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was: bad bronchial/dry cough Now: It's back again

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Ok guys..it's back again. I went to the doc with a fever, tonsillitis,

ear infection, etc. She said it's not strep(oh I knew that). And sent

me off, no meds. She is having me see an ENT. I have had the scratchy

throat for a week. The last two days it has improved because I am

gargling with iodine. Already tried sea salt, hydrogen peroxide

diluted, grapefruit seed extract. Anyway, still a bit congested and

now it's back to the lungs again. Hacking my brains out, sometimes

productive, mostly not. This is the same thing I have keep getting,

symptoms identical.

I obtained my medical records, the whole thing. And it seems I have

had these problems before all through the 90's. Probably 2-4 times a

year I had upper respiratory infections. Usually they gave me

amoxicillin and it went away, only to come back next year. I also note

clear symptoms of hypothyroid that were ignored by doctors due to

" normal tsh " . Anyway, the swollen tonsils seems to be chronically

enlarged and get infected off and on.

I had spent the past five years only getting a few colds, nothing like

this. I had amalgams out began chelation. This is my second year and

it seems that these infections have become a problem again. It started

with larygitis in October which led to this lung infection, that keeps

coming back. GRRR....

Working my way up on hydrocortisone and armour for messed up endocrine.

At this point I am desperately looking for any ideas or

pointers..things to consider, or if anyone else had been through this

and come out of it with more chelation...or what?

> >

> > Jada and

> >

> > ---Jada your explanantion makes a lot of sense. When this brovchial

> > ---infection first came on, I had green phlegm and just a really

> > ---bad/sinus headache for about a week. I started taking oreganol

> > ---P73. It is supposed to be a very pure concentrated form of

> > oreganol. I think it knocked out the bacterial infection. I believe

> > ---green phlegm is an indication of bacterial infection...

> >

> > ---One of the google articles on the oreganol is below. It is

> > --- supposed to be anti-bacterial, anti microbial, anti parasitic;

> > --- anti yeast...They say you should take lots of probiotcs with it

> > --- cause i guess obviously it kills most everything

> >

> > http://www.oreganopro.com/oreganofaq.asp

> >

> >


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