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Re: Message for Bin Man

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--- In nct-coffee@y..., " bin man " We learned the usefull lessons on

Friday that breast does not need to be used *every* time she cries

and that she will often go to sleep after crying for a few minutes.

That is starting to make things easier to cope with

Hey! Well done you! That is one of the most difficult lessons to

learn with a new born, and boy when you learn it, it sure makes one

hell of a difference!!


PS Have you yet noticed the correlation between cutlery in your hand

and baby wanting a feed/cuddle - always a good one in my opinion!

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> --- In nct-coffee@y..., " bin man " We learned the usefull lessons on

> Friday that breast does not need to be used *every* time she cries

> That is one of the most difficult lessons to

> learn with a new born, and boy when you learn it, it sure makes one

> hell of a difference!!


> Beverly

> PS Have you yet noticed the correlation between cutlery in your hand

> and baby wanting a feed/cuddle - always a good one in my opinion!

we always thought it was smell that let's her know when dinnner is ready/when to

start wailing.

When I say *learned*, I mean *occaisionally manage to* of course.

DW is convinced she will remember this (she certainly looks like she will :-)


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