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B...y fireworks!!

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My sentiments exactly, DD2 seems very upset by all the fireworks. In

fact tonight as soon as it started to get dark, she started saying

" Bang bangs? " and looking worried.

Also my poor old Border Collie, Min, is desperately upset. She is

sitting on my feet (has been my lap but that is kind of uncomfortable

at 20 weeks pg and with her weighing a good four stone!) quaking and

dribbling in fear. I would not mind if it was just one night then I

could get something from the vet for her but round here it seems to go

on for two to three weeks and we even get some morons letting them off

in daylight which is very helpful (!) when we are out on a walk.


B...y fireworks!!

> Have now had to settle DS 5 times, and counting...


> Karina





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Yes I am hating them too!!! Each time there is one nearby I wince and wait

for the wail...

B...y fireworks!!

> Have now had to settle DS 5 times, and counting...


> Karina





> *** NCT enquiry line - 0 ***


> Live chat http://www.yahoogroups.com/chat/nct-coffee


> Have you found out about all the other groups for the NCT online?



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Francesca, too late for tonight but Rescue Remedy will help Min but you need to

give it to her before the fireworks go off. I'll forward you something off list

if I may from another list about helping dogs get over their fear. Not so good

with DKs as my DD2 wears ear defenders to watch fireworks - loves the pretty

lights but hates the bangs - at nearly 8 they still make her flee into the house

in tears.



> Also my poor old Border Collie, Min, is desperately upset. She is

> sitting on my feet (has been my lap but that is kind of uncomfortable

> at 20 weeks pg and with her weighing a good four stone!) quaking and

> dribbling in fear.

> Francesca



British Channel Islands

49º11'30 " N

02º06'12 " W


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Hi Caroline, thank you, I will try Rescue Remedy as I expect that the

weekend will be pretty bad. Would also like to see the info from

another list about helping dogs overcome their fear as I hate to see

her in such a state and it cannot be doing her much good (she is 11

and a half). Is it is a " doggy " list that you are on, like this one?

Incidentally my niece is called Caroline Germain so if you start to

get garbled messages from me (now that you are on my address book)

about university entrance/Christmas presents/what a pain in the a**e

Uncle is etc, you know that the placenta brain has kicked in and

I have sent them to you and not her!!!

Thanks again


re: Re: B...y fireworks!!

> Francesca, too late for tonight but Rescue Remedy will help Min but

you need to give it to her before the fireworks go off. I'll forward

you something off list if I may from another list about helping dogs

get over their fear. Not so good with DKs as my DD2 wears ear

defenders to watch fireworks - loves the pretty lights but hates the

bangs - at nearly 8 they still make her flee into the house in tears.


> Caroline

> Jersey



> > Also my poor old Border Collie, Min, is desperately upset. She is

> > sitting on my feet (has been my lap but that is kind of


> > at 20 weeks pg and with her weighing a good four stone!) quaking


> > dribbling in fear.

> > Francesca



> Germain

> Jersey

> British Channel Islands

> 49º11'30 " N

> 02º06'12 " W

> WGS84




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