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Re: O/T Andy's opinion on coffee enemas during chelation

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I am not sure if AI specifically mentions coffee enemas, but there was

a discussion a few weeks back where it semed like as many people that

said they helped, also said they seemed to aggravate adrenals and other

symptoms(I believe it was)

You can use the search mechanism and the words coffee enema and should

be able to find the posts

I was in the latter camp..ie it seemed to hurt more than help

as to inventions, well until the dental/medical community and the FDA

concur that mercury posioning is real and in the products they push

(vacinations and amalagam fillings), you're unlikley to see any medical

device protocol.research into how to clear mercury

-- In frequent-dose-chelation , " frankemkey "



> Id like to know if coffee enemas would assist in the chelation

> process being that all of these mobilized toxins need to be filtered

> through the liver. The late Max Gerson seemed to believe the enemas

> assisted signifigantly with detoxing the body. furthermore, when

> will the medical world accept this reality of the benefits of

> chelation and invent a blood filtration device that would connect

> by way of IV and assist the liver in removal of heavy metals. There

> must be a way...



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I think it was literally the hand of God (Andy) that guided me

here..sorry I do not mean to be sacreligious

funny story but I had not received his book ordered through amazon

so i managed to find the email and I think emailed amazon and they

forwarded my somewhat asinine email to andy

he responded in about 15 minutes and then told me about the forum

and it was like oh my gawd. At this point after likely 10 years of

downward health and trying everything under the sun, it was either

AI or off a cliff

I have found that anything that AI says has without exception been

right on. The book is overwhelming in its detail; in fact i almost

cried when i started reading it as i thought how the hell can i make

sense of this and it has 175 things and 5 different ways that should

be considered..it honestly crashed my adrenals..I then spent the next

3 months doing some of the basics that AI recommends, such as no

sulphur, adrenal support, amino acid tests and liver phase 1/2 tests

which really just confirmed what I already knew from my eractions and


Then I started slowly with this forum knocking off one topic after

another as my head was severely messed up from cilantro/sulphur and

EDTA and bad MCS due to fast phase 1 liver processing. I had liver

flukes, lymes, lost my hearing in one ear about 4.50 years ago..was a

walking health disaster, border line pre-diabetic blood sugar levels

I was a poster child for what not to be doing. In fact in 3 weeks it

will have been a year since I got his book and started my recovery

Without a doubt AI; Andy's email and this forum saved my life. I was

so messed up (suicidal) that this time almost a year ago, my

girlfriend called my mother to have her come out to sort of be with

me as she did not think i would be around by xmas 2007

I have been chelating for 8.5 months...(Nov-07) it was rough at the

start and there have been other rough patches (some bought on by me

rushing chelation) as your body expels a lot of mercury that it has

been holding on for years. I took weekly allergy shots for over 20

years (thimersol) and had leaking fillings as i drank gallons of diet

coke every day(I was self medicating for low energy/weak adrenals).

and my mother had a mouthful of fillings when i was born

This forum and the moderators and everyone else's posts/experience's

are invaluable in your recovery

I am sure I have another year+ to go but i feel much better in the

last few months (I think its true that there is a six month dumping

period...again AI is right on)

I had a root canal removed 3 months ago and i think this helped even

though i was nuttier than a fruit cake for 6 weeks after..very bad

symptoms... I think it (the area was holding onto mercury)

Its a process that will happen at its own speed depending on how

toxic you are; how disciplined you are to stick to it; how strong

your underlying health is; how many things wrong you have and how old

you are (My thoughts only).

trust and believe, it helps with the healing



> ,


> It does and thanks again. Are you currently chelating or what is

> your experience with the process? Id like to hear about your

> reasons for having found this group if you don't mind.




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