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Xmas Pressies was untidy houses

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>Just realised this might sound like we don't put very much thought into

>buying Christmas presents, but when you have a list of over twenty small

>and not so small children to buy for, some of whom you hardly ever see,

>it gets like that!

We don't have to buy many pressies - just Steffi, our niece and nephew,

my sis and her bf.

All the other adults have a 'No pressies' agreement as we do with our NZ

family - gets way too expensive to post gifts overseas, especially when

you don't know what they already have.

This year Steffi is making chocolates and biscuits for her grandparents,

great-grandma, aunts and uncles. She loves baking and painting

boxes/bags for them to go in and it will fill in the endless Xmas

holiday - I'm not sure whether she's off for 3 weeks or 4 this year.



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on 08/11/01 12:01 AM, Sue Woollett at sue.ol@... wrote:

> All the other adults have a 'No pressies' agreement

We've introduced a 5.00 limit on adult presents - I'm usually make something

like Apricots in as the present.

> This year Steffi is making chocolates and biscuits for her grandparents,

> great-grandma, aunts and uncles. She loves baking

ooooooh me too - when I had the time :( Favourite sweets that I made were

chocolate covered marzipan dates - yummy and easy if anyone wants the



( & Gethyn)

17yrs; Mari 3yrs Home Birth; Nia 7 wks Home Water Birth

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" If you don't know your options - you don't have any "

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