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Confused about candida and DMSA

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After trying a few rounds of DMSA at 6.25 mg, I decided to take a

break on the advice of my acupuncturist until I regained a bit more of

my strength. I weigh less than 90 lbs and can eat only 5 foods.

I also had a CDSA done to try to figure out what's happening in my

gut. It showed high SCFA's (the bad ones), dysbiosis (almost no good

bacteria, but no obvious bad ones or yeast)and very low

beta-glucuronidase. Basically, I probably have low stomach acid and

dysbiosis. The beta-glucuronidase is interesting; it can indicate

several things.

When I finally saw my doctor, after looking at the test, he said with

absolutely no hesitation that I have candida; it just doesn't show up

on the test because it's not in the stool but has invaded the

intestinal walls and probably the blood stream, in his opinion. He

says I'm too toxic to chelate. Plus, we are in France where chelation

is not allowed. His approach would be to recommend DMPS IV, which I

would never do anyway. He specifically said that DMSA isn't used in

Europe because it aggravates yeast.

He put me on a homeopathic yeast remedy. Given my reactions to it,

looks like he's on target with his dx, although I suspect it's not

candida but a different type of yeast. I could only take 3 drops to

begin with, not the 10 two-times a day, but I'm up to 6 drops now.

I am definitely regaining my strength through frequent acupuncture.

But I know I need to address the root problem (mercury, lead) or I

will just keep going around in circles.

I would really like to start Andy's protocol again. I've read a bit

on the site about DMSA aggravating yeast and lowering neutrophils;

mine are already below normal so I have some hesitation.

Do you have any suggestions for me? Do you think it's OK to try the

protocol if I am treating the yeast? I can only do a small dose

without symptoms, which now I'm not sure whether they are yeast

symptoms or mercury symptoms. I looked at Andy's recommendations for

raising neutrophils and addressing yeast (file on this site) and I'm

doing a few of these things (taurine and probiotics) at the moment.

I'd appreciate any wisdom you could offer.

Many thanks, Lee.

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