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Re: [This question refers to sleep, not sex]

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> How many hours sleep a night do you need? Do you get by OK on? Is


> different from before the first bubba or have you to some extent

> adapted with the passing of the years (/months/weeks since last babe

> born)?! Despite the passing of the said years/months/weeks....


> Caro

I definitely need less than I used to. I can happily go to sleep

around 12.30 am. to 1 am. and wake up before 8. 7.30 ish. But I have

become addicted to a nap in the afternoon. I could probably train

myself out of it but in the meantime I droop around 3 if I dont get

it...talking of which..

Ruthie (yawn, it's nap time!)

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ATM I go to bed at 11ish and get up at about 6:30ish. This does me

fine. I can't remember it ever being any different, in fact :))

I was so young before DD1 was born - and a student, to boot - that I hadn't

grown out of the habit of sleeping till lunchtime so yes, that

changed! Then she didn't sleep through till she was about 4. At one

point, I was going to bed at 11ish, getting up 4 times during the night,

and then up at 5:30am in order to be travelling to Liverpool for work by

7:00am, to be at my desk by 8:00!!

So yes, I've adapted. But every once in a while, I have to have a

sleep-athon, or it all goes horribly Pete Tong.


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I go to bed 10.30-11 and wake up (or rather DS wakes up) around 6.30.

However, I always wake once for the loo, and frequently more (also up

about once every other night briefly when DS grizzles around 4am).

I *always* wake up tired and feeling like death, so I'm definitely not

getting enough sleep.

This morning for the first time ever (well certainly since DS) I woke

at 6.20am without waking in the night - amazing :) but still fell

dead tired :(

Todman (who would love to wake up one day feeling alive and


Treasurer, Stansted Branch (R5)

Mum to , 3¾

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on 01/11/01 02:40 PM, Caro Heyworth at heywortno3@... wrote:

> How many hours sleep a night do you need? Do you get by OK on?

> Is it different from before the first bubba

confessions of a chronic insomniac here ... I go to bed anytime between 1 -

3am and usually get up around 8.30am, I'd say my average nights' sleep is

5-6 hours. I've been like this as long as I remember, apparently was always

a 'night owl' as a child. Gethyn OTOH needs at least 8hrs or he's a wreck.

It's probably the thing that causes the most arguments in our household,

i.e. he gets 'annoyed' with me never coming to bed and I get 'annoyed' that

he needs to go to bed at what seems such an early time to me (12 at the

latest usually). History repeats itself though - my mother's the same and

it winds my dad up too!!


( & Gethyn)

17yrs; Mari 3yrs Home Birth; Nia 5 wks Home Water Birth

http://www.picturetrail.com/jennihughes P/W = gwenni

" If you don't know your options - you don't have any "

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I used to need 8 hours a night straight, or I phyically got ill over a period

of time!

Now I have a baby, I have got used to broken sleep, and it affects my

eyesight and concentration! I often get 8 hours sleep, as me and DH do

shifts with the baby, and it makes me feel even worse!

I had 8 hours last night, and now at 7pm (when I would normally be at work),

I feel like crap...big black eyes, pale skin, and my eyesight has gone again,

and I cant focus. Cant wait to have a night of broken sleep...to feel better!

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Whilst naturally a nightowl I do need a lot of sleep so these days I am

generally in bed around 11-midnight. and then up around 7 am.. During the

weekend I try to make sure that I get a good lie in one of the days (generally

till around 10 am) but if I had my own natural way I would be in bed sometime

between 2-3 and sleep until around 10-11 am.. that is what my bio clock would

like to do but life generally does not work well around that ;o)

I can get by on 4-5 hours sleep (and have done several times in the past) but

find that after 2-3 weeks of this happening on a regular basic I need a LOT of

sleep and I often get ill (flu or cold) but I can do it for a while without to

many problems..

However at the moment this is all completely out of the window as I am

constantly tired and never feel like I have had enough sleep ;o).. always feel

this way at the end of a pregnancy so...


mama to Phoebe and Eloisa and expecting a Christmas delivery..

When the jar is always full of biscuits

What's the fun in biscuits??

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