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----Mom and Dad's hair tests (very long)

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Hi - I see your folks' tests. They are lucky to have you there

to do this, because the situation is not good.

DAD - All high pattern & also excessive scatter. He meets two, and

probably even three counting rules (I can't be sure how many are in the

red). So, his cells are having a systemic problem regulating their

levels of essential elements - that is a mercury problem. The aluminum,

antimony, arsenic & nickel elevations are probably real, even with the

all high pattern. Elevation in these elements is very common in mercury

toxicity cases. Lead is astronomical. Silver may be high. Cadmium is

probably not an issue. Copper is red high.

MOM - All high pattern & also excessive scatter. She definitely meets

three of the counting rules - mercury problem again. The aluminum &

arsenic are elevated and probably real. Lead is very high. Bismuth is

elevated. Silver may be high. Cadmium is probably not an issue. Copper

is red high.

Both your parents have very similar issues. Indeed, it's astonishing to

see how the two of them are basically clones of each other - at least

when it comes to the hair test. The only salient difference I see, is

that mom has bismuth, which is in make-up and medical products for

digestive tract conditions. So, you want to look at removing these


You can start with the copper protocol. Search on this, but basically

it means that you have to keep dietary copper low (nuts are a definite

no-no) and take zinc and molybdenum. Since they both have it, you

should do a DDI water test to see if you have high copper water. (You

will also be looking for lead, which may be in the solder joints of the

pipes, and arsenic. Since they both have both of these elevated, it is

possible, even likely, that there is a source of exposure.)

For the antimony, you might also consider starting by looking at washing

all bedding in borax washing powder five times, to get rid of the

antimony fire retardant. You can replace the mattress by an organic

no-flame-retardant futon, or if they don't want to do that, you can

consider getting a plastic cover. They should also look at washing

cotton clothing in the same borax, as it is also impregnated with flame

retardant. They might start buying organic cotton cloths.

For the arsenic. Consider methylation enhancers (TMG, B12, folic acid -

HTI p.240)

For lead and arsenic, look for exposures. The DDI water test is a place

to start. For the lead, get lead check swabs (leadcheck.com was the

cheapest when I looked into it) and check paint, furniture, any old or

imported ceramics, check glassware. Also, check some of the pipes to

see what kind of solder was used. Consider that the soil in the lot may

be full of lead and/or arsenic, since up to the mid 50's lead and

arsenic were used as pesticides on fruit and their house may be on an

old fruit orchard. (HTI, p.244)

For the possibility of silver - do they use silverware (made out of

silver) or silver platters etc to eat from? Any medical use of silver

nitrate? (HIT, p.248)

While you can do everything I have listed above, you will not be able to

chelate with DMSA (needed for lead & bismuth) or ALA until all lead,

arsenic and mercury exposures are dealt with. With such high levels of

lead, I give it high odds that there are exposures going on; and I think

it not unlikely with arsenic. If I remember correctly, your father

still has amalgams, but your mother does not. Your father will have to

wait 3 months after removal of amalgam to use any ALA.

Now, the other thing that I see in the hair test is that Ca/P is on the

high end, meaning that both are slow oxidizers. They need a lot of B

vitamins, may need betaine HCL and/or ascorbic lcid (the acid form of

vitamin C) at meals to help digestion, and might consider a diet that is

low/moderate fat. Also, it is possible that table salt could help (see

HTI, p.112 - misprint there, first word in the first full paragraph in

the second column should be " fast " , not " slow " .)

That's all I see here. They have a big project ahead of them, .

Would you be willing to tell us something about their symptoms? It

would help me learn to associate them to what I'm seeing in the hair

test. Also, what medications are they on?


PS. This is a way that might help you to talk to them about the hair

tests. Tell them that they should begin by looking at the essential

elements. There, they would expect to see most of them near the mean.

Also, they would expect to see about half on one side of the mean and

half on the other. They will see immediately that most of the essential

elements are far from the mean and that most of them are high. You can

tell them that mercury is the only thing that causes this kind of

systemic problem. It is a problem in the functioning of their cells,

which are not properly regulating how much of these essential elements

are allowed in and how much are excreted. When this happens, mercury

begins to accumulate in the body, but does not _necessarily_ show up in

the hair. (But this is not the case for things like lead.)

Then, you can point them to the toxic elements. Tell your mother that

even though mercury is only mildly elevated, we know it is a problem

because of the disorder in the essential elements. Tell your father

that even though his mercury is low, we know that it is elevated in his

body (rather than in his hair cells) because of the effect it is causing

making his hair elements disordered. Tell him that the fact that it is

so low, is actually a bad sign, because all of us are exposed to

environmental mercury, he is particularly exposed through his fillings,

and so he should at least be excreting some. The fact that he is not,

indicates that it is all accumulating in his body. You might explain

that this excretion break-down is specific to mercury (not lead, not

arsenic, just mercury). Tell them that there are strong links between

dementia and metal poisoning, particularly mercury.

You can tell them that the cadmium may be an artifact of the disordered

mineral transport, and that they should be focusing on the other toxic

elements now.

I hope this helps. Keep us up-to-date, huh?

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> For the possibility of silver - do they use silverware (made out of

> silver) or silver platters etc to eat from?

You are amazing, Dave! Question about silver: I use real silverware,

solid sterling, so this is not good while chelating, right? <sigh>

Btw, I've been working non-stop on what's now become a jury trial

focused on exposing my MCS as " fake " . The people are trying to scare me

away so they can keep my money. I managed to stay detached but still

got a bit run-down with the silly business. Papers are filed.

Now working on adrenals with ACE and Cortef, gradually!, as per

and Jackie's recommendations. Things getting better. So, yay...


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