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Nervous wreck

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Janet wrote

>I'm a complete nervous wreck!

>Three tremors within three weeks and I can't take it anymore.

>Last night we had a tremor of 4.5 but it was close. It's said that it's an

aftershock from the quake we had two years ago.

>I was putting DD to bed and everything rattled, thankfully briefly.

That must be so frightening

Thinking of you


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I'm a complete nervous wreck!

Three tremors within three weeks and I can't take it anymore.

Last night we had a tremor of 4.5 but it was close. It's said that it's an

aftershock from the quake we had two years ago.

I was putting DD to bed and everything rattled, thankfully briefly.

Everytime there's a little tremor I get completely paniced and my whole body is

like jelly for ages after and I remain on 'quake alert' for days after. If

anything remotely rattles or shakes, I jump to alert and my eyes check our

speakers (they're the first thing to move in even a small tremor). Even if DH

is just shaking his leg while he sits it makes me jump or if a truck passes on

the road below or the printer printing making the desk tremble. It's really


So last night I cried it out of my system and thought - I'll read my book to

take my mind of things.

Hah! Currently reading 'Captain Corelli's Mandolin' and I'm getting near the

end. I've got to the chapter titled '1953'. So before I go get my book, I ask

DH what happened in Greece in 1953 (Corelli is based in Cephallonia, Greece) and

his answer..... yes, 'earthquakes, Cephallonia and Zakynthos got flattened'.

Thank God I asked him because that definitely wouldn't have taken my mind of

things! LOL (I'm trying to)!

I'm actually getting quite good at guessing the Richters of the tremors and how

far away they are. Definitely can tell when they're close, even if small. 4.5

is considered small here. The reaction by most around here is to laugh it off,

that's how they deal with it, but this just makes it worse for me.

I wonder if I would be better if I hadn't experienced the big one two years ago

(5.9). I was home alone, 16 weeks pregnant. I've never been so scared in my

life and I wouldn't wish it on anybody. Nobody around here understands how I

feel. They've grown up with tremors and they keep telling me 'you'll get used

to it' and 'every ten years we have a big one' and 'don't worry'.

I don't know if I worry as such, I just feel scared and powerless. I see quakes

as a silent invisible monster and you don't know where it is or when it's going

to strike and when it does you can only wait until it's over and hope it's a

'small' one and nothing's going to happen. It's only after that you realise how

scared you were and it's hard to get rid of the feeling, even though you know

there won't be another one (at least not straightaway).

Thanks for listening. I just wanted to get that off my chest.



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Oh Janet - how awful. I really can't imagine what it must be like.

Very scary I would think.

Take care


Treasurer, Stansted Branch (R5)

Mum to , 3¾

> I'm a complete nervous wreck!


> Three tremors within three weeks and I can't take it anymore.

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Not much I can say to help but I think you're being very brave!

Anneliese and Toddler Tim

Nervous wreck

I'm a complete nervous wreck!

Three tremors within three weeks and I can't take it anymore.

Last night we had a tremor of 4.5 but it was close. It's said that it's an

aftershock from the quake we had two years ago.

I was putting DD to bed and everything rattled, thankfully briefly.

Everytime there's a little tremor I get completely paniced and my whole body

is like jelly for ages after and I remain on 'quake alert' for days after.

If anything remotely rattles or shakes, I jump to alert and my eyes check

our speakers (they're the first thing to move in even a small tremor). Even

if DH is just shaking his leg while he sits it makes me jump or if a truck

passes on the road below or the printer printing making the desk tremble.

It's really bad.

So last night I cried it out of my system and thought - I'll read my book to

take my mind of things.

Hah! Currently reading 'Captain Corelli's Mandolin' and I'm getting near

the end. I've got to the chapter titled '1953'. So before I go get my

book, I ask DH what happened in Greece in 1953 (Corelli is based in

Cephallonia, Greece) and his answer..... yes, 'earthquakes, Cephallonia and

Zakynthos got flattened'. Thank God I asked him because that definitely

wouldn't have taken my mind of things! LOL (I'm trying to)!

I'm actually getting quite good at guessing the Richters of the tremors and

how far away they are. Definitely can tell when they're close, even if

small. 4.5 is considered small here. The reaction by most around here is

to laugh it off, that's how they deal with it, but this just makes it worse

for me.

I wonder if I would be better if I hadn't experienced the big one two years

ago (5.9). I was home alone, 16 weeks pregnant. I've never been so scared

in my life and I wouldn't wish it on anybody. Nobody around here

understands how I feel. They've grown up with tremors and they keep telling

me 'you'll get used to it' and 'every ten years we have a big one' and

'don't worry'.

I don't know if I worry as such, I just feel scared and powerless. I see

quakes as a silent invisible monster and you don't know where it is or when

it's going to strike and when it does you can only wait until it's over and

hope it's a 'small' one and nothing's going to happen. It's only after that

you realise how scared you were and it's hard to get rid of the feeling,

even though you know there won't be another one (at least not straightaway).

Thanks for listening. I just wanted to get that off my chest.



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Janet wrote: I'm a complete nervous wreck!

Three tremors within three weeks and I can't take it anymore.

Last night we had a tremor of 4.5 but it was close. It's said that it's an

aftershock from the quake we had two years ago.

I was putting DD to bed and everything rattled, thankfully briefly.

My mum and auntie were on holiday in Athens about 15 + years ago and they had

an earthquake whilst they were there. Auntie and mum sat in their room

whilst everyone else went downstairs following my Aunties logic that it is

better to fall down with the building then have the building fall down on


I must admit is put mum off Athens for life and when I told her about you she

thought you were very brave even living there! I know there is not much we

can do apart from send hugs to you! So big hugs coming your way!


SAHM to 3 boys

Jack 8, 6 and Isaac 2

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Janet, has Athens had any really big quakes which have left damage? You hear of

the ones in Turkey, etc., but I've never heard of a big one which has actually

damaged Athens. Mind you, that might just be me skimming the newspapers rather

than reading them properly...



I'm a complete nervous wreck!

Three tremors within three weeks and I can't take it anymore.

Last night we had a tremor of 4.5 but it was close. It's said that it's an

aftershock from the quake we had two years ago.

I was putting DD to bed and everything rattled, thankfully briefly.

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Janet - nothing really constructive to say except (((hugs))) and have

you worked out a drill for a more severe quake? Presumably your house

is built right to withstand quakes? Really feel for you, can

remember how jittery I felt once in San Francisco when they were

having tremors and you're living with it all the time...please talk

about it on the list whenever, so we can support you....


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