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Re: Hair test # 191

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Hi Val. Yes there were a bunch at once, but I do have yours printed out, and

will comment on it today. But thanks for the reminder. Good thing to do when

things are busy like this.--------Jackie

In frequent-dose-chelation seashell_555 wrote:

If anyone has time, could you please look at my hair test? I can't

believe how many were submitted all at once! Thanks --


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In frequent-dose-chelation Jackie wrote:

I'm just reposting this with the link to Dean's website.--------Jackie


---------Val, your hair test doesn't meet the counting rules, but this can

happen in cases like yours, where it's been 5 years since you removed your

amalgams and you have done some chelation and have been supplementing. I know

's hair test has normalized, but she is no where near done with chelation.

So you may have reduced your body burden, but probably still have it in your

brain. And I know you only tolerate small doses of chelators and have side

effects, so that tells me there are still metals there.

If I remember correctly, didn't you say you had high copper on your first hair

test years ago? Well it's down now, so that is good!

In HTI on page 122, Andy does say that hair chromium does reflect body

inventories, when mineral transport is orderly, as yours is. Have you been

supplementing with this? I know it's recommended for blood sugar issues, and

many of us take it with every meal for this reason. If you are, you may want to

cut back on it. There are some other types of exposures to it, but they

probably wouldn't apply to you, except possibly that there is chromium in

stainless steel. Do you have stainless steel cookware? Another thought, didn't

you have a stainless steel rod in your spine? Maybe that's what it's from.

The low red lithium means it would be ok to supplement this at low levels as

Andy suggests, with lithium orotate, like the product that VRP sells. It's also

available at illnessisoptional.com. There may be others. This could help with

your mood/brain symptoms. Probably worth a try.

Otherwise, your ratios are all in range, and you don't show the classic

adrenal stress pattern, so those things look ok. So I think the things you've

been doing have been helping.

Now, when mineral transport is orderly, as with your test, then Andy says

what's in the toxic elements section is probably fairly accurate, so we need to

look at those. So what jumps out at me is the high silver.

Do you frequently use a hot tub or swimming pool? I know some of them are

treated with a silver nitrate cartridge, and awhile back, somebody whose family

had this in there hot tub showed high levels of silver.

Have you ever used colloidal silver?

On page 78 of HTI, Andy does say, " Only solid silver in long term contact with

the blood stream, e.g. a surgical implant, can be significantly absorbed. " So

maybe this is from that rod you had in your back?

Do you or have you ever had a bluish grey tinge to your skin color? This is a

sign of silver poisoning, but not in everyone. It causes a number of symptoms,

so you may want to get HTI and read about it yourself. I'll see if some of them

match up to what you said below.

Andy does say that selenium and Vit E improves the situation of silver toxic

people. He recommends 200-400 mcg per day in an organic form, such as

selenomethionine or selenium yeast. He also recommends rigorously excluding

hydrogenated fats from the diet, and to use carnosine and mood stabilizing

medications, if necessary, because silver is known to cause impulsivity and

emotional chaos. And sometimes the Atkins diet will help.

He says the effectiveness of chelation for silver is unknown, but says it can

be tried using DMSA or DMPS along with ALA, and also alkalinization of the


Your antimony is somewhat elevated, in the yellow. Usually the biggest

exposure comes from its use as a flame retardant in bedding, etc. The above

chelators should take care of it, according to Andy. It is similar to arsenic.

So, I would continue chelation, if I were you, because it looks like you're

dealing with other metals too, not just possibly mercury still left in your

brain. As long as you are getting side effects from chelation, then the

chelators are working on " some " metal, and whatever is getting removed, that has

to help.

I'll comment more below.--------Jackie

In frequent-dose-chelation seashell_555 wrote:

Here it is guys,

1. current symptoms - brain fog, depression, digestive problems,

muscle weakness, joint pains/dislocations. Dry hair, skin, thin

nails... -- this has been going on for years, but the joint pain

and muscle weakness have gotten much worse.

----------Andy specifically lists brain fog and generalized muscle weakness,

along with a host of emotional/mental symptoms under silver poisoning. If I

remember right, isn't dry hair/skin a sign of thyroid problems?---------Jackie

2. Had complete dental revision at huggins clinic in 2003 - had

wisdom teeth removed in 92. Braces from '76 through '79 with

amalgams in mouth. Had root canals in 80's and 90's - but removed

in 2003.

3. Just had to have another root canal in '07 but no mercury.

Currently being fitted for bridge and porcelain crown.

4. No idea about my mother.

5. Typical vaccinatons for U.S. in '64. Never had travel or flu


6. Been taking p5p and zinc for months, at time of hair test -

c,e,probiotics, b's, p5p,zinc, magnesium.

---------I would add selenium, as stated above, and some source of omega 3's,

like cod liver oil or flax seed oil. The healthy oils are important. Extra

virgin olive oil is good for you, and coconut oil is good for


7. had 2 dmps injections down my spine (so stupid!) in '03

and '04. Had dmps IV challenge in '02 and '04.

------------Why down the spine? Was this after the rod was removed? Is that

why they did it?---------Jackie

8. Washington D.C. USA



------------Hope this helps Val. I would recommend getting HTI, so you can

read up on silver and all the other metals yourself. It's organized very well,

just go to the index and find the sections on silver.

And in my humble, uneducated opinion, you still have a metal problem, but it

may have just as much to do with that rod that was in your spine, as with your

teeth too. In any case, I think you need to keep chelating.----------Jackie

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> If I remember correctly, didn't you say you had high copper on

your first hair test years ago? Well it's down now, so that is good!

---Well, I have been supplementing with zinc/b6 so maybe that did it?

> In HTI on page 122, Andy does say that hair chromium does

reflect body inventories, when mineral transport is orderly, as

yours is. Have you been supplementing with this? Another thought,

didn't you have a stainless steel rod in your spine? Maybe that's

what it's from.

------Wow, I'm so impressed with your memory! The steel rod (in my

back for 22 years) had chromium/nickel/iron in it. I have only been

supplementing very sporadically with chromium so I wonder if my body

is excreting some of the metal from the rod?? The weirdest thing is

whenever I'm in the shower my body starts excreting this greyish

matter from my skin. It first started 6 mos after the rod was

implanted. ??? But it still does it.

> The low red lithium means it would be ok to supplement this at

low levels as Andy suggests, with lithium orotate, like the product

that VRP sells. It's also available at illnessisoptional.com.

There may be others. This could help with your mood/brain

symptoms. Probably worth a try.


> Now, when mineral transport is orderly, as with your test, then

Andy says what's in the toxic elements section is probably fairly

accurate, so we need to look at those. So what jumps out at me is

the high silver.

On page 78 of HTI, Andy does say, " Only solid silver in long term

contact with the blood stream, e.g. a surgical implant, can be

significantly absorbed. " So maybe this is from that rod you had in

your back?

----The rod didn't have silver in it that I know of.

> Do you or have you ever had a bluish grey tinge to your skin


----No, thank God. But I have no color in my skin - I'm either very

pale or yellowish.

This is a sign of silver poisoning, but not in everyone. It causes

a number of symptoms, so you may want to get HTI and read about it

yourself. I'll see if some of them match up to what you said below.

---I just got the HTI book and what I saw briefly about silver was

that some people have high readings but no symptoms. Didn't have

time to read more yet. The school I worked at last year was under

renovation and they were sawing metal right next door to my room and

there was alot of dust flying around -- people were getting sick.

Maybe I got some in my system?

> 7. had 2 dmps injections down my spine (so stupid!) in '03

> and '04. Had dmps IV challenge in '02 and '04.


> ------------Why down the spine? Was this after the rod was

removed? Is that why they did it?---------Jackie

==========They thought mercury was lodged in the scar tissue and I

have a long scar down my back from the surgeries. I think it was a

huge mistake to do it. Thanks for all your help, Jackie. I will

continue to chelate. I still have alot of candida I'm trying to get

rid of too.


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In frequent-dose-chelation seashell_555 wrote:

>>Jackie wrote:

> If I remember correctly, didn't you say you had high copper on

your first hair test years ago? Well it's down now, so that is good!

---Well, I have been supplementing with zinc/b6 so maybe that did it?

=======Yes, not sure about the B6, but the zinc should have helped in bringing

it down.------Jackie

> In HTI on page 122, Andy does say that hair chromium does

reflect body inventories, when mineral transport is orderly, as

yours is. Have you been supplementing with this? Another thought,

didn't you have a stainless steel rod in your spine? Maybe that's

what it's from.

------Wow, I'm so impressed with your memory! The steel rod (in my

back for 22 years) had chromium/nickel/iron in it. I have only been

supplementing very sporadically with chromium so I wonder if my body

is excreting some of the metal from the rod?? The weirdest thing is

whenever I'm in the shower my body starts excreting this greyish

matter from my skin. It first started 6 mos after the rod was

implanted. ??? But it still does it.

========I don't know why, but I remember your info for some reason :) Just

curious, was chromium, and/or nickel high on your other hair test? If the rod

was in your body for that many years, I'm sure you've absorbed a fair amount of

metals from it, and it looks like your body is still trying to get rid of it.

That certainly must be some type of metal coming out of your skin when you

shower. I wonder if epsom salt baths would be good for this too?---------Jackie

> The low red lithium means it would be ok to supplement this at

low levels as Andy suggests, with lithium orotate, like the product

that VRP sells. It's also available at illnessisoptional.com.

There may be others. This could help with your mood/brain

symptoms. Probably worth a try.


> Now, when mineral transport is orderly, as with your test, then

Andy says what's in the toxic elements section is probably fairly

accurate, so we need to look at those. So what jumps out at me is

the high silver.

On page 78 of HTI, Andy does say, " Only solid silver in long term

contact with the blood stream, e.g. a surgical implant, can be

significantly absorbed. " So maybe this is from that rod you had in

your back?

----The rod didn't have silver in it that I know of.

=======If you're sure about that, then I would try to find out what other

sources of exposure you may have/have had.--------Jackie

> Do you or have you ever had a bluish grey tinge to your skin


----No, thank God. But I have no color in my skin - I'm either very

pale or yellowish.

========I think yellowish is a sign of jaundice, which I believe means liver

problems, so I would suggest taking liver supporting supplements too. Milk

thistle is at the top of that list. Taurine, glycine, and phosphatydylcholine

are good for it also.--------Jackie

This is a sign of silver poisoning, but not in everyone. It causes

a number of symptoms, so you may want to get HTI and read about it

yourself. I'll see if some of them match up to what you said below.

---I just got the HTI book and what I saw briefly about silver was

that some people have high readings but no symptoms. Didn't have

time to read more yet. The school I worked at last year was under

renovation and they were sawing metal right next door to my room and

there was alot of dust flying around -- people were getting sick.

Maybe I got some in my system?

========I'm glad you got HTI, and read the silver sections when you get time,

and the antimony and chromium sections too. I suppose you don't know what kind

of metal they were sawing? It certainly could have been a source of some kind

of exposure. But I would certainly investigate the silver thing some more and

try to figure out for sure where your exposure is from.--------Jackie

> 7. had 2 dmps injections down my spine (so stupid!) in '03

> and '04. Had dmps IV challenge in '02 and '04.


> ------------Why down the spine? Was this after the rod was

removed? Is that why they did it?---------Jackie

==========They thought mercury was lodged in the scar tissue and I

have a long scar down my back from the surgeries. I think it was a

huge mistake to do it. Thanks for all your help, Jackie. I will

continue to chelate. I still have alot of candida I'm trying to get

rid of too.

=========Well, if mercury lodges in scar tissue, then I'm in trouble too! But

I would assume that chelation will eventually take care of it. Do you mind

sharing how these DMPS treatments made you feel? That doesn't sound like

anything that Huggins would do, so this was some other doctor?-------Jackie

========Yes, I think the candida goes hand in hand with the metals, and I

think it is wise to work on both of them. I believe the theory that you will

always battle the candida, until you chelate enough.

Here are some things recommended to me by for dealing with

candida. High doses of good probiotics, she has me taking 50 billion of a

Ther-Biotics brand. Also, Biotin 8mg, 3-4 X/day, is good for candida and blood

sugar issues. And saccharomyces boullardii is supposed to help kick the bad

guys out and I believe take up their space, so they can't repopulate. And of

course, some type of anti-fungal, such as caprylic acid, GSE, oil of oregano,

whatever works best for you. Just some other things for you to



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