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Re: Hg and elevated iron levels/liver enzymes - reply to Andy

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Thank you so much for the response Andy. I will try and limit my

responses to the stuff that really matters or this would be a monster

of a long post...

> I can't imagine how those tests translate into a liver biopsy being

ethical to perform on

> you. You must have had something else going on clinically.


> The numbers are fine. Generally MD's blow off ALT and AST under 100


I have all sorts of other issues/symptoms like massive weight loss, GI

issues, new and sudden food intolerance, muscle twitches/neuro

symptoms, periods of low platelets/easy bruising and thyroiditis but

as far as liver specific the only other things I can think of were

slightly low ceruloplasmin at 17 mg/dL (range 20-60) and slightly

elevated blood ammonia at 34, where upper ref range was 32 (not sure

of units of measure). A 24 hr urine test already showed no copper

issue though, so while they were able to check that with the biopsy in

tissue I can't imagine that was a major driving factor.

I certainly thought it was overkill but when he ordered it I requested

that they check the sample for Hg and he said they would, so I figured

that would be a golden opportunity. I mean how often do you get a

core sample of a major organ? I was pretty pissed when I got the

results back and they did *not* check it for Hg, and he just blew it

off when I asked why. I am not seeing him anymore.

> > " The PDR states that Dimercaprol is


> Dimercaprol is not DMPS. It is BAL. A very different compound.

Sorry about that, totally my mistake. I need to read more carefully.

> The periodic high irons actually are more consistent with hemolytic

events (destruction of

> a lot of blood cells) than with iron overload. E. g. due to getting

bruised a lot, or to certain

> medical conditions.

I have had periods of easy bruising and at times low platelets but

they seem to have come back into range (above 150) and the bruising is

not an issue as of late. I have a new doc and have only met with him

once so I will see if I can get him to look into that. Thank you for

the information.

> I wouldn't suggest you limit it (vit C), you might limit dietary

iron instead.

Will take that approach.

> It is not at all clear if you have too much iron.


> I'd love to know why they did the liver biopsy, that might be relevant.

I hope I have answered that above, as best I can anyway! Thanks again.


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