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Re: after two + months on 25 mgs of ALA , have had to cut dosage

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I don't know if this can help but here's the ala dilemma we solved..

My dd gets really bad mental symptoms with ala. Agitated, anxiety,

depressed, irritable...just a mess really. That was at 15mg or 12.5mg.

For some of us we need even less than that. But anyway, increasing

adrenal support when on rounds, giving a lot of extra vitamin C and

making the last few doses of the round just dmsa, eradicated these

side effects for her. She was so bad, I thought I might have to stop

chelation, but yet she really needed chelation because the mercury is

what is causing all this. But doing rounds this way, she is doing

great. We also need to do a round every week for her. If she goes much

longer in between, the brain problems return. Also key is

dosing...4.50 hours is too long for ala. We found that 3 hours is

best, and for my dd with these issues 2 1/2 is better. She does way

better if we dose at 2-2 1/2 hours.

The symptoms you describe indicate too high a dose of ala.




> The last round at 25 mgs ALA before i cut back, I was having very bad

> head symptoms (nuttiness, agitation, head fog, anxiety, really coudn't

> think clearly) and also my thyroids and adrenals seemed to crash, so i

> stopped the round and felt better literally within the day


> It was like I was a new person (brain wise) after going off the ALA

> round and staying on dmps (I stayed on dmps the whole off-round-ala 3

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Cooked foods...hmmm? Anyone thinking gut problems with digestion?

Or Salicyates, or Phenols....?

She might need a sulphur exlusion diet. Or like with my son on

salicylates or phenols.

I am not sure what you want us to help with. Is it chelation? Or have

you decided to forgo that? Our approach here is not like most, as in

we only use Andy's chelation protocol. This does include strengthening

the body systems with supplements and dietary modifications. And for

some avoiding certain foods is important. But the way we see it, if

one does not chelate, one will never remove the mercury from the

brain. Also not chelating you will never remove it from the body

entirely and thus regain adrenal function etc. Of course, many people

don't agree with us.

The changes you see are very likely due to the dramatic change in

lifestyle. Living on the road is stress and biking all the time is

stress to the body/adrenals. Supposed to be good stress but not if you

have fried adrenals. I can relate...I went camping for a weekend and

it took me two days to recover from that alone. I was so tired after I

got home, just from living differently for a few days. The adrenal

protocol you are on, might have been enough before, but not with your

new lifestyle.

The herbs below sound fine. Cordyceps is good for your adrenals.

As I said in my other post: campers, mobile homes, trailers..etc all

have a host of issues for MCS, one of which is poor air quality. Flame

retardants, pesticides..plastics...chemicals in the upholstery and

such. In fact, the people living in Louisiana in those trailers the

government sent down for them after Katrina came through are reporting

illness from formaldehyde in the trailers. So it helps to avoid

polluted areas, but often times the pollution goes with us.

I am sorry your having such a hard time in your recovery. I hope that

some of what everyone has offered might spark something to help you

feel better. It's so hard trying to figure out what each of us needs,

since we are all so different and what mercury does to us is different.

For us, the mental symptoms were helped by doing a round every week.

Using low doses of ala. 12.5mg every two hours. Stopping the ala on

the last day and finishing with dmsa only. Increasing adrenal support

and Vitamin C. Being sure that yeast was in control or not a problem.

I find that my dd does worse if we go too long in between chelation.

The mental symptoms reappear with a vengeance. And for some they need

longer rounds of ala, like a week. I dont know how you used ala, the

dosing or timing..so it's hard to know what needs tweaking.

Post from 5 years ago would not be on here. They might be in

onibasu..you could try to pull them up and let us know what you were

trying back then.


> Well, this will sort it out: When you cook the foods on the sulphur

> list do you lose their sulfur (thiol) status? I have no problems with

> anything on that list if cooked. And I can eat berries (jam) that is

> pectin free but regular jam sends me into major depression in nothing

> flat (along with all my usual mercury symptoms -- itching on the back

> of my head, insomnia, brain fog, fatigue...). So I make my own

> freezer jam, pectin free, and cook up blueberries and puree for

> smoothies. I can eat pretty much everything now as long as it's

> cooked. Kind of funny because I had a recurring dream in college that

> this guy was trying to kill my in the produce section of a

> supermarket. I always wondered -- why the produce section? Finally,

> this year, I figured it out.


> Stopping

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