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Re: How long does ALA chelation take for an adult?

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I am more optimistic than that! According to Cutler's estimations, the

percentage of removed mercury after T days of chelation using ALA is

A = 100*(1-exp(-C*T)),

where C is some constant ranging from 0.0063 to 0.0099.

If you want to get rid of 90% of your mercury, you will have to be ON

a number of days raging from about 233 to 365 days, depending on what

coefficient applies to your case.

But I hope you will feel a lot better well before that 90% is reached!

Tomorrow will be my 100th day ON on ALA, so I guess I've removed a 46%

of my mercury according to the worst estimation, 62% if I am more

optimistic. Not done yet, but I would say I do feel a lot better now

than when I started.


> in 2004, Andy Cutler said: " What I am hearing at this point makes me

> believe that real wellness for most autistic kids is found after

> something more like 100-300 rounds. I realize this sucks and I wish

> there was a faster way to do it, but it is still a lot better than

> leaving him autistic. " This post is at

> http://onibasu.com/archives/am/111518.html


> He is apparently talking about 2.6 day rounds that include ALA, at

> around 1/2 mg per pound of weight, a dosage level that most kids

> apparently tolerate better than many adults.


> At one round per week this is 2 to 6 years, with a median of 4 years.


> At one round every two weeks this is 4 to 12 years, with a median of

> 8 years.


> That's a long time.


> I am wondering how applicable these numbers are for non-autistic

> adults.


> Continuous chelation, without breaks, would take from .72 to 2.17

> years, with a median of 1.44 years. Not many people can chelate

> without breaks because of increased side effects as a round gets

> longer. Addressing lead requires DMSA, which apparently should not be

> taken without breaks, along with the ALA. For people who can tolerate

> long rounds, maybe DMSA something like 2 or 3 weeks on and 1 week off

> is possible, which would let one chelate 67% or 75% of the time,

> fairly close to 100%.


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Hi BT!


> I put that formula into Excel, and included a column that gives

> number of years adjustable by a percent-on constant that one can

> change, and graphed it. It's interesting to play with this.


> Cutler's 100-300 rounds implies something like 98% clearing of brain

> mercury for a full cure. 90% takes significantly less time.


Probably cleaning 98% of mercury is a good idea, but I sincerely hope

that something like 90% or less will be enough for healing. I am not

sure about this point.

> I see from your past posts that you are successfully using high

> doses. According to figures Cutler has given, doubling the dose may

> accelerate clearing by 40%, which means that quadrupling the dose

> might accelerate by 100%.


Well, after about 30 days ON using 200 mg of ALA each two hours (with

breaks) I was very tired, so I downsized to 100 mg. It seems I'm doing

very well at that dose.

> I am on a very frequent dose schedule -- once per hour daytime, once

> per two hours at night. I am doing it to minimize side effects, but

> it also accelerates progress somewhat by giving me more total daily

> chelator intake than a 3 hour dosing schedule.

Good! I think I will keep at 100 mg for some time, but the idea of

dosing each hour sounds good to me... However, I think that Cutler

would say something like " if you have found something that works for

you, keep with it! " .

Good luck!


> It would be nice to be able to chelate without breaks, and finish

> chelation quickly, but one needs to do what is comfortable and

> feasible, even if it takes a long time.


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