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Re: Flylady (was Response to Francesca's various ..)

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on 12/11/01 01:16 PM, Caro Heyworth at heywortno3@... wrote:

> But Flylady is good practise for deleting messages, which is what she

> tells newcomers to do to nearly all the messages until they get

> going...

> (which Jenni, did you realise?)

Yep afraid I did and am still deleting BUT I haven't managed to move any

further than day 1 (think I subscribed 5 days ago now!) and today haven't

even managed to shine my sink (dressed and made bed though!). Feels like

groundhog day here ;)


( & Gethyn)

17yrs; Mari 3yrs Home Birth; Nia 8 wks Home Water Birth

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But Jenni love you've got a very young baby - I think you shouldn't

give up on Flylady but still you need to put Nia first for a while -

then maybe bung her in a sling when you have the energy and just do

the shiny sink. - I do think there has to be special dispensation for

people with sleepless nights, and who are recovering from ops, and

that sort of thing...

(((hugs))) and pliz ((hug)) that babe for me too! (and Mari!)


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<<<But Jenni love you've got a very young baby - I think you shouldn't

give up on Flylady >>>>

I had a look at fly lady and decided that as baby was near there was not much

point in me trying this. I have booked marked the site and am thinking once baby

is here and I am feeling that things are getting into some sort of order I will

try it but just not at the moment..


mama to Phoebe and Eloisa and expecting a Christmas delivery..

When the jar is always full of biscuits

What's the fun in biscuits??

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