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RE: Hair test posted for review

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First off, just with your history...I don't need to see the hair test.

You have mercury. You also have symptoms of adrenal fatigue

(sensitivity to light) and hypothyroid (being cold, fibroids, classic

signs). The immunity and chemical problems are related to mercury and

liver function.

Here's what I got on rules: You are close to meeting two rules, which

actually meets rule 5. (If any two rules come up one short or the

rules, mineral transport is deranged)

Instead of 11 or less below 50% you have 12

Instead of 4 or more reds, you have three.

The other clincher is you have NO hair lithium. This often happens in

the presence of mercury.

Sodium/Potassium up with Cal/Mag down indicates adrenal fatigue.

Usually too much adrenaline, not enough cortisol and a person would be

high strung and thin, stress intolerant. (Unless their thyroid were in

the trash too) It is possible that if you were not on supplement the

test would have looked even worse. But that's no big deal.

My son's test was like this: close to meeting rules, and after we

began his chelation...it very clearly meets rules now. This is common.

However, you cannot do any chelation until dental clean up has been done.

3) What dental work do you currently have in place? What part of

the dental cleanup have you completed?

I have not had any cleanup yet, to my frustration.

I have 7 metal crowns -- one of the crowns is that root canal

with amalgam in the root and, two exposed stubs. I have one

onlay of some kind, and some veneer stuff bonded onto front

teeth, and some white fillings of some kind.

My run down: The seven crowns have to go. If the teeth are root

canaled, then they also should go because your autoimmunity issues.

Root canals contain a lot of toxic bacteria. The one with the amalgam

in the root will need to be surgically cleaned up and removed. The

veneer is fine, the onlays are usually ok. I am not sure how many

teeth can be saved, anything with metal fillings can have composites.

Anything with metal has to go. They have very nice metal free

partials. Or dentures depending on how many teeth are left.

You also may have cavitations due to extractions.

You are going to need to find a good Huggins dentist probably, just

based upon your health conditions and your dental conditions. This is

a good site to begin. If you live anywhere near PA or can get there, I

have an excellent one. (www.ioamt.org)

Also I'd say all your symptoms are in the book. I never used to sweat

either, and the computer gave me such a headache..(total electro

sensitive)etc, etc. All this has improved for me with dental clean up

and chelation. It's a long road...but a worthy road.

By the way, the most wonderful on the planet was the day I had my

amalgams all removed..the first thing I noticed was that nasty rancid

metal taste was gone. It was like a miracle. Food actually had flavor.

They can't say those things don't leak..you can taste it.

Funny you mention balance, I was walking into walls for a few years

before removal. I would go to walk from the living room to the

kitchen, look at doorway, looked like I was clear, and smack! Right

into the wall. I was like what is wrong with my eye balls. I was no

where near the wall. Also fell/tripped a lot, very clumsy.

To make your journey interesting, I started a journal and listed all

my health problems. Then I journaled as things changed, as I did

rounds etc. It's amazing to look back and how far I have come.

Hang in there...your on the right road now.


> Re my hair test results, many thanks for any comments.

> I do not strictly meet the counting rules. I take a lot of

> supplements, and am not sure how that affects the interpretation. For

> reference, I am 57 years old.


> Dean kindly put my hair test results up at

> http://www.livingnetwork.co.za/files/hairtest_169.pdf

> but meanwhile I've thought of a lot more symptoms and health history

> than what I gave to Dean so, if you would, please use the expanded



> -




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Thank you very much! Interesting that one could meet the rules AFTER

starting chelating.

I wish I could consider your great dentist in PA. I am negotiating

with some of them right now. But I had a bad experience last week with

temporary cement and that has me very alarmed. I have been collecting

materials samples from the dentists (it is not easy), to get some EAV

testing done (since my CCR biocompatibility report is not working out

for me). But now I wish I could just get all the metals removed and

not put in ANYthing to replace them for as long as it takes to start

being less reactive. Shocking, I know, but I feel desperate. Fat

chance that I will convince a dentist to do this anyway.

I appreciate your encouragement. Thanks.

> >

> > Re my hair test results, many thanks for any comments.

> > I do not strictly meet the counting rules. I take a lot of

> > supplements, and am not sure how that affects the interpretation. For

> > reference, I am 57 years old.

> >

> > Dean kindly put my hair test results up at

> > http://www.livingnetwork.co.za/files/hairtest_169.pdf

> > but meanwhile I've thought of a lot more symptoms and health history

> > than what I gave to Dean so, if you would, please use the expanded

> >

> >

> > -

> >

> >

> >


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Well, you've got 3 in the red zone (that counts as " unusual " , where the

progress is from normal to not unusual to unusual to suspicious to meeting a

counting rule. But you are very close to red on the Boron (7.0 would be red),

and that would meet a counting rule.

Also, you've got only 8 out of 23 above the mean. That's a little skewed (6

would get us to a counting rule), though not too bad. It looks a little worse

given that you are already taking a lot of supplements (which would have the

effect of pushing things up).

The only other thing appearing is that tin is a bit elevated. This commonly

happens in the presence of mercury.

Ca/P is reasonably low. You may show less toxicity than is present. You may

also do well with digestive enzymes, high dose vitamin D and a high fat diet.

Lithium is red low - you could do well with some lithium orotate or lithium


Cobalt is red low - you <<may>> do well with some B12.

By the hair test, thyroid looks ok.

Looks like you've got some adrenal stress - consider adrenal support.

That's what I get from the hair test - there is some chance that you are

looking at mercury. It's certainly not inconsistent.

Now, for a look at symptoms.... Oh, my God. Forget it, you're toxic and

mercury, at least, is involved.

Supplements ...

>Vitamin C, average 10 g per day, sometimes nothing, sometimes a lot

more. Calcium/Mag Citrate powder probly 750 mg Ca to 50% Mag., some

days nothing.,

You may want to try more Mg. You can go up to 800mg/day.

>Pantothenic acid, 300-500 mg per day. Glucosamine HCl,

abt. 1500 mg. Enzymes: Neprinol 5 caps, Serralone 3 caps, Zymactive

5 caps (helped with the inflammations). Other than that, probly

about 50% of the time I would take some B-complex (B-25 or B-75)

Take the B's all the time.


vitamin K, and a multi-mineral tablet (Country Life Total Mins,

Iron-Free: 60-120mcg chromium, 25-50 mcg molybdenum, 250-500 mg mag.,

7-15 mg zinc, 50-100mcg selenium,

Make sure Se is in the Seleniomethonine form.

>50-100 mg potassium,

Careful that total potassium intake is < about 1/2tsp (2000mg) per day.

>50-1,000 mg Ca,

You're already getting a lot of Ca, above.

>250-500 mg phosphorus, 1/2 - 1 mg copper

Avoid the copper

>and manganese, and some other

stuff). Lecithin granules, a few spoonfuls. Occasional CoQ10, 300 mg.

CoQ10 all the time.

>Vitamin A 25k

500-1000IU/lb bodyweight.

>Vit. D 4k, both from fish oil -- I stopped that a

couple of months ago

Why? Take 2K IU of D_3.

>and now I take dry E and A from Beta Carotene.

Before I discovered that I seem to be better off without sulfur, I was

taking MSM, milk thistle, Quercetin, rutin, bilberry, and green tea

extract (not sure if they all have sulfur or not), taking tons of

turmeric and ginger, eating lots of garlic, cabbage, broccoli, green

vegetables, eggs, yogurt, plus sardines. During the previous several

years I took large doses of ALA and RLA at random times, and also

chlorella and occasional cilantro. I was about to re-start chlorella

before I found these Andy Cutler yahoo groups. Recently I tried NDF

(1/2 drop) but got intestinal problems immediately. NCD seemed easier

(I got up to 5 drops I think) but finally I had the same problem with


I'm glad you stopped all that ...

>OH, I use Potassium Chloride as a salt substitute.

(Berkeley) Dave. :)

Do you go to ThreeStoneHearth.Com? Check on the Full Moon Feasts!


Posted by: " culverpratt " culverpratt@... culverpratt

Thu May 22, 2008 6:59 am (PDT)

Re my hair test results, many thanks for any comments.

I do not strictly meet the counting rules. I take a lot of

supplements, and am not sure how that affects the interpretation. For

reference, I am 57 years old.

Dean kindly put my hair test results up at


but meanwhile I've thought of a lot more symptoms and health history

than what I gave to Dean so, if you would, please use the expanded

version below instead of the version posted there. Thanks much for

the patience of anyone reading this!

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