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tip for postman

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<He only got £15 last year, he will get more this year as I've impinged on

his helpfulness a lot. Perhaps Hannah can say if this is a good amount or



£15 is certainly on the generous side!! Poor dh is unlikely to get many

tips this year :o( Having moved in February he hasn't yet built up the

rapour (sp? - brains not working and the spell checker doesn't know either!)

with his customers that he had on his previous 'round' , where he'd

delivered for several years.

Bad news for me, as the size of my Christmas present usually depends on the

amount of his tips LOL.

Hannah, 28

Mum to Bethany 71/2, Lawrence nearly 6, Verity 3 1/2, Alfie 9 months

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  • 11 months later...

Yikes I'd better do a bit better this year - ... & why Hannah?


He only got £15 last year, he will get more this year as I've impinged

on his helpfulness a lot. Perhaps Hannah can say if this is a good

amount or not.


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Ok something must have by passed me here.. I like my post man but I never

considered tipping him at Christmas time...

I don't tip my milk man either but that is because he does such a cr** job that

I don't want to encourage him... Incedently the same with our bin men but the

guy who comes every 2 weeks to wash and clean our bin will get a generous tip as

he is good ;o)..


mama to Phoebe and Eloisa and expecting a Christmas delivery..

When the jar is always full of biscuits

What's the fun in biscuits??

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Yes, I suddenly wondered what I should know or not and then remembered that

Hannah Hamer's DH is a postman ;o))

Hannah Hutton

Re: tip for postman

Yikes I'd better do a bit better this year - ... & why Hannah?


He only got £15 last year, he will get more this year as I've impinged

on his helpfulness a lot. Perhaps Hannah can say if this is a good

amount or not.


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Jenni wrote:

> One year the window cleaner lingered

> on the doorstep and said " happy new year " so I simply said " have a good one "

> and closed the door - only then did I realise he was waiting for a tip! - he

> never came again :(


I never tip our window cleaner on the basis that he is a Jehovah Witness and

does not celebrate Christmas!


SAHM to 3 boys

Jack 8, 6 and Isaac 2

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on 13/11/01 06:42 PM, Lonnie Fletcher at lonniefletcher@... wrote:

> Ok something must have by passed me here.. I like my post man but I never

> considered tipping him at Christmas time...

It's ok Lonnie it's passed me by too!! One year the window cleaner lingered

on the doorstep and said " happy new year " so I simply said " have a good one "

and closed the door - only then did I realise he was waiting for a tip! - he

never came again :(

Incedently the same with our bin men

> but the guy who comes every 2 weeks to wash and clean our bin will get a

> generous tip as he is good ;o)..

Now you've passed me by - someone who cleans your bin????????


( & Gethyn)

17yrs; Mari 3yrs Home Birth; Nia 8 wks Home Water Birth

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I never tip ours, on the basis that he only comes when it's pouring with

rain, so he makes very little difference!


At 12:59 14/11/01, you wrote:

>I never tip our window cleaner on the basis that he is a Jehovah Witness and

>does not celebrate Christmas!



>SAHM to 3 boys

>Jack 8, 6 and Isaac 2

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<<<<Now you've passed me by - someone who cleans your bin????????>>>>>

LOL yes I have a company who comes every 2 weeks and clean and disinfect my bin

for me. (leaves it smelling all nice and lemony) and then sticks a plastic bag

inside it. This then gets thrown away with the next weeks rubbish and then you

go have the bin as it is for 1 week and they then arrive and clean it again

;o).. Sounds extravagant perhaps but I really like not having a bin that is

all mucky or has maggots in it (and I know several people who have had that

problem) and I REALLY do not want to do it myself (and dh just never gets around

to do it lol)


mama to Phoebe and Eloisa and expecting a Christmas delivery..

When the jar is always full of biscuits

What's the fun in biscuits??

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