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Head lice

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Vicki wrote:

> Well, DD1 has had an itchy neck for *weeks* (probably since the beginning

> of term now I think about it) and I have today found at least 4 headlice on

> DS :((


> I know the commercial shampoos for nits are frowned on - since I think we

> will all 5 need treating does anyone have any bulletproof de-lousing tips??


Even the thought brings me out itching. My boys have never had them (no 2

haircuts!) but if nits are in the area! I use an Avon tea tree shampoo and

conditioner on them. I also wet comb with a nit comb just in case - normally

once a month.

The news letter from school about nits said the following:

Hair should be brushed and combed each morning and night.

Check the hair at least once a week by using the following method:

Hair should be WET and CONDITIONED, comb with an ordinary comb.

Using a detection comb start at the top of the scalp and draw the comb down

towards the edge of the hair over a white sheet of paper so that you will be

able to see the lice if they drop out.

Inspect the comb for lice as well.

Repeat the procedure working around the head for about 10-15 minutes

It does recommend using an insecticide treatment should you find headlice -

but personally I would go for the tea tree shampoo and conditioner and I

would also make sure pillowcases and hats were washed - whether that is

important or not I don't know but it would make me feel better!

Best of luck.

Trisha itching for England at the thought!

SAHM to 3 boys

Jack 8, 6 and Isaac 2

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Well, DD1 has had an itchy neck for *weeks* (probably since the beginning

of term now I think about it) and I have today found at least 4 headlice on

DS :((

I know the commercial shampoos for nits are frowned on - since I think we

will all 5 need treating does anyone have any bulletproof de-lousing tips??



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1. Get a good video.

2. Light the fire. (but not if using commercial nit killers, they're


3. Get hair conditioner - wash their hair (in the bathroom), towel dry

and put conditioner in.

4. With them seated in front of video on toddler chair (yes even DD1)

and you behind on sofa or whatever, comb minutely through hair and put

combings and slobs of conditioner on towel on floor. You could see

the lice in which case DH gets to squash them between his thumbnails.

Go through hair very thoroughly, combing from the skin end slowly down

to the ends. Nits tend to be within 2 " of hair roots; hotspots are

behind ears, on crown and at nape of neck. If they are watching video

your fiddling through their hair should be pleasurable rather than a


5. Rinse hair. Then with our thin hair I go through again removing

the nit eggs (they slide off the individual hairs) but I know people

with a lot of hair don't do this and if your individual hairs are

quite thick the nitcomb can catch them.

6. Pack 'em off to bed.

7. Open bottle of wine.

8. Repeat exercise with DH and then he can nit you. Enjoy!

Let me know when you're doing it and we can mirror you here, since

we've had contact since the beginning of term!!!

PS - Also, can make a lotion with tea trea oil drops and I'm sure

someone else will have posted the recipe by the time this gets to the

list. We ought to put it up on files on a permanent basis.



PS, tell the nursery school teachers ;-)

> Well, DD1 has had an itchy neck for *weeks* (probably since the


> of term now I think about it) and I have today found at least 4

headlice on

> DS :((


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After 10 years of head lice we have thankfully come out of the other

end as secondary school kids don't seem to get it. It was so

prevalent I could spot them at 10 yards! Anyway, we did the whole

tea tree thing and I have to tell you it doesn't work! My kids used

tea tree shampoo and conditioner with added tea tree oil for 10 years

and they still got nits. Wet combing is all very well if you have

the time but when your kids have nits you are supposed to wet comb

every night, at least that's what we were told by our school. The

heartbreaking thing was that you would treat them over the weekend,

send them back to school and the following week they were re-

infected. So I'm afraid we always used Lyclear or Derbac, sometimes

every 2 or 3 weeks. However, one alternative I did find was a little

battery operated nit comb that you use on DRY hair (don't use on wet

hair or you'll electrocute your child!!). Basically, it buzzes and

then when it finds a nit it stops buzzing, so you take the nit out

and carry on. It doesn't actually kill the nits and off course

doesn't kill or remove eggs but if you are dead set against chemicals

it is easier than wet combing. Some aromatherapy shops also sell a

herbal and essential oils-based anti-lice scalp oil so it might be

worth looking for that.

My sympathies to anyone starting out on the nit trail - good luck!!


(itching in sympathy)

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The bad news, Akiko, is that DD1 was the one who started us on the trail -

and she's in year 8...

I'd always heard that secondary school children don't get them, too :(

I've done the littles a comb-through with t tree and baby oil - loads and

loads out of DS so will get the no. 2 out this evening and shear his

beautiful curls off. It'll make me weep, but I think it's the simplest

way. Fewer out of DD2, but she has reasonably short and very fine hair, so

I think they wouldn't stick on her??

Will do DD1 this evening. Have got her to agree to a haircut, too, so

hopefully collar-length hair will make the problem easier to solve. Seems

like a strong reaction, but I got over 20 lice out of Josh, and DD1 has

mid-back length hair *shiver*

Thanks, all, for suggestions - I'm off to look at Jo's websites.



At 17:07 12/11/01, you wrote:

>After 10 years of head lice we have thankfully come out of the other

>end as secondary school kids don't seem to get it.

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> The bad news, Akiko, is that DD1 was the one who started us on the

trail -

> and she's in year 8...


> I'd always heard that secondary school children don't get them,

too :(

I know, both mine have had one episode each since starting secondary;

my older is in year 10 and the younger is in year 8. Both long thick

hair so I used to send them to school in plaits. I promise you, it

is better in secondary!! Good luck!


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I have to do DD2`s hair in the bath. I get in too - she loves a really

deep bath and we stay in for about half an hour. I use a couple of pots

to rinse out the combs with each stroke plus assorted rags or old

flannels to clean the combs.

I use a bit of conditioner on the hair & brush in the mornings - so the

remaining nits eggs will slide off.

Best place to buy combs is at school - the infants' school sells for



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We've had it twice (or rather DS has). Both times cured it fairly

quickly as part of bath routine every 2-3 nights.

Washed hair as normal then while still in bath put loads of

conditioner on and rubbed in a couple of drops of tea tree oil (makes

your hands stink).

Combed with a plastic nit comb from roots to tips (he is fair, so it's

fairly easy to see what's there), rinsed it in the bath in between

sections. In between baths, when sitting near and still (eg story at

bedtime) picked out any I saw as and when.

Our worst offending areas were the crown of his head and at the roots

of his fringe/hairline.

Went within 10 days both times.

There's also an article in one of the shared files (may be main list)

that Sue Bluck from East Cheshire put together (I know cos i forwarded

it to our newsletter editor). Has some useful tips/website ideas

Good luck.


Treasurer, Stansted Branch (R5)

Mum to , 3¾

> Well, DD1 has had an itchy neck for *weeks* (probably since the


> of term now I think about it) and I have today found at least 4

headlice on

> DS :((

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