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Re: Coffee Enemas -TO Dean Distilled water

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Thanks Dean


I really appreciate your thoughts on Distilled Water (DW); So you

would pick reverse osmosis over distilled water I Presume?

The reason I went to DW, was I heard it had less microbial bugs which

was recommneded on a lymes board..Is there any way/product to replace

the trace minerals with actual supps or is this not recommended

I was thinking of having an 8 month hair post amalgam removal test

done... Will this skew the bad metals (low) as well (ie mercury

aluminum were high before)?


> Did you get your adrenals tests first, and did you stay on the HC

> while you were doing the WT3 protocol

---yes Dean I had my adrenals checked back in I believe December/07

---and went on HC IN January/08 after seeing . I am on

---20 mgs (10 in am and 10 in late pm seems to work best for me. Also

---yes, I stayed on HC through Thyroid treatment as NP suggested it

---(I believe) but since AI (I believe) indicates that treating

---thyroid can crash adrenals, I thought it best to stay on all

---adrenal supps and meds (HC, DHEA-7 keto; pregnenolone; and siberan


> Was it the 's dr suggestion to treat the adrenals, or did you

> learn that on this list? Oh, and did you have your adrenals tested?

---NO treating adrenals was per AI suggestion and tests were done

dec/2007. Like many of these experts on specific areas (ie on

thyroid and I presume the Dr's that follow his protocol;), he/they

does/do not (I believe) address any other areas of inter-

relationships (ie no adrenal suggestions) only thyroid. Maybe its

liability related, maybe its the GOD-Eureka complex :)..ie " this is

the answer " . They all seem to operate in their own little vacuum. It

is so amazing that AI-Andy Cutler has pulled all of this multi-

disciplinary information together.

Thanks again Dean




per michael

> I have been drinking lots of distilled water. I have read that

> distilled water has no bugs in it even though it also has no

> nutrients. I have been buying distilled water from Whole foods for

> the last two months

--- In frequent-dose-chelation , " DeanNetwork "


>> Hi ,

>> Take care with distilled water, it leaches your minerals overtime

>> and will create an all-low hair test.

>> Using it for short periods of time for detox is okay, but not long-

>> term. (I know there are two schools of though of this and I have

>> been in both camps, but now am against consistent consumption of

>> distilled water).

>> If you continue you'll have to find away of adding some pure trace

>> elements to the mix.

>> Thanks,

>> Dean

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