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Weaning onto Bottles

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Have any of you had a similar situation? I have a friend who needs advice.

She's B'feeding a 5 month old.

Finally started sleeping through the night around 3.5 months, but has recently

begun waking again.

She's assumed it's hunger and is back to feeding him at night, sometimes twice.

They've begun weaning onto solids - pureed apples, and he's loving it.

However, doctor says his weight gain has fallen and doesn't match his height on

graphs, so has recommended weaning onto a couple of bottles a day.

She is feeling completely guilty about feeding formula to him and initially he

rejected the bottle but now will take it but only from her, not dad. But he's

still waking twice a night.

She's hoping that the formula will maintain his weight gain.

She's getting a bit stressed, I think, about new baby and routines and has no

family support and few friends as she's living overseas.

I just wondered if any of you weaned onto bottles and carried on with combined

feeding (she hopes to continue b'feeding until 12 months) and if you have any

advice / support to give.

I've never given DD a bottle for anything and managed to successfully b'feed for

6 months exclusively, so never really faced the problems she has. And when

you're given advice by health professionals and you're a little unsure of what

to do, it's so hard to trust your instincts and you follow their advice.



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Ruthie wrote:

> My grandson Rafi eats loads of solids at 8 months but has yet to

> accept even a drop of liquid in any other form other than from the

> breast. Tavya has tried bottles, beakers, cups...sweetened drinks,

> plain water, expressed breast milk.. Dov feeding him, giving him


Isaac did this to me at about 11 months old - he refused the breast

completely but also refused liquids in any other form. I spoke to HV and she

suggested making his food sloppy, and giving yoghurts etc and not to make a

fuss. He finally went onto a cup (never a bottle although I even tried that)

but prefers one without a lid - like the big boys! My main problem was that

we had a heat wave about the same time and I was quite concerned that he was

not taking any liquids.


SAHM to 3 boys

Jack 8, 6 and Isaac 2

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I did wean both the babes onto bottles when I went back to work (both

at around six months), as the tiny amounts of food they managed to

eat during the day combined with night time breastfeeding just wasn't

enough. I had cut down on breastfeeding in the day (as I had to), and

they started waking up much more in the night to make up for it (ie

feeding all night) - and it just couldn't go on, so formula was the

only alternative (otherwise would have had to give up work).

I could write an essay on the trouble of getting babies to accept the

bottle, but it sounds like she has managed that first hurdle?

Is her main concern that she wants to continue to breastfeed as well?

If so the best (I found) was to have some form of routine, so the

bottle is used for specific feeds (eg morning and early evening) and

the breast for the other feeds - that way the breasts know what to

expect and are not constantly feeling empty or full.

Or does she disagree with the advice and would prefer not using

bottles at all? I know lots of people who have breastfed for 12

months (very common in Scandinavia) and some have used only breast

milk - but most of my friends would recommend introducing some other

liquid at around 6 months (even if only water with meals), and many

have supplemented successfully with formula without losing their milk.


> Have any of you had a similar situation? I have a friend who needs



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My grandson Rafi eats loads of solids at 8 months but has yet to

accept even a drop of liquid in any other form other than from the

breast. Tavya has tried bottles, beakers, cups...sweetened drinks,

plain water, expressed breast milk.. Dov feeding him, giving him

the drink to take himself..he just aint interested.


> > Have any of you had a similar situation? I have a friend who


> advice.

> >

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>Have any of you had a similar situation? I have a friend who needs advice.


>She's B'feeding a 5 month old.

>Finally started sleeping through the night around 3.5 months, but

>has recently begun waking again.

>She's assumed it's hunger and is back to feeding him at night,

>sometimes twice.

>They've begun weaning onto solids - pureed apples, and he's loving it.


>However, doctor says his weight gain has fallen and doesn't match

>his height on graphs, so has recommended weaning onto a couple of

>bottles a day.

>She is feeling completely guilty about feeding formula to him and

>initially he rejected the bottle but now will take it but only from

>her, not dad. But he's still waking twice a night.

>She's hoping that the formula will maintain his weight gain.

>She's getting a bit stressed, I think, about new baby and routines

>and has no family support and few friends as she's living overseas.


>I just wondered if any of you weaned onto bottles and carried on

>with combined feeding (she hopes to continue b'feeding until 12

>months) and if you have any advice / support to give.


>I've never given DD a bottle for anything and managed to

>successfully b'feed for 6 months exclusively, so never really faced

>the problems she has. And when you're given advice by health

>professionals and you're a little unsure of what to do, it's so hard

>to trust your instincts and you follow their advice.





DS1's weight gain went a bit wobbly once I started him on solids (not

a day before six months in this house!) He ate really well (ah, those

were the days!) - I had trouble keeping up with him. He'd started

waking in the night (after sleeping through almost every night since

under a week old) and solids made no difference to that.

LaLecheLeague was especially good at this point - that was when I

joined in fact (might well be a group in Greece as it is an

international thing). Someone who'd had the same problem suggested

encouraging the breastfeeding more (plenty of calories in breastmilk)

- ta da! (Didn't solve the sleep problem - I think that was just a

developmental issue - the notion of 'finally' sleeping through the

night at 3.5 months is laughable :-))

Is he quite a mobile child? I was never quite convinced by that as my

mother's reasoning but....




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This happened to both my DDs. They were biggish babies (8lbs 15 and

7lbs 15) but DH and I are quite slender people (read " was " in my

case!). I totally ignored the HV telling me to put them on the bottle

as (a) my babies hated it (B) I did not want them to have artificial

milk and © they were happy healthy alert children. If they had been

grizzly or shown signs of hunger then I might have paid some

attention! Maybe he needs some more solids? (I'm not an expert

though and I don't have boys who so I'm told have totally different

appetites to girls!)



Weaning onto Bottles

> Have any of you had a similar situation? I have a friend who needs



> She's B'feeding a 5 month old.

> Finally started sleeping through the night around 3.5 months, but

has recently begun waking again.

> She's assumed it's hunger and is back to feeding him at night,

sometimes twice.

> They've begun weaning onto solids - pureed apples, and he's loving



> However, doctor says his weight gain has fallen and doesn't match

his height on graphs, so has recommended weaning onto a couple of

bottles a day.

> She is feeling completely guilty about feeding formula to him and

initially he rejected the bottle but now will take it but only from

her, not dad. But he's still waking twice a night.

> She's hoping that the formula will maintain his weight gain.

> She's getting a bit stressed, I think, about new baby and routines

and has no family support and few friends as she's living overseas.


> I just wondered if any of you weaned onto bottles and carried on

with combined feeding (she hopes to continue b'feeding until 12

months) and if you have any advice / support to give.


> I've never given DD a bottle for anything and managed to

successfully b'feed for 6 months exclusively, so never really faced

the problems she has. And when you're given advice by health

professionals and you're a little unsure of what to do, it's so hard

to trust your instincts and you follow their advice.




> Janet





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I had a hell of a time establishing breastfeeding and started " mixed "

feeding from 7 weeks (after help from every sort of professional you

can imagine). I slowly reduced the breastfeeds to 2 per day, roughly

6.30 morning and night. For me it was a huge achievement to continue

bf in some form and I then successfully breastfed like this until DS

gave up at 11 months old to the day. It also helped as I went back to

work when DS was 4.5 months and he needed to be on bottles for nursery

by then anyway.

I know this isn't the same circumstances at all as your friend, but

does go to show you can successfully mix the two.


Treasurer, Stansted Branch (R5)

Mum to , 3¾

> I just wondered if any of you weaned onto bottles and carried on

with combined feeding (she hopes to continue b'feeding until 12

months) and if you have any advice / support to give.


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Ruthie, my DD2 was just like this. Our solution was that we found she

liked drinking from a straw (although this might be something to do

with the fact that she has a big sister who she idolises who likes

drinking through wiggly straws!). Anyway, that solved our problem as

once she'd cracked that we moved onto those beakers with integral

straws. Worth a try ....



Re: Weaning onto Bottles

> My grandson Rafi eats loads of solids at 8 months but has yet to

> accept even a drop of liquid in any other form other than from the

> breast. Tavya has tried bottles, beakers, cups...sweetened drinks,

> plain water, expressed breast milk.. Dov feeding him, giving him

> the drink to take himself..he just aint interested.


> Ruthie



> > > Have any of you had a similar situation? I have a friend who

> needs

> > advice.

> > >




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Weaning onto Bottles


> Have any of you had a similar situation? I have a friend who needs



> She's B'feeding a 5 month old.

> Finally started sleeping through the night around 3.5 months, but has

> recently begun waking again.

> She's assumed it's hunger and is back to feeding him at night, sometimes

> twice.

> They've begun weaning onto solids - pureed apples, and he's loving it.


> However, doctor says his weight gain has fallen and doesn't match his


> on graphs, so has recommended weaning onto a couple of bottles a day.

> She is feeling completely guilty about feeding formula to him and


> he rejected the bottle but now will take it but only from her, not dad.


> he's still waking twice a night.

> She's hoping that the formula will maintain his weight gain.

> She's getting a bit stressed, I think, about new baby and routines and has

> no family support and few friends as she's living overseas.


> I just wondered if any of you weaned onto bottles and carried on with

> combined feeding (she hopes to continue b'feeding until 12 months) and if

> you have any advice / support to give.


> I've never given DD a bottle for anything and managed to successfully


> for 6 months exclusively, so never really faced the problems she has. And

> when you're given advice by health professionals and you're a little


> of what to do, it's so hard to trust your instincts and you follow their

> advice.




> Janet




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