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Company secretary

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I'm trying to find out what the responsibilities of the Company

Secretary role are and having some trouble - can anyone point me in

the right direction for chapter and verse/give me some personal

experiences? (I've signed on the dotted line to do it for DHs new

company but informed consent is ain't!)

And while I'm on the subject of roles - if you had to choose an NCT

committee role - membership secretary, secretary or chair - which

would you choose and why? Which is 'easiest' in terms of workload?




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Ought to be able to find something for you, but I can't atm. My

company law book gives the qualifications for company secretaries but

not much else. The cop out clause if you're not an accountant or

lawyer is " a person... who appears to the directors to be capable of

discharging those functions " ie the functions of a secretary, but

unhelpfully doesn't say what they are.

Secretary is definitely non-committal compared with a director.

No-one should become a director without fully understanding what is

expected as you can get into all sorts of trouble unknowingly, but I'm

sure this doesn't apply for a secretary.

I'm co sec for the company that employs me and DH. Basically I just

file the right forms at companies house every now and then (annual

return, annual accounts, change of address etc). Also supposed to

keep the company registers (directors, members etc) and minutes of

directors minutes (if any).

Only time for a quick search on the web. Found these link through a

search engine


Very basic info, but gives you some idea.


Bit more details, including some of the legal bumpf, and just about

sums it up I think.

There are certainly a few books around called The Company Secretary's

Handbook or words to that effect. Tolleys (Butterworths) do lots of

books in this vein (Amazon came up with a few on a " company secretary "


Hope that helps a bit


Treasurer, Stansted Branch (R5)

Mum to , 3¾

> I'm trying to find out what the responsibilities of the Company

> Secretary role are and having some trouble - can anyone point me in

> the right direction for chapter and verse/give me some personal

> experiences? (I've signed on the dotted line to do it for DHs new

> company but informed consent is ain't!)

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Company Secretary's are responsible for ensuring

that returns are filed with Companies House and

that all other legal requirements of the company

are fulfilled, eg. correct procedures for AGM.

Also has to sign the accounts.

You should bear in mind that should the whole

thing go pear shaped, then there is a legal responsibility

on the Company Secretary and that not being

aware of those responsibilities is no defence.

I recommend that you take care to find out exactly

what you are required to do. The duties are not

likely to be onerous in a small company, could

just be a question of signing your name when

required to do so, but you should be aware of the

implications of such a signature.

Sorry if this worries you.

The Institute of Chartered Secretaries (www.ICSA.org.uk)

do a number of publications which will make

things clearer for you.

Good luck

(Associate member of ICSA), but

not worked in the field for 9 years.

Company secretary


> I'm trying to find out what the responsibilities of the Company

> Secretary role are and having some trouble - can anyone point me in

> the right direction for chapter and verse/give me some personal

> experiences? (I've signed on the dotted line to do it for DHs new

> company but informed consent is ain't!)


> And while I'm on the subject of roles - if you had to choose an NCT

> committee role - membership secretary, secretary or chair - which

> would you choose and why? Which is 'easiest' in terms of workload?


> --


> jennifer@...

> Vaudin



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Thanks *so* much for the info folks - I was amazed there was so

little in all the business books at the library - though since I was

trying to look with [judgmental comment coming up] naughty little boy

in tow.

I vividly remember DH telling me when he was running the previous

business that company secretary is the scary job because that's who

goes to prison if there is a contravention - and then he asks me to

do it for the new one and is remarkably vague about what is involved

- and so are the books - the best I found said things like

" responsibilities include... " and then three lines. We do have a pet

accountant who DH assures me will deal with all the compliance

issues, but... I'm really not a blithe " Oh it'll be fine " person - I

like to know what needs doing, what can go wrong and then I can make

sure it is fine :-)

Trust coffee to come up with the answers - and if I'm quiet for a few

days you'll know what I'm reading instead!




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