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Hair Test 206 - Andy et al.

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Here are my DDI hair results and history. I would greatly

appreciate any analysis. I believe I meet counting rule 4.

Also, I am curious, if mineral transport is affected can I infer

*anything* from my results at face value or are all bets off? For

example my apparent surplus of zinc, which I find highly unlikely,

could just as easily be a huge deficit in reality due to transport

issues messing with the results on my hair test?


(I apologize for the long load time as I scanned my own copy and sent

it to Dean, which ended up being a larger file than the DDI .pdf



1) What are your current symptoms and health history?

Fearful and mild ocd symptoms as a child, then anxiety/panic attack

issues started at age 18. Got better with medication (Paxil and

klonopin) and had a period of pretty good health for 5 years, then

things started going downhill about 3 years ago.

-Neurological symptoms: tingling, burning, pins and needles/numbness,

muscle twitches starting with eyes but now whole body is fair game,

tremor of ring and pinky fingers.

-Weight loss: Went from 220 to 160 lbs in about 2 years without trying.

-Gastrointestinal issues that were severe at first and have now gotten

better with allergy testing and diet modification. However I still

have yellow/orange stools so presumably a bile issue (?) as well as a

positive leaky gut test taken after symptoms had improved/post diet

modification. CDSA showed pancreatic insufficiency, high bile acids

and low beneficial bacteria.

-Allergy: Multiple food allergies developed out of the clear blue,

High IgA and IgE, negative for Sprue.

-Chemicals: Developed sensitivity to adhesives used in band aids,

heart monitor patches, some tapes, etc.

-Mood issues: depression, anxiety, huge, sudden mood swings for no

apparent reason.

-Brain fog and concentration issues. Intermittent, then TERRIBLE when

GI issues were at their worst, got better, then got worse again but I

believe that was tied to glutamine intake in large doses. Have not had

an episode since stopping the supplement 2 weeks ago.

-Sleep issues: insominia, myoclonic jerks (hadn't had in a couple

years, just started up again).

-Adrenal issues: Generally low cortisol levels after morning rise

period, dhea levels wonky (too high or too low), both urine/saliva

combo tests I have done suggested adrenal fatigue. About to do a 3rd.

-Thyroid issues: Unexplained thyroiditis (antibody testing was below

limits, presumed viral per my endo), T3 and T4 were above normal, TSH

was zero. Is self correcting now, 3 months since discovered.

-Liver issues: Elevated ALT (last 3 readings were 90, 80, 77 so may be

regulating), Very low cholesterol

-Iron issues: Elevated iron and iron saturation, normal ferritin, both

DNA marker for Hemochromatosis. Waiting for liver biopsy results.

-Other: Migraines, periods of easy bruising, tinnitus, eczema that

seems to have become psoriasis on hands and feet mainly, periods of

heart palps and one sustained rapid heartbeat event lasting 20 minutes

(subsequent EKG and 24 hour monitor showed nothing).

2) Dental history (wisdom teeth removed? First root canal placed?

Braces? First amalgam etc...)

-All wisdom teeth removed 12 years ago.

-7 amalgams placed from childhood to college (approx 1985-2000).

-No root canals/crowns/braces/etc.

3) What dental work do you currently have in place? What part of the

dental cleanup have you completed?

-All 7 amalgams removed in 2005, improperly, over 4 sessions and

replaced with composites. Only preventative method beyond routine

suction was a dental dam on the lower procedures, not the uppers.

-No other dental work.

4) What dentistry did your mother have at any time before or during


-At least 6 fillings, perhaps as many as 9, she can't recall exactly

when all were placed.

5) What vaccinations have you had and when (including flu and

especially travel shots)?

-All childhood vacs in 79/80.

-Heb B in 2004.

-Varicella in 2004 and again in late 2007, did not work either time

(still have insufficient antibodies), very odd. I never had chickenpox

despite exposure as child.

-Tetanus booster in 2007.

-No travel or flu shots.

6) Supplements and medications (including dosages) taken at time of

hair test, or for the 3-6 months before the sample was taken.

Prescription meds:

-Klonopin, .5 mg to .125 mg (on a slow tapper off after being on for

too long).

Supplements (links to ingredients when available):

-SomniTR, 1/day:

*Coleus forskohlii (standardized 20% forskolin) – 100mg

*Lactium – 75mg

*Pantethine – 20mg

*Melatonin – 2mg

-Lentra, 2/day:

*Magnesium – 22mg

*Taurine – 250mg

*L-theanine – 75mg

*Lactium – 75mg

*NSB (blend of amylase, lipase, protease and BioPerine

(standradized for 95%piperine from piper nigrum)

-Prolent, 1/day:



-ADR, 2/day with 2 week breaks every 8 weeks due to Ginseng:


-GlutAloeMine, 2 rounds in previous 6 mo:

http://www.theroadtohealthyliving.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info & prod\


-Intestinal repair Complex, 2 rounds in previous 6 mo:


-Fish Oil, 2 grams per day.

-Digestive enzymes, plant based.

-Random periods of Vit C intake (500mg-3g/day).

-Started B50, E and Milk Thistle about a month before hair test.

-In the same 1 month period I took some cal/mag/zinc and then zinc

alone, 7 times total.

7) Other information you feel may be relevant?

-Long term, low dose klonopin use (98-00 and again from 05-present)

may be a factor in some symptoms.

-Boron level could have been impacted by a homemade borax shampoo I use.

8) What is your location - city & country (so that we can learn where

certain toxins are more prevalent).

-Sacramento, CA, however was San Francisco CA 00-07, and Irvine CA 96-00.

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Thank you Dean! My responses are below.

> > Also, I am curious, if mineral transport is affected can I infer

> > *anything* from my results at face value or are all bets off?

> You can't trust the levels of most things.

> But you can get some clues from your test none-the-less.

> For example the adrenal and thyroid ratio's are still applicable and

you are

> out of range in both of those departments, indicating that cortisol


> tests for your adrenals and thyroid blood tests would be important.

> You also have a strong adrenal sign. Exhausted adrenals.

> Start by taking your temperatures also:

> http://www.livingnetwork.co.za/healingnetwork/body_temperature.html

I have done adrenal testing and have been treating with one product

called ADR for a few months but I don't think it's enough, plus my

stress level is still waaaay too high and I need to address that somehow:

ADR contains:

Panax ginseng extract 200 mg.

(standardized to contain 27-30% total ginsenosides)

Eleutherococcus senticosus extract 100 mg.

(standardized to contain 0.8% eleutheroside E & B)

licorice 100 mg.

(standardized to contain 12% glycyrrhizic acid)

whole adrenal (bovine) 150 mg.

adrenal cortex (bovine) 75 mg.

calcium pantothenate (B 5 ) 100 mg.

vitamin C (as ascorbyl palmitate) 15 mg.

As for thyroid I have T3/T4 and TSH data but not sure what else I

should be asking to get tested. The thyroiditis likely masked the

fact that I have really been hypo most of the time and I expect the

lab data to continue to slide back in that direction, as it has been.

I will

review your link and see what I can do and start measuring temp (I

know I fluctuate widely already).

I assume this hair related info (adrenal and thyroid ratios, how to

read hair

levels of things like zinc in reverse, etc) is all in HTI? I own a

copy of AI but need to order HTI.

> > -Weight loss: Went from 220 to 160 lbs in about 2 years without



> Adrenal symptoms again. You likely need cortisol to keep on the weight.

Possibly stupid question, but this is Rx only in the US, correct? I

need to talk to my doctor but I doubt he will prescribe...time to find

a new one anyway. Is there a way to get this legally via mail order?

> > -Gastrointestinal issues that were severe at first and have now gotten

> > better with allergy testing and diet modification. However I still

> > have yellow/orange stools so presumably a bile issue (?)


> Can be too few oils to get your bile flowing. Take 1-2 tablespoon of

> pharmaceutical grade fish oils.

> Can also be low stomach acid (due to adrenal and thyroid issues).

Take 10

> drops of 5% USP grade HCL in a little water with meals and see if

that helps

> darken the stools. You can use Betain HCL instead if you like

(though I did

> not find this darkened my stools).

I will up the fish oils and try some HCL and see what happens, thanks.

Did you ever try bile salts? That was the only other thing I was


> > -Adrenal issues: Generally low cortisol levels after morning rise

> > period, dhea levels wonky (too high or too low), both urine/saliva

> > combo tests I have done suggested adrenal fatigue. About to do a 3rd.

> Are you treating these and if so for how long?, because we would

expect to

> see better results on your hair test.

Just with the ADR as mentioned above, guess it is not working. :-)

> > -Thyroid issues: Unexplained thyroiditis (antibody testing was below

> > limits, presumed viral per my endo), T3 and T4 were above normal, TSH

> > was zero. Is self correcting now, 3 months since discovered.


> > -Liver issues: Elevated ALT (last 3 readings were 90, 80, 77 so may be

> > regulating), Very low cholesterol


> You need more fish oils and pregnenolone to lift cholesterol or you


> make cortisol.

> See an adrenal recovery program here:



Will review as I look to upgrade my adrenal support protocol, thanks.

> > -All wisdom teeth removed 12 years ago.


> Have you considered cavitations as part of your health problem?

Considered but have not gotten to that point yet. Need to set up an

appointment with a dentists in Berkeley who specializes.

> > -Heb B in 2004.

> This is a nasty one. Part of how I was poisoned.

Intuitively I knew this was one thing that set me on the downward

slope along with my improper amalgam removal based on symptom timing.

> > -Digestive enzymes, plant based.

> Animal based are better, especially since bromelain and papain are


> based (I think both are).

> Have you tried a sulfur exclusion diet?

Just switched to animal based enzymes and non dairy probiotics and

have been on a sulfur exclusion diet for a week now, and

happily(sadly?) it does

seem to help. I am now very confused as to what I am going to eat as

sulfur foods were a large part of my diet (eggs, leafy greens, beans,

etc). Will just have to adjust.

Thanks again for the response Dean.

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