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Re: Interpreting urine tests

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> I took five 24-hour Doctors Data urine toxic metals tests in 2005, at

> the request of my doctor, and recently ordered another one through

> Direct Labs. I did very little chelation between late 2005 and June

> of this year, but have done a lot since June.


> A comment Andy made about blood tests in an old post made me re-think

> urine test interpretation. Andy said that when taking ALA, even if a

> lot of mercury is coming out of the brain, etc., it will be diluted

> by the whole body's blood and might not show up much on a blood test.


> I don't know whether this dilution effect also applies to urine,


> but

> it seems possible that it would. Also, ALA is said to excrete mercury

> through feces rather than urine,

No, it increases fecal excretion and also urinary excretion.

> so mercury excreted by ALA will not

> show up in urine.

It does.

> In the case of a person whose extracellular mercury

> has been cleared, the only mercury that would show up in urine would

> be that mobilized by ALA and excreted with DMPS or DMSA or through

> natural processes.


> The first 2005 test, before I started chelation, shows low-green

> mercury. The next test, after some DMPS chelation, shows less

> mercury. The third test, after more DMPS chelation, shows zero

> mercury. The next two tests, after adding ALA to the DMPS, show

> mercury at twice the pre-chelation level, still in the lower green

> zone.


> Based on the preceding considerations, it now seems possible that the

> increase in urine mercury with ALA, after the extracellular mercury

> was apparently cleared, could be highly significant, despite being in

> the green zone. Side effects during chelation were and still are

> consistent with ALA engaging a lot of mercury.


> When I do the new urine test, it will be with DMSA (which excretes

> through the urine) + ALA. I did not use DMSA to any significant

> extent in 2005, and am interested to see how much lead will come out,

> as well as mercury and other stuff.


> I would be interested in any experiences or thoughts other people

> have.


The tests are a lot less informative than your side effects.

I did this kind of thing when I was chelating, lots of people do.

For my own interest I'd like to know the dates of amalgam removal, first

chelation, these

tests and the actual numerical mercury results. You can send that privately or

put it on

the list and tell me privately you did that. WIthout some time information I

can't say much



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