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Re: Doubled DMSA dose accidently, easing redistribution, how to proceed

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Cindy, I read somewhere one of Andy's key points of the protocol is to

maintain a steady amount of the chelator in the blood. So consistency

of the intervals are the most critical with the dose being the same at

each interval. When I start again, I am going to go at least every

three hours since I seem to have a fast metabolism on this. I would

GUESS that it is better to have a slight rise in the amount of chelator

in the blood than a large drop of chelator like from a missed dose.

Calcium and Magnesium seems to have helped with joint and muscle issues

during redistribution. I have also found that taking the core anti-

oxidants at roughly four hour intervals helps a lot more than I thought

it would. I am sure others have more suggestions.

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I suspect that the side effects are more from end of round

redistribution (that is somewhat expected) than from taking an extra dose.

If the side effects are too much, that is if they are more than you

can tolerate and go on for more than a couple of days, then the dose

of DMSA is too high. If you are ok with the side effects then another

round of 6.25 mg DMSA would be the next step. Do not increase the

dose or add ALA.

Andy's recommended supplements are what should help with side effects.

Be sure that you are taking the recommended doses of Mg, vit E, vit

C, and zinc, or at least working towards recommended doses.

There may be other supplements that will help with side effects. See

the supplement section of Amalgam Illness.

Is there any way that you could travel to Seattle to see

? It would be beneficial if she could review your case and

help you out with chelation. Another possibility would be to email

Andy and ask if there is a practitioner he knows of in your area.



> Hi everyone,


> I finished my third round of DMSA(6.25 mg every three hours) on

> Sunday. I had extended the round an extra day since I was feeling

> pretty good. I woke up Sunday early a.m close to when I could take

> another dose, and decided to continue the round a little longer. I

> took this dose, fell back asleep woke approximately 35 minutes later

> and being half asleep took another dose. I panicked a bit, but didn't

> notice anything until Tuesday. Since that time my ankle and knee

> joints have been extremely achy, and my leg muscles are very tight.

> I'm assuming these effects are from redistribution. Has anyone else

> experienced these kind of symptoms? What can I do besides continue

> with the recommended supplements to help get through this?


> I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in January. My hair test

> suggests mercury poisoning, high mid yellow copper and yellow high

> arsenic. I am anxious to start ALA to help with arsenic and of course

> get the mercury out of my brain. Should I do my next round with just

> DMSA at 6.25, or add 3mg of ALA in with it? Any thoughts would be

> appreciated.


> Cindy


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