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Response to Francesca's various ..

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> A little less clutter but still not plucked up the courage to join



> Francesca

But Flylady is good practise for deleting messages, which is what she

tells newcomers to do to nearly all the messages until they get


(which Jenni, did you realise?)

re red light DD policewoman: *so sweet!* I am also told I'm driving

fast when I'm creeping at 15-20 mph down a windy hill near here...!

re wee training: how about terry nickers which are just a little more

absorbent, and she will want to get them off anyway once has

realised - the irony is you will probably only need them for a week or

two! I bought them from largish local chemist.

Oh yes, please do post that second-hand things site! I am going to

compile a list of such useful sites - eg decluttering sites like

Salvation Army and put up in files...

Francesca re cleaner - that's what I understand most cleaning ladies

do and really once had got the palce whoops, ! not palace but place,

under control, I would want someone to clean the more inaccessible

places and do toothbrush work on the window panes etc...

> What's that, Caro, 21 what??? ;0)


> Francesca (heading fast downhill to 35 ....)

LOL ...that's *exactly* what I mean!!! You're all heading *downhill*

to a

point I passed aeons ago!!! So I have fast-rewound to a point where I

don't go 'ahem , ahem' when DS asks me how old I am....

.....mind you, at the bottom of that hill, there is still

transformational Flylady!!!

Caro big ;-)

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>re wee training: how about terry nickers which are just a little more

>absorbent, and she will want to get them off anyway once has

>realised - the irony is you will probably only need them for a week or

>two! I bought them from largish local chemist.

Anything you can buy in a shop is IMHO foul (a notable exception

being the Born shop in Bristol)

Miranda and Vicki on here have both been mentioned as sellers of

Bright Bots. I have a large personal collection of trainer pants

which predates the arrival of Bright Bots in the UK. The PVC element

of those puts me off, despite the lovely colours (ditto Kooshies), so

I'd recommend the SamIAm/Indisposable trainer pants - Miranda sells

the SamIAm version of these - I mention the Indisposables which I got

from Canada www.bareware.net as they have different fabric designs.

These are really snazzy knickers IMHO and they wash and dry well (can

be tumbled) The Bambino Mio pant is OK too. The Bumpy trainer pant is

quite cosy but takes longer to dry and can't be tumble dried - and I

think quick drying is a particular issue with trainer pants

especially if you don't want to fork out for a large personal

collection too. Definitely worthwhile using the Buy and Sell forum

for these.




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