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Ruthie's E-Mail

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I think we should treat this with the contempt it deserves - whoever

sent this nasty message is obviously going to be enjoying the fuss it

has caused. I expect that at some time ALL of us have thought that

maybe (just maybe - no offence intended) Ruthie has an awful lot to

say on everything that is discussed and a lot more besides, but

mostly it is very informed information, reassuring advice or

interesting snippets about her life (and what a full one too!) which

we mostly enjoy reading about. Ruthie has been incredibly supportive

to all of us in one way or another, and there is no way that any of

us would say anything offensive to her, meaning to hurt her

deliberately, but I admit I was feeling a bit bad about the " having a

cleaner " stuff that was said - but even that has led to an

interesting sideline (Flylady)which most of us seem to be enjoying

(me too!)

Let's ignore it, someone may discover who it is and obliterate their

Membership from the list, if possible, or maybe they will do it again

and give themselves away (hopefully!).


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> I think we should treat this with the contempt it deserves - whoever

> sent this nasty message is obviously going to be enjoying the fuss


> has caused. I expect that at some time ALL of us have thought that

> maybe (just maybe - no offence intended) Ruthie has an awful lot to

> say on everything that is discussed and a lot more besides,

I guess my big mouth comes with being a writer, words come easy to me

whether written or spoken. Sorry!

And I do understand how you felt about the cleaner episode Ruth. It

was a knee jerk reaction of mine to say that I hated being made to

feel guilty about having a cleaner and then the nasty email accusing

me of being spoilt and rich just fed on this guilt. So sorry if I

snapped back.


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> I guess my big mouth comes with being a writer, words come easy to


> whether written or spoken. Sorry!


> And I do understand how you felt about the cleaner episode Ruth.


> was a knee jerk reaction of mine to say that I hated being made to

> feel guilty about having a cleaner and then the nasty email


> me of being spoilt and rich just fed on this guilt. So sorry if I

> snapped back.


> Ruthie

Oh Ruthie - please don't apologise :) I do hope you enjoy your trip

and tell us all about it when you get back.



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