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Re: Re: DMPS every 3 hours? (any negatives?) -- beigetable & mercurybeater

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In frequent-dose-chelation petshopgirl6 wrote:

I'm hoping that perhaps (mercurybeater) and beigetable can

chime in, as they wrote in replies with their experiences using DMPS

every 3 hours (as well as anyone else, of course)...

----------I also found that 8 hours was way too long, and I usually dose every

5-6 hours now, but I haven't tried more frequent than that yet. So this

discussion has made me think of trying something lower, like maybe 4 hours, and

see how I do.---------Jackie

After having read your replies, I'm now considering taking DMPS more

frequently during rounds, possibly even up to every 3 hours like you,

as an " experiment " to see how I feel and if there seems to be less

side effects/redistribution going on then.

----------It's always ok to try more frequent dosing, to see how you do.

Stretching it out farther than the half life is what is bad and is never

recommended. The thing to remember is that this will increase your total

chelator intake for the day, and you may have to reduce your individual dosages,

if you feel like its too much.----------Jackie

I was wondering if there were any possible negatives, or risks, to

doing this? (eg. is it more taxing on the adrenals or liver, to take

it so frequently?). B/c I understand the standard procedure (and

what Cutler recommends) is taking it every 6 to 8 hours.

----------I think it would be more taxing if the total chelator for the day

reached an amount that was just too much for your body to handle. So if you

went from 8 hour dosing to 4 hour dosing, and took 10mg each time, you would

essentially be doubling your total mg taken in a day by doing this. So that's

what I would be concerned about. Otherwise, the more frequently you take a

chelator, the more level your blood level will be, and that should be a good


I've completed 4 rounds -- I used 10mg DMPS every 6 hours, 3 days on

and 3 days off. I thought 10mg was quite a low starting dose and so

probably safe, but by the 4th round, I got bad side effects and even

stopped for 3 weeks to take a break. I'm now set to resume chelating

again, and am trying to figure out my dosing game plan...

(BTW, in retrospect, I don't think it was the 10mg dosage that was so

much the problem as the 3 days on, 3 days off schedule. I think I

need to take a lot more time off after rounds than the 3 standard

days. Is this common?)

----------This certainly varies by person, and some do need more time off.

Many do 3 on/4 off, so it's the same days weekly that they are chelating, and

some do 3 on/11 off, to do it every other week. And people probably do every

other imaginable thing in between. My chelation schedule is often dictated by

my personal life/schedule, so is not always consistent, but I also don't start a

round if I don't feel up to it either.----------Jackie

My plan had been to reduce the dosage to a very low 5mg, taken every

6 hours, 3 days on, and longer days off (anywhere from 5 days to 2

weeks off, depending on how I felt). How does this sound?

----------That would be a reasonable thing to try. It does take some

experimenting in the beginning to find out what works best for *you*. And that

is the key, it has to work for you, not for someone else.-------Jackie

But now, I'm even considering taking it more frequently during the

day... if so, should I lower the dosage accordingly? Eg., instead of

5mg every 6 hours, do it 2.5mg every 3 hours? (if I could even widdle

it down to that little!) Or maybe 4mg every 4 hours?... Any advice

would be greatly appreciated!

-----------I guess my suggestion would be to try the 5mg every 6 hours, and

see how you do. Even during the round, you could try lowering it to 5 hours,

but keep the dose the same, or even 4 hours, and see if it feels better than the

6 hours. It is ok to take it more frequently during a round, you just don't

want to do lots of changes during any one round.

And since you handled 10mg ok, I'm guessing that 5mg should be ok for you, and

hopefully you won't have to go lower than that, even with more frequent dosing.


PS. Not that I've done any tests or anything to confirm this, but I

believe I'm also a fast phase 1 liver metabolizer, in case that makes

any difference.

-----------Then that could mean that you will do better with more frequent

dosing, and it is always worth trying.---------Jackie



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