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Now I feel the odd one out! I am a tidy-up-aholic! Can't help it,

must be in my genes somewhere. Whilst DH has spent the last 2 hours

watching Gladiator I have tidied up all the toys, returned them to

the correct boxes (have vast collection of coloured plastic

containers, all lablelled!!), checked that all the jigsaw pieces are

in the correct boxes, and even washed some of the toy

cutlery/plates/cups etc in the dishwasher!

I know I should be resting, I know I must be mad but I find it

theraputic. I also know how I'll feel tomorrow morning when the DD's

come barging into the family room and pull the whole lot onto the

floor!! God alone knows why I bother as the kids (and DH) are

totally unawareof my endeavours.


(who cleans windows to unwind, but whose mother irons to relax!- even

I draw a line at somethings!!)

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Ok . let me nail my colours to the mast on this one.

I am lucky enough to have a cleaner. my faithful Filipino has

been with me for about 24 yrs and now my mother (a stroke victim)

lives with us, she doubles as her nurse in the mornings too.

BUT, if I didn't have a cleaner I would clean. Admittedly not as

zealously as does but I would hoover, dust and wipe most days,

and mop the kitchen floor. This I know because (1) in the dim and

distant past I didn't have a cleaner and I did do the cleaning; I

even went through a fanatical stage, which I am prone to :) In our

Jerusalem house we have a very half hearted cleaner, so we do sweep

and mop and clean up.

I would certainly do windows if they were too grimy to see through,

although possibly not otherwise. I have even been known to clean

skirting boards in my fanatical phase.

When I say I am messy, I mean in regard to tidying up drawers,

cupboards and shelves. I don't like living in a *dirty* house.


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> Ok . let me nail my colours to the mast on this one.


> I am lucky enough to have a cleaner. I don't like living in a

*dirty* house.


> Ruthie

Neither do I Ruthie, but then it isn't luck, it's money - of which I

have none spare for employing someone else to do my jobs. How lucky

are *you* - my DH would be livid if I wasted his money on something

which I can do perfectly well myself. The same reasoning behind the

argument that we will *never* purchase a dishwasher either, worse

luck. A friend (who has one) once tried to persuade him - " How often

do you wash your clothes (Ans - once or twice a week) and you do have

a washing machine? (Ans - Of course!), so how often do you wash up

then..... but to no avail, and he's right of course - I am just a bit

selfish/lazy and like my time to myself, but we DO have better things

to spend hard earned cash on. A shame that I just haven't the will

power to make myself do the cleaning more often - once a week is

about my limit - a cleaner is an unobtainable dream for me... sigh.


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> The same reasoning behind the

>argument that we will *never* purchase a dishwasher either, worse


Oh crumbs - I couldn't live without my dishwasher. I love it.

Everything feels so much cleaner.

As for cleaners - I used to have one who was fantastic. Now Steffi has

started school and DH is home looking for another contract, we decided

we had enough time to do it ourselves. It's actually quite relaxing not

having her.

As I said, she was great and I would have her back like a shot (to dust

those out of the way places and clean the windows!) but our house really

needs a good sort out before a cleaner can find the right place to put

things. She likes things out of sight - I used to have an ongoing

battle with her about the post, my keys, my purse, my handbag. The

moment I put anything down it would be put away and then when I came to

look for it ten mins later I couldn't find it.

We don't really have enough cupboard or shelf space to put things away

so we have boxes, some still not unpacked from our move here 3.5 yrs ago

as well as some I packed pre our Aussie move last year. We also

inherited my MIL's dictionary collection when she died last year - it

takes up virtually all our minimal book shelving.

DH and I describe ourselves as Failed Minimalists. We really like the

minimalist look but can't ever seem to achieve it.



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> A shame that I just haven't the will

> power to make myself do the cleaning more often - once a week is

> about my limit - a cleaner is an unobtainable dream for me... sigh.

I have a cleaner for one morning a fortnight for the grand sum of £12 (£4 an

hour). It's my luxury. In the week after she has been, I luxuriate in the

fact that the house has recently been cleaned. In the week before she comes,

there's no point in my doing any cleaning because the cleaner will be coming

soon. It's wonderful.


SAHM to (8), (6), Fraser (4), Callum (1)

Newsletter editor, Mid-Northumberland Branch

Area Rep, Region 7


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Beverley said

Now I feel the odd one out! I am a tidy-up-aholic! Can't help it,

And I am the same. I always thought I'd be one of these laid back " clarty "

=dirty in a lazy sort of way, mothers but I was wrong.

I can't stand any mess and consider skirting boards as something to be

checked when visitors are arriving.

I wish I was of the mind where life is too short to worry about house work

but I've turned into someone who thinks that life is too short to live in a

guddle of clutter and dirt..


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> > Ok . let me nail my colours to the mast on this one.

> >

> > I am lucky enough to have a cleaner. I don't like living in a

> *dirty* house.

> >

> > Ruthie


> Neither do I Ruthie, but then it isn't luck, it's money - of which I

> have none spare for employing someone else to do my jobs. How lucky

> are *you* - my DH would be livid if I wasted his money on something

> which I can do perfectly well myself. <snip>

I hate being made to feel guilty for having a cleaner. As I said

already, my mother, a completely paralyzed and brain damaged stroke

victim, lives with us, and has done for the past 8 yrs. is her

nurse, probably first and foremost now, and my cleaner only second.

There is no way at all I could manage mum on my own. If mum wasn't

with us, she'd be in a home, or, more probably, dead, by now, as we

are all convinced she wouldn't have survived this long with

institutionalised care.

However I do understand and accept completely that we can afford a

cleaner and a lot of people can't, which is why I used the word lucky,

probably should have said " fortunate " .


The same reasoning behind the

> argument that we will *never* purchase a dishwasher either, worse

> luck. A friend (who has one) once tried to persuade him - " How


> do you wash your clothes (Ans - once or twice a week) and you do


> a washing machine? (Ans - Of course!), so how often do you wash up

> then..... but to no avail, and he's right of course - I am just a


> selfish/lazy and like my time to myself, but we DO have better


> to spend hard earned cash on. A shame that I just haven't the will

> power to make myself do the cleaning more often - once a week is

> about my limit - a cleaner is an unobtainable dream for me... sigh.


> Ruth

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perhaps a NCT house cleaning register along the lines of babysitting



> are *you* - my DH would be livid if I wasted his money on something

> which I can do perfectly well myself

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Gosh, don't feel under pressure for having a cleaner. I'm totally jealous,

of course, being in a position to afford one but not being able to find a

decent one. I actually fired my cleaners a few months ago because they

were useless. They would not move a thing, so I used to spend my Sunday

nights in a mad tidy frenzy so that they could come in and run the hoover

over the place. DH actually hassles me to find a cleaner and refuses to

believe they just don't exist here. I miss the cleaner I had in the UK -

she used to come in twice a week for 4 hours at a time - bliss!


-----Original Message-----

From: ruthie@... [sMTP:ruthie@...]

I hate being made to feel guilty for having a cleaner.

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In article , Sue Woollett


>> The same reasoning behind the

>>argument that we will *never* purchase a dishwasher either, worse



>Oh crumbs - I couldn't live without my dishwasher. I love it.

>Everything feels so much cleaner.

It's also much more hygienic than washing up by hand - hotter water,

stronger detergents and no nasty bug-harbouring washing-up

cloths/sponges/brushes or tea-towels!


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on 07/11/01 12:00 AM, Sue Woollett at sue.ol@... wrote:

> DH and I describe ourselves as Failed Minimalists. We really like the

> minimalist look but can't ever seem to achieve it.

lol I always say that I'd love to have a minimalist house but we're just too

untidy and I hoard for Wales!!

Didn't someone once mention an 'unclutter your life' group? or did I dream

that there was help out there for me!!


( & Gethyn)

17yrs; Mari 3yrs Home Birth; Nia 7 wks Home Water Birth

http://www.picturetrail.com/jennihughes P/W = gwenni

" If you don't know your options - you don't have any "

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Don't remember seeing that Jenni, but I found one about 3 months ago and

just love it! It's called www.flylady.net and is based in the US. It would

*not* be everyone's cup of tea at all, but I just use the bits I want out of

it and I'm almost clutter free ;o)) It's also quite Christian in content.

It's free but such a shame that she didn't set it up with a 5 dollar one off

charge - she only had about 6000 members a year ago, and we just hit 54,000

last week! Do let me know if you try it out and what you think.....


Re: Re: Cleaning!

on 07/11/01 12:00 AM, Sue Woollett at sue.ol@... wrote:

> DH and I describe ourselves as Failed Minimalists. We really like the

> minimalist look but can't ever seem to achieve it.

lol I always say that I'd love to have a minimalist house but we're just


untidy and I hoard for Wales!!

Didn't someone once mention an 'unclutter your life' group? or did I dream

that there was help out there for me!!


( & Gethyn)

17yrs; Mari 3yrs Home Birth; Nia 7 wks Home Water Birth

http://www.picturetrail.com/jennihughes P/W = gwenni

" If you don't know your options - you don't have any "

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I'm on this. She drives me mad sometimes. But it is amazing how she knows

exactly what the inside of my car looks like, and under my beds.


off to shine my sink.

-----Original Message-----

From: Hannah Hutton [sMTP:hannah.hutton@...]

Don't remember seeing that Jenni, but I found one about 3 months ago and

just love it! It's called www.flylady.net and is based in the US. It would

*not* be everyone's cup of tea at all, but I just use the bits I want out of

it and I'm almost clutter free ;o)) It's also quite Christian in content.

It's free but such a shame that she didn't set it up with a 5 dollar one off

charge - she only had about 6000 members a year ago, and we just hit 54,000

last week! Do let me know if you try it out and what you think.....

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> Didn't someone once mention an 'unclutter your life' group? or did I


> that there was help out there for me!!


> Jenni

Jenni there is a book called Taming the Paper Tiger - but despite

having a copy the tiger is sprawled all over our house, the garage...


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