symptoms have been extreme fatigue, foggy

headedness, slow mental processing & poor memory - so I don't know if

I have the level of mercury poisoning that would affect hormone levels.

Also, I never had the hair test (only blood after challenge). Is it

too late now that I'm chelating? and if not, can I get one without a

Dr. prescription?

Thanks -


> . I am glad to hear that you have removed all the amalgam -

whew! :)


> Yes, tiredness in response to chelation is very common. DMSA makes me

> exhausted. ALA has other effects, but it doesn't do that (to me).


> If you take a look at p.52 of Andy's first book (Amalgam Illness)

you will see

> a graph of how symptoms (can) decrease for a while at the beginning

but then

> (essentially always) increase for a period of time that can last up

to 12

> moths. It took that long for me to see my grinding exhaustion

relieve, and

> just become basic run-of-the-mill exhaustion. Another 5 months for

me to get

> some testosterone back. After that, it was a long slow progression


> I was pretty poisoned, though, so you may progress faster, depending.


> If you are feeling tired, then you are definitely on the right

track. As I

> mentioned, chelators won't have an effect if they are not removing


> Unless you had your last amalgam removed less than 3 months ago,

then you can

> go ahead with ALA right away. You will find different side effects,

and since

> it goes across the BBB, you may find mental manifestations if you

extend your

> rounds (I started at 9 days, which is the point at which I found the

> psyhchiatric effects to be too much). That, of course, depends on

what kind of

> symptoms you started out with; it will be less likely if your

symptoms never

> got to the level where you were noticing any depression, anxiety,

paranoia or

> psychotic symtomology.


> In any case, the effects will be different, and it is just possible

that you

> may find ALA easier - or perhaps some combination might be easier.


> By the way, did you do a hair test? I should have mentioned that if

you have

> any lead, then DMSA will be an (occasional, 3 days per month)

necessity. If

> you do have a hair test, why don't you post it? I'd be happy to go

over it;

> and there are things you can get out of it over and above toxicity.


> Dave


> ---------------


> Posted by: " Depue " seandepue@... seandepue

> Sun May 25, 2008 10:00 am (PDT)

> Dave,


> I am sorry i didn't mention that I did have the last of my amalgams

> replaced before I started on the chelation. panoramic x ray shows no

> more metal.


> So should i attribute increased fatigue from chelation to mercury

> removal? I sure hope that is so - then I know I am doing my body good.


> Can you give me any idea of how long it takes for symptoms to lessen?


> I plan on continuing dmsa for 1 to 2 additional months then adding

> a-lipoic acid for however long it takes to feel normal.


> It is hard to know if I am on the right track as I have tried MANY

> different medical treatments that seemed promising to feel better and

> none have worked.


> Thanks for your response,



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Posted by: " Depue " seandepue@... seandepue

Fri Jun 6, 2008 11:50 am (PDT)

>Hi Dave,

>Something you said in your post a couple weeks ago stuck in my mind.

Just happened to stick in your mind, huh? :)

>You said that after 17 months of chelation you started getting some

Testosterone back.

>Can you tell me what your symptoms of low testosterone were and how

you knew that your body was producing more?

Ah, I think they call it " nocturnal tumescence " .

Symptoms? Well, my hyper-over-turbo-sex-drive that had always been such a pain

in the ass, suddenly ... vanished. Kind of disconcerting. I mean, it was

always so over the top that part of me wanted it gone, but then ... well, it

was part of my identity, you know.

>I had a huge loss of libido last year and don't know if that is normal

aging (I just turned 39) or could be Hg related.

Ooph. 39! Forget it. It's the mercury.

If it's an issue for you and you want to try replacement, someone just sent me

a list of things that can boost testosterone. I can't attest to any of this,

but you may want to try.

>For 19 yrs my only symptoms have been extreme fatigue, foggy

headedness, slow mental processing & poor memory - so I don't know if

I have the level of mercury poisoning that would affect hormone levels.

Are you _kidding_! One or both of your adrenals/thyroid are trashed. Did you

do a hair test yet? Did you post it?

>Also, I never had the hair test


>(only blood after challenge).

Useless _and_ dangerous.

Is it too late now that I'm chelating? and if not, can I get one without a

Dr. prescription?

No and yes. Go to Directlabs.com, order the " Hair Elements " test (_not_ the

" Toxic Hair Elements " test) and do it by phone so you can tell them you are

from the autism mercury list - they should give you a discount. When complete,

they will send a pdf of the results. Then, you can have Dean post the test:


>Thanks -


Here's that list. You might want to do a hormone test from DiagnosTechs.Com

first (or ZRT Labs) before messing around with it - or not....

This is the short list of possibly effective OTC testosterone boosters:

Tribulus terrestris (gokshura in ayurvedic tonics), an herb widely used in

men's supplements today. Active chemical may be a protodioscin.

Tongkat ali (Eurycoma longifolia) is a SE Asian traditional medicine (as a male

aphrodisiac, for fatigue and other purposes).

Orchic tissue glandular supplements like the Standard Process glandulars

(usually bovine, sometimes porcine). The bovine orchic substance is mostly

from BSE free New Zealand animals.

Pregnenolone and DHEA.

Androstenedione (a metabolite of DHEA) was an OTC supplement until it and other

related prohormones were banned by the FDA in 2004. Now they put tribulus in

supplements that once contained this.

There is quite a bit of homeopathic testosterone out there and being sold in

the bodybuilding supplement catalogs. Could this possibly be effective? Or a

sign of how creative/desperate the bodybuilding marketers are?

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