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Re: Flylady (was/is Re: Cleaning!)

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> Just joined up - I'll let you know how I get on!


> thanks


> Jenni

I joined yesterday too - my sink is SO shiny :o)))) And she's right -

looking at that shiny sink is really satisfying. (hee hee how sad that

sounds LOL). I've been very, very slovenly recently but am now inspired.

Hannah, 28

Mum to Bethany 7, Lawrence 5 1/2, Verity 3, Alfie 8 months

Visit me on the web at :-


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  • 11 months later...

Just joined up - I'll let you know how I get on!



on 07/11/01 09:21 PM, J.M. at jmj@... wrote:

> I'm on this. She drives me mad sometimes. But it is amazing how she knows

> exactly what the inside of my car looks like, and under my beds.

> Joyce

> off to shine my sink.


> -----Original Message-----

> From: Hannah Hutton [sMTP:hannah.hutton@...]


> Don't remember seeing that Jenni, but I found one about 3 months ago and

> just love it! It's called www.flylady.net and is based in the US. It would

> *not* be everyone's cup of tea at all, but I just use the bits I want out of

> it and I'm almost clutter free ;o)) It's also quite Christian in content.

> It's free but such a shame that she didn't set it up with a 5 dollar one off

> charge - she only had about 6000 members a year ago, and we just hit 54,000

> last week! Do let me know if you try it out and what you think.....





> *** NCT enquiry line - 0 ***


> Live chat http://www.yahoogroups.com/chat/nct-coffee


> Have you found out about all the other groups for the NCT online?



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I have heard both good and bad about Flylady (did you know

there's a yahoogroup as well, but like Announce, they send

you messages and there's no discussion - and 'no whining'

apparently, either).

Some say it has sorted out their homes and lives. Many

people I have heard talk about it have wanted to know where

to find the detailed instructions for the other able-bodied

adult in the household.

I think if you're not sure where to start, they can give

you a push in the right direction.

But until they come over and shine my sink for me each day

(and what do i care if my sink is shiny??), I'll just be

slovenly :)


P.S. I think the poems that someone posted are copyrighted,

etc and you'd have to ask permission for your newsletter. I

wrote a similar one (before seeing these, I swear!) a few

months ago, if you'd like to use that. It's in the shared

files here on coffee under Poetry for Mums (or something

like that). It is available for use in all NCT branch newsletters.


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Yes Phyllis, it's great if it works for you and if it doesn't you just

leave. It works so well for me that not only is my house cleaner and

tidier, I am definitely more organised and more importantly I have more time

for the kids. I don't quite understand how that works, but I guess by doing

a small bit everyday I feel more on top of things. Also I feel I'd be

living in complete chaos with three boys aged 4 and under if I didn't plan

things a bit more carefully. I love it, but I can see that it would not

appeal to lots of people.


(with quite a shiny sink ;o)) )

Re: Flylady (was/is Re: Cleaning!)

I have heard both good and bad about Flylady

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I have to confess, I have joined. Today I have dressed myself from top to

toe (no, really!), shined my sink, and made some beds - I *never* make

beds!! I've also wiped down the outside of my fridge and oven. And been

to a kids' activity class, spent a couple of hours with a customer, cooked

lunch from scratch, ditto tea, spoken to Caro (briefly) on the phone,

packed up orders, filled, washed and emptied the dishwasher, been to the

bank/post office, and lost temper with DS. I feel good about the shiny

sink :))


At 12:16 08/11/01, you wrote:

>Yes Phyllis, it's great if it works for you and if it doesn't you just

>leave. It works so well for me that not only is my house cleaner and

>tidier, I am definitely more organised and more importantly I have more time

>for the kids. I don't quite understand how that works,

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>Yes Phyllis, it's great if it works for you and if it doesn't you just


At this point I'd like to recommend that Debbie in Perth, Australia,

doesn't join - the time diff is just too much!!!

You get up to millions of messages of how much housework to do and then

get no messages all day!

That's the bad part of a 14 hour???? time difference!!! (How many hours

are you ahead of the UK now? i *think* Melbourne is 11 but not sure)



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Kate, help! I can't work out who you're asking what to? Please can you

leave enough of the post you're responding to for us (well, me - no

memory!) to know what you're asking??



At 19:47 08/11/01, you wrote:

>Have you submitted to Yahoo or Inkatomi-do you think UK shoppers use

>them-any advise greatly appreciated.



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Sorry I was having a problem with my mail which is now sorted thank to Angi

(I think)

I am trying to increase traffic through a commercial site to uk shoppers and

wondered if you think Yahoo and Inkatomi are worth paying for a listing.

Do Uk on-line shoppers use these search engines?


Re: Re: Flylady (was/is Re: Cleaning!)

> Kate, help! I can't work out who you're asking what to? Please can you

> leave enough of the post you're responding to for us (well, me - no

> memory!) to know what you're asking??


> Thanks


> Vicki!


> At 19:47 08/11/01, you wrote:

> >Have you submitted to Yahoo or Inkatomi-do you think UK shoppers use

> >them-any advise greatly appreciated.

> >I

> >Kate.



> *** NCT enquiry line - 0 ***


> Live chat http://www.yahoogroups.com/chat/nct-coffee


> Have you found out about all the other groups for the NCT online?



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on 09/11/01 07:43 PM, katwe at katwe@... wrote:

> wondered if you think Yahoo and Inkatomi are worth paying for a listing.

> Do Uk on-line shoppers use these search engines?

I use Yahoo but hadn't heard of Inkatomi, I also use Ask Jeeves and someone

recently recommended Google to me.



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>I am trying to increase traffic through a commercial site to uk shoppers and

>wondered if you think Yahoo and Inkatomi are worth paying for a listing.

>Do Uk on-line shoppers use these search engines?

I only ever use Google.



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