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Re: Help needed -- any DMSA experts? (long) Lou

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> Hi --


> Sorry, I missed your comment about adrenals. I spent a couple of

> months working out how to support those with the right medication;

> tried hydrocortisone and large amounts of it weren't helping me.

>I am

> now taking methylprednisolone (medrol), and it's equal to 45mg of HC

> a day.

Hi ,

I haven't caught up on all messages yet - sorry if I am being repetitive.

There are many reasons why people might need higher doses of HC than

the 20 mg that is usually recommended. Something to consider is

whether or not you are using HC to treat other things besides the

adrenals. There could be a long list of possibilities. I am aware of

this because I was using HC to treat other things. I was having brain

electricity problems (absence seizures) and also significant pain and

anxiety. When these 3 things were treated with other medications I

was able to decrease the HC dose. Other things that I had to work on

were gut problems, and other hormones like adding Progesterone, DHEA,

and Testosterone.

If you are gaining weight with your current HC dose, that would be an

indication that the dose is too high and it is time to evaluate

possible ways to get the dose down a bit.

(I think you said you saw me talking about pred? I thought

> you'd said pregnenolone -- silly brain fog.) I still use HC for

> stress dosing though, and I've taken some today because the DMSA I've

> re-started has necessitated it. I feel quite all right though, and

> more than all right -- it's looking like the chelation might be

> starting to lift the cloud that's hung over me for so long.


> So were all those previous months of chelation a waste of time -- was

> I doing nothing but re-distributing mercury?

Imo, the months of chelation were not a waste of time. Since you were

taking the chelators at the half life, you were removing mercury. The

problem was that removal was happening too fast and your body was

getting stressed in the process.

This time it would be best to go slow and provide lots of support to

all of your organs along the way.

How do I make sure that

> I'm really chelating it properly this time and that my doses aren't

> too big?

The side effects of chelation should not be so severe that they

interfere with your life. By side effects I mean the symptoms that

you experience on round as well as after the round stops.

Once you find an appropriate dose, stay there for a couple of months

before attempting to increase, and then increase by increments of 50%

or less.

I never got increased symptoms with big doses, just symptoms

> when I stopped between rounds.


Those symptoms between rounds were the indication that the dose was

too high.

> I think we're doing the right thing by supporting our adrenals BTW.

Yes, adrenal support will help your body to heal.

> It's just a shame we had to crash out before we discovered that we

> needed it.


I crashed out before I even started to remove amalgams ;)


> I will follow your advice about doing a few rounds with DMSA alone

> first. I think I can probably cope with 12.5mg, that's what I

> originally started with. See how I go.


> Thanks again for your help :)

> .


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Hi ,

Thanks very much for your posts. They are heartening. I'm feeling

pretty rough today and am waiting to start chelating again. I

remember these symptoms from when my amalgams came out: deep brain

fog, anxiety, indigestion, loss of appetite. I was developing these

to a degree before my recent attempted chelation round, but they are

worse now than they've been in a long time. I might really have

stirred some mercury up.

I have to prep a lot of school work for this autumn too, which is

making my symptoms difficult to endure at the moment. I suddenly

became quite clear-headed when I took the DMSA. I was sorry to have

to let go of that.

It's quite possible that I've got other hormones that need treating;

maybe this, along with poor absorption, is contributing to a need for

a higher medrol dose. I have HC cream and tried some once; it had a

pretty powerful effect. Bypasses the gut there and goes straight into

the system. I don't want to be absorbing all the " yuck " that the

cream contains on a regular basis though.

You are the first person who has told me that the months I chelated

were not a waste of time. That's been upsetting me. I still find it

odd that I wasn't improving, but when I think back to things I was

telling people in those days, I did feel some spells of improvement

in the autumn -- when my chelator doses were lower, and I was taking

proper breaks between rounds. That winter was when I just flatlined.

At the time I assumed it was because of SAD, then I assumed it was

because I'd chelated all the mercury out and it was no longer a


I'm interested to find what the experts here make of my hair test

results. I've been asked to scan them in and send them. I'm looking

for a scanner at the moment.

I'm clear on " side effects " now -- for me, those come between rounds.

That makes sense to me. So if I'm getting brain fog, digestive

issues, etc, to a distressing degree, I'll know it's too much. I hope

I can cope with 6mg because that's about as low as it goes.

I'm sorry to hear that you " crashed " too -- but it sounds like you

have made excellent progress if you are here advising people. I know

I could be a lot worse than I am and that it's an achievement just to

be functioning from day to day and holding down a job, so that's all

a plus. It's hard to be positive at the moment but I am trying. I'll

start a proper round soon and if you don't hear much from me, no news

will be good news!

Thanks ,


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