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Re: Hair Test - Collette.

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9 outside green zone, one borderline.

6 high, 2 borderline.

Li, Co red low; B, Mn are very close, but not quite.

(I had to look up norms to get that.

The way this test is printed is really very unclear.)

Cu a bit elevated, but not red.

No counting rule met, but it looks like it's on the way to disordered mineral


Hg is quite low, perhaps a bit too low.

Al is mildly elevated, common to accumulate in Hg tox.

Li is red low, also common in Hg tox.

(Try lithium orotate or aspartate)

Hg tox is not ruled out, but it's not real clear either. It looks like

minerals are on their way to becoming disordered.

Even though Cu is not red, it is a bit elevated. Consider using the copper

protocol for a while just to get this down a bit: zinc, molybdenum, liver

support and avoidance of high copper foods (particularly nuts) and Cu

containing supplements.

Co is red low - consider B12.

Na/Mg = .66, low ==> not enough adrenaline

Give TMG, B12, folic acid and try B6.

Consume tyrosine and phenylalanine.

(In red meat, mammals, or supplement.)

This could help with mood and energy.

K/Ca = .025 which is a bit low.

<<perhaps>> check thyroid:

fT3, fT4, TSH, Antibodies.

Here is the deal on B6:

B6 does not agree with everyone.

Adult: 100-250mg with meals and at bed-time (3-4x/day).

If it works, worth experimenting with amounts. If not, don't jack it up.

If > 500mg 4x/day can get tingling & numbness in hands & feet.

If happens, stop and it will cease in a few days.

Adjust for children, assuming avg adult weight 135lb.

From here you would want to go to symptoms to see if they are consistent with

mercury. Remind me, would you? Did you mention his symptoms in your previous


I do see that he doesn't have the elevated silver.



Posted by: " cann7899 " cann7899@... cann7899

Fri May 23, 2008 4:42 pm (PDT)

Hi everyone,

I finally got my hubby's hair test posted and mine - although mine is

hard to see and isn't DDI. However his is 171 at Dean's site.


I am having trouble with the counting rules...it seems he meets #4?

Any insights you might have would be helpful. Don't know if he will do

anything about it....


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