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vit c tea

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Ruthie love and indeed everybody love - someone on homebirth has just

mentioned (a propos of getting iron levels up) that coffee reduces

vitamin C uptake by 40% and tea by 60% - I should have said caffeine

and tannin respectively ... so better have herby teas if you are

hoping to benefit from the vit C in them lovverley lemons and

limes..my fave at the moment is camomile and lime flowers and also

blackberry and nettle is v yummy;



hope you are feeling better emotionally too...bynow.

Just off to look at my stash of materials to select material to make

DS's ph outfit for the nativity play (feeling v chuffed)

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I always think herbal tea smells wonderful but tastes like hay! Just found some

effervescent Echinacia(?) + Vit C tabs that DD1 will take



so better have herby teas if you are

> hoping to benefit from the vit C in them lovverley lemons and

> limes..my fave at the moment is camomile and lime flowers and also

> blackberry and nettle is v yummy;

> Caro



British Channel Islands

49º11'30 " N

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on 09/11/01 04:18 PM, Caro Heyworth at heywortno3@... wrote:

don't think Caro mentioned that dairy products also inhibit iron absorption

- when am I supposed to take the tabs when it says to take them with food? I

suppose I could always join Mari in her Vegan tea! (soya cheese sandwiches

and rice pudding tonite).

> my fave at the moment is camomile and lime flowers and also

> blackberry and nettle is v yummy;

Raspberry leaf tastes good with honey (and makes the room smell nice - beats


NB: it's not advisable to drink it in early pregnancy but contrary to

popular myth AFAIK it doesn't actually induce labour but tones the uterus.

Anecdotally I drank it for the last 4 wks or so and I had a less than 2hr

labour - oh go on someone else must have their story that they drank it and

had a long long labour ;)


( & Gethyn)

17yrs; Mari 3yrs Home Birth; Nia 8 wks Home Water Birth

" If you don't know your options - you don't have any "

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In article , Jenni


>Raspberry leaf tastes good with honey (and makes the room smell nice - beats



>NB: it's not advisable to drink it in early pregnancy but contrary to

>popular myth AFAIK it doesn't actually induce labour but tones the uterus.

>Anecdotally I drank it for the last 4 wks or so and I had a less than 2hr

>labour - oh go on someone else must have their story that they drank it and

>had a long long labour ;)

Yep - well, it was tablets rather than tea, but I took them fairly

regularly before dd1 was born, and was in labour for about 36 hours (not

all hard labour, I hasten to add - it sort of came and went for about

the first 30).

I didn't bother with dd2, and had an equally long labour - not sure what

that proves.


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Do you think we could get Flylady to work us out a routine for taking

in our nutrients so that they don't all work against each other, as my

poor little brain can't cope with it all!

Dairy before Iron + Vit C but minus Tea/Coffee/Coke and Raw things

first so as not to mobilise white blood cells in stomach; and at

least 25% raw things in whole diet;

if kosher dairy has to be 6 hrs before meat (therefore Iron) or six

hours after...or 3 hours if you're not so keen or not gap if not

kosher which is most of us (hey that's spooky, another real medical

reason for kosher laws) and if you're me you have to make sure you're

getting enough B vits because of not eating gluten products and enough

calcium because of not eating much milk product ....

Any other offers?


PS Jenni Soya cheese - yuk yuk yuk!!!!! which brand do you use?!!!

> don't think Caro mentioned that dairy products also inhibit iron


> - when am I supposed to take the tabs when it says to take them with

food? I

> suppose I could always join Mari in her Vegan tea! (soya cheese


> and rice pudding tonite).

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Caro wrote

>Do you think we could get Flylady to work us out a routine for >taking in our

nutrients so that they don't all work against each other, >as my poor little

brain can't cope with it all!

Sounds very complicated-do we need all these supplements?


P.s. have had a bit of a flylady disaster-will post later about it-still smiling

through gritted teeth though (just)

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