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re cleaning

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> I was impressed

> > that you'd wangled 10 hrs/wk but realised that even with that much help


> > were probably only just treading water with 4 DSs to make a mess!


> Now that you've got your head round that level of mess, go up a gear and


> imagining what it's like here with 4 DSs and 3 hours a fortnight of


> And a mother who spends all housework hours emailing ;-)


> Lynda

> SAHM to (8), (6), Fraser (4), Callum (1)

> Newsletter editor, Mid-Northumberland Branch

> Area Rep, Region 7

> www.familygarland.co.uk

Or even 4 dk's and NO cleaner !!

Hannah, 28

Mum to Bethany 7, Lawrence 5 1/2, Verity 3, Alfie 8 months

Visit me on the web at :-


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  • 1 year later...

>Now that you've got your head round that level of mess, go up a gear

and try

>imagining what it's like here with 4 DSs and 3 hours a fortnight of


>And a mother who spends all housework hours emailing ;-)


Just as guilty on the email front here Lynda, 2 at school, 1 at nursery,

DS4 just dropped off to sleep. Knowing he will sleep for about 40 mins

do I a) hang out washing, empty and refill dishwasher, make beds, or B)

check emails, print off some NCT stuff and make a couple of (NCT) phone


PS no prizes for the correct answer :-))


Mum to Tim (8), (6), (3) and Philip (1)

Co-Chair, MVA, Valley cushion agent, homebirth support and booking clerk

Selby Rural NCT

Region 7 Secretary

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