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Re: Yeast symptoms

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> I keep hearing about yeast symptoms, but not WHAT they are. I've

> been tested before and it came out that I did have a slight problem,

> but I'm wondering if it's getting worse.

Well, I can describe what are the symptoms I am aware of, but I am not

sure if everybody is equally affected, probably not: lots of gas

expelling and intestinal movements, tiredness and insomnia. There is

also a sort of mental restlessness or agitation. It is amazing how

promptly symptoms decay when using nystatine.

Nystatine is a very safe drug. It is not absorbed at all, so I think

it is worth to try it. Some people have an aggravation of their

problems when using it, due to the mycotoxins released during yeast

dye-off (fortunately this is not my case). Some carbon taken after the

nystatine (45 minutes later) would be of help if this is the case.

If nystatine does not have any effect, probably your problem is other.

Other antifungals could be used as well. It is difficult to find

something that kills yeast but not bacteria. Unfortunately, it seems

that every antifungal coming from plants are also antibacterial (this

is very convenient if you are a plant, since both yeast and bacteria

will attack you) and only antifungals coming from bacteria are

yeast-only killers (which is also very convenient if you are a

bacteria, yeast and bacteria are natural competitors!, nystatine is an

example of this).

I am not completely sure about this, but it seems to be the case for

caprylic acid, coconut oil, oregano oil, grapeseed extract, etc. :they

are all kill-everything, don't know if all are equally strong so maybe

some of them are only mildly antibacterial?


> Just finished 5th round 12.5 DMSA, 12.5 ALA. I actually feel better

> on round.


> Symptoms:

> Very, very foggy on and off round. Yeast?

> Itching on round

> Extreme Fatigue 2nd or 3rd day off round. Redistribution? and/or

> yeast

> ( noticed that taking more Isocort helps fatigue)

> runny nose on round????

> gurgling stomach on round

> headaches off round. redistribution?


> I have some Candida supplements that I will start taking this week,

> but would like some input on others symptoms so I know what to look

> for.


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