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A Bad Chelation Protocol Disaster, A True Story

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I am posting this on behalf of one of our members. There is a note

for you at the end, Andy.



Mercury Exposure:

1980 - 9 years old – exposed to mercury through two small amalgam

fillings in back teeth (one surface fillings).

May have been exposed to mercury through a chemistry class in school.

October 2003 – went to get a composite filling replaced since it had

fallen out. I requested doc not use amalgam, but he practically

forced me to. After some insistence, I agreed. Large amalgam placed

on tooth which came into contact with gum lines. This is when I

started to notice problems.

July 2008 – went to dentist on West Coast. She was good, but is not

biological, and wouldn't comment on the amalgam controversy as she

put it. She said the verdict was still out, and she seemed to be

concerned about the licensing board. I really like the work she did

for me cosmetically, but she had to take the large amalgam out (decay

under it). She did not use any protective type mechanisms.

I am not sure if that caused me any problems as I did not notice any

pronounced symptoms afterwards. But the overall problems I have

been experiencing really got exacerbated and led me to where I am at

right now.

Since 2003 Symptoms:

I have had progressive poly neuropathy which is comes in phases. Can

actually be an uncomfortable feeling on my extremities to put on

clothes and take a shower (the feeling of the water is

uncomfortable). This is a strange electrical like sensation.

Acroydnia like symptoms on my hands. Pinkness and skin peeling.

Also comes in phases.

Lower back pain - intermittent.

Depression and malaise – intermittent with no current reason for the

feelings. I want to handle this more than anything. I have a lot

going for me in life!

Anxiety intermittent.

Chronic fatigue – intermittent.

Lack of appetite.

Metallic taste in mouth with occasional excessive salivation.

Very annoying muscle twitches over all of body. Probably several

noticeable jerks throughout the day.

Periods of fatigue, followed by energy.

Voluntary muscle twitch or restless leg syndrome all the time.

Eye problems including cloudy vision (intermittent), difficulty

focusing (intermittent) and slight effort required in moving eye.

Diagnosed with acid reflux and a hietal hernia. Take OTC Prilosec

twice a day.

Definitely have occasional short term memory problems.

Annoying eye lash twitches more on left, but also on right. And lip

twitches. Not all the time, but every day. I don't think they are

pronounced enough for others to notice unless they are close.

Out of everything the most noticeable and concerning problem for me

personally: Pressure feeling on temples (two points). And feeling

that there is a band of pressure all around the top of my skull.

This is accompanied by an overall " bad feeling " .

All of this started in 2003 and has been progressively getting worse

since. Symptoms definitely exacerbated after amalgam removal in July

2008. None of it but the depression has been overtly debilitating

until I took the first DMSA (provocation test). For me the worst

problem has been the band of pressure around the head with the

accompanying depression. I wouldn't describe this as painful though.

Here is the kicker, when on travel on the West Coast, most of the

symptoms go away after a few days to a week on travel. I stay out

there for two to four months at a time since 2005 and basically

regain my health. For whatever reason, I get on a health kick and

eat good meals not missing any, and take a lot of supps. Protein

shakes, high dose vitamins A, E, C B complex, Mineral tab and CalMag

every day. And an hour in the sauna daily as well. I crash within a

week when I return to my old ways on the East Coast. No regular

healthy meals, no vitamins and bad sleep patterns. Did not connect

the dots on supplements/antioxidants and mercury poisoning yet.

Experience Using Destructive Chelation Protocols - Around September

20, 2008

Because all the symptoms recently became more pronounced (after my

unsafe large amalgam removal) – especially the acrodynia type

symptoms, I started looking online for answers. Came across the

amalgam sites, and thought what a brilliant idea, do a challenge test

and rule it out. My regular doctor already took a blood and urine

test for heavy metals in 2007, and it came back negative – but with

no provocation agent. Within 30 minutes after taking the first dose

500 Mg DMSA, I felt like I have never felt before – unbelievable.

The " natural " euphoria that came across my body was intense, it was

like I was being exorcised of something horrible. The band of

pressure and bad feeling in my head was GONE (temporarily). Followed

by a wild emotional ride. I can relate to those who say DMSA makes

them feel like their brain is being sucked out of their skull. Don't

try this at home kids!

I was sold on DMSA and mercury poisoning. So I started the " witch

doctor " protocol one of the popular sites recommended of every other

day DMSA. Ended up in a hotel room a three hour drive away on the

beach. I found myself obsessing over many old problems in life

talking to myself. Felt very intoxicated in a way that I cannot

describe. At least I knew I was losing my mind. I don't think I was

actually out of control, or forgot anything that happened. I had a

first date somewhere in here. I thought it went well, but she never

called back.

After three days of rest, and to try and alleviate some of the

exacerbated symptoms, I tried to add ALA with the DMSA (with my two

small amalgams in of course). Took 200 mg ALA with DMSA 500 mg three

times a day. Symptom exacerbation takes on a whole new meaning. I

was afraid to go to the doctor (not sure why), but considered it a

few times. After returning from another unplanned overnight trip to

the beach, and spending another two days researching Mercury

poisoning 16 hours a day on the internet, I rented a Jerome mercury

vapor analyzer device for in my home and found high readings for

mercury. After contacting the county health department to figure out

what to do, a scientist returns my call. After spending some time

trying to understand why I would rent such a sophisticated device for

in my home, he has me regenerate the instrument and take more

readings. It is reading .198 - .231 mg/M3 throughout the inside

and .000 outside. The next thing I know the county's HAZMAT

emergency response team is rolling up in front my house looking for

mercury. I had never met firemen that carry handguns before. After

spending two hours canvassing my house with various pieces of

equipment, they verified the rented vapor analyzer unit I had used

was defective (thankfully I didn't look too crazy or they were very

polite anyway), and the health department became curious why I

thought I might have a mercury problem in my brand new house. Now

that was when I found the Cutler protocol, and spent two days reading

up. At this point I had basically lost 14 days to a trip through

Alice in Wonderland. If I wasn't off from work, I would have had to

call in sick the whole time. When I did the frequent dosing every

four hours, I used 100 mg DMSA (definitely should be 25 mg next

time), and could only go for two days. But it has for the most part

cleared up the unbelievably wild ride I just went through. Most of

the problems were emotional, and the physical problems were

intermittent and included nausea, loss of appetite and pronounced

Acrodynia (I actually have peeling skin on my hands now in addition

to the pink). I had strange electrical pings throughout my body, and

some weird headaches that would come and go. Sometimes for just a

few minutes. The every other day protocol would have eventually

ended me up in an institution if I had continued. No doubt about it.

I might be lucky that I made it through period. I am hopeful my

reaction was because I can get rid of a bunch of mercury fast, and

not that I am seriously poisoned. I am not looking forward to a year

or more of chelation, but it certainly beats the alternative.

I am now on day three of rest after the two days of frequent DMSA

dosing (yes I set the alarm and got up like I was supposed to). I am

taking many of the supps Andy suggests. The last two days I was

useless. Slept a lot and was still emotional. Feeling like I am

returning to normal today with some actual improvement in my overall

neurologic state than from before I started this insanity.

Definitely feels like my body is in healing mode.

I have read the book cover to cover several times, and I don't

understand the chemistry stuff (no surprise), but I am following just

about everything else to the letter. A little concerned about the

Hydergine – I am not someone who likes to take chemicals, but it

seems that may be a good one. Definitely stocking up on all the

recommended anti-oxidants, and other supps. Adjusting my diet. I

have an appointment with a biological dentist to get the remaining

two small amalgams out before I continue any more DMSA chelation.

Will wait on the DMSA+ALA as directed.

For goodness sakes – all the alternative docs using these other

protocols, please get your method corrected. Maybe some of your

folks are less poisoned than others, and can take the every other day

method, but Alice in Wonderland is a perfect description for my

experience with those other methods. I now have to explain to my

neighbors the reason for the County's emergency HAZMAT response

team's visit to my house.

I am writing this to primarily express my thanks to Andy for all the

work. I hope you are rewarded for your contributions some day. I am

glad I discovered your book. I can tell you from first hand

experience this stuff is serious, and there really was no hope for

someone with a problem like this before your protocol.


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> A little concerned about the

> Hydergine – I am not someone who likes to take chemicals, but it

> seems that may be a good one.

You don't have to take EVERYTHING I list, just enough of it to feel OK.

Which subset is 'enough' and works for you, will vary from person to person.


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