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Re: Val/Jackie---hormones/thyroid/infections

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Hi Val, this post kinda got lost in the shuffle, and I just stumbled on it

again. More below.-------Jackie

In frequent-dose-chelation seashell_555 wrote:

> -----------Yes, such a journey. I am going to do some more

testing for thyroid and other hormones, so we'll see where that

leads. Possibly thyroid support. Not sure if my problem is

pituitary, or antibodies, or both or what. I'll keep you guys

posted. But I am definitely at the point of needing something

beyond adrenal support. Let's keep in touch on this. Thanks--------


-------------Just an update, I did get my regular doctor to test for thyroid

antibodies again, and also a few other pituitary hormones, to see if they are

out of whack too, like my TSH which was almost 0. I don't have the results yet,

but I'll keep you guys posted. He wouldn't test all of my hormones, so I'll do

some other hormone testing with . The last time we did saliva testing, I

still had low hormones, including testosterone, which we have never supplemented

yet. So I have the feeling I may need to supplement alot of hormones to feel




I would definitely look into thyroid support. From all my

reading (and I do alot!) thyroid support is essential to symptom

relief. Tietelbaum goes so far as to say Fibro patients,if low in

thyroid, will not recover without support. The big question is what

kind? T3, Armour, 's syndrom?? Yet another labryinth to go


-----------I'll try to recap my doctor/thyroid journey briefly. First alt doc

did complete thyroid panel and found the antibodies, but was a DC, so couldn't

prescribe anything. Never told me I had Hashi's. Quit seeing her because she

had bad ideas about chelation, and gave me ALA with my amalgams still in. Next

alternative doc said I had Hashi's, and told me to try selenium first, to help

with conversion of T4 to T3. Later he did let me try Armour thyroid, but he

didn't understand the adrenal part and I was just learning about it, so I tried

Armour with no adrenal support, and crashed harder than before. Expensive,

arrogant, DAN doctor, who wouldn't discuss Cutler's protocol, and didn't

understand adrenals and thyroid, so I nixxed him. Finally tried adrenal support

(Isocort) on my own, and was thrilled! Felt much better until appendix ordeal.

Finally went to see , and wouldn't you know it, but thyroid

numbers were up at that time, which can happen with Hashi's, you fluctuate up

and down. So we let it go at that time, because we had so many other things to

address. Felt better after seeing her, because we addressed other low hormones

and got on HC. Last fall I had my antibodies retested, and they were lower,

below the reference range, so was optimistic that maybe thyroid was getting

better on its own, or with just supplements. Then I had insurance problems

first half of 2008, so didn't do any testing until now (and wanted labs

back in Feb).

So my current labs has got me back on the thyroid trail, and after I get all

my labs back, wants to have a consult, and we'll make a game plan. She's

a fan of 's, so I may give that a try. I have been on adrenal support for

a long time, so it should be safe for me to do thyroid support now. But like

you said, which one? I know has been pleased with 's, likes

her SRT3 daily/continuous, and others like Armour. The theory of clearing out

the RT3 with 's sounds interesting, so is probably worth trying. I'll let

you know what I end up doing.----------Jackie

On another note, have you ever been tested for mycoplasma, and all

the other nasties out there? A friend of mine has gotten huge

relief from antibiotic therapy. She feels like a new person with it

and thinks she's been battling some underlying infection for years

without knowing it.

---------No, I have not been tested for such things. I had mono as a teen, so

have asked about the Epstein Barr virus, with different doctors, but haven't

gotten anyone to test anything yet. I don't remember what each doctor told me,

I think the testing is expensive, and I believe that is what told me, is

that you can spend $$$$$$ testing for these things, when it is cheaper/easier

just to do a viral protocol and do chelation.

So I do believe that these other things go along with being toxic and they

need to be addressed, but haven't been able to get a doctor to test for them.

One doctor did test me for lyme, and it was negative.

I'm also interested in the theory that these things can hide out with the

heavy metals, and they get exposed as you chelate. I think alluded to

this also. Because I think this happens with me. I do some chelation, and then

I often get sick or feel like I'm fighting a virus or something. And I seem to

tolerate and need *alot* of immune boosting stuff. So this may be another

reason why chelation is slow for me and taking so long. I have alot to deal

with, besides mercury.

As far as antibiotics, I don't know. I have had mixed results, when given

them for other things. I think sometimes I feel better after having them, so

maybe they knock back these other nasties, but then I also had a horrible

experience after having Levaquin, which honestly felt like a huge redistribution

of mercury, and I really don't know if I have ever been the same since, 2 years

ago. So after that, I'm a little leary of them, to say the least. I was more

worried about a reaction to antibiotics than I was about having surgery last

December. But it was fine. I just tell everyone, no Levaquin for me.

So I definitely believe that many of us are dealing with other bugs, besides

mercury, and probably because of it, but not sure if antibiotics or other

anti-viral protocols are the way to go. If you can get some testing done that

is covered by insurance, I'd say go for it.---------Jackie

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