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Baby gender

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I've been enjoying everyone's thoughts on this subject! Here's mine - I

think I came pre-programmed with the idea that boys are special and

recious - I'm the middle of three girls, after which my parents went on to

have my brother, who despite my mother refusing to ever admit it, he was her

golden boy and favourite, and still is. I know they *really* wanted a son

so he was treasured - he also had problems at birth which meant he had to

undergo surgery at 2 weeks old which made him even more precious. I 'spose

it made a big impression as it's still fairly deeply ingrained that boys are


I really badly wanted a boy when expecting Bethany, and I was disappointed

and it did take quite a while to bond with her (but I think that was

probably more to do with a difficult birth experience). When expecting

Lawrence, I didn't even consider that he would be a boy as I didn't want to

be disappointed again so just assumed baby would be a girl - I was shocked

but elated when he turned out to be a boy. (my Mum was very self-satisfied

after I had Lawrie 'see - boys *are* special!' kind of thing, cause I was so

besotted with him)

When expecting Verity, I actually wanted a girl, but it felt very odd -

isn't that sad? I loved knitting her pink things and dressing her up. (I

got to be self-satisfied this time, as was equally besotted with Verity)

Expecting Alfie, I did want another boy (though not desperately) but didn't

really think I'd be lucky enough to manage alternating sexes again.

Anyway what I originally meant to say was that I think I'm fairly balanced

on the subject now - I love having baby girls because it is more fun

dressing them up in frilly things and they're just like little dollies

(sorry!!) but I love having baby boys too because they're special and

prized (thanks Mum + Dad).

Apologies if it's too Non-pc to say I had preferences each time! I never

admitted it to anyone whilst pregnant.

Hannah, 28

Mum to Bethany 7 1/2, Lawrence nearly 6, Verity 3 1/2, Alfie 9 months

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  • 11 months later...

<< Trisha said:

Single sex families are in abundance with the majority of the children boys. >>


I've been wondering about this for a while.

There are many on this list with 3 or more kids which are all boys, but I don't

think there's anybody with 3 or more all girls. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I can only think of Francesca who might be a 3+ girl only family but we don't

know yet!!

So this makes me wonder.......

Do 3+ boy only happen because:

a) keep trying for a girl but she doesn't arrive

B) just want another baby

c) after 2 girls, say that's enough don't want to risk another one

d) any other reason I can't think of

It's late... I'd better go to bed!


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> << Trisha said:

> Single sex families are in abundance with the majority of the

children boys. >>



> ----------------------------


> I've been wondering about this for a while.


> There are many on this list with 3 or more kids which are all boys,

but I don't think there's anybody with 3 or more all girls. Correct

me if I'm wrong.

> I can only think of Francesca who might be a 3+ girl only family but

we don't know yet!!


> So this makes me wonder.......

> Do 3+ boy only happen because:

> a) keep trying for a girl but she doesn't arrive

> B) just want another baby

> c) after 2 girls, say that's enough don't want to risk another one

> d) any other reason I can't think of


> It's late... I'd better go to bed!


> Janet

There;s a folklore in Judaism (probably rubbish) that says if you have

seven sons in a row, you go straight to heaven. (when you die,

presumably LOL:)

If a man has a lot of girls and no boys, he is considered a bit of a

loser. I hate that. I have five girls, and had three boys (now 2).

I wouldn't change my girls for boys for a million zillion pounds.


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> c) after 2 girls, say that's enough don't want to risk another one

Don't want to risk another girl??

Now if DH and I could be sure no. 3 would be a girl then ...

I always assumed I'd have a girl and a boy I never dared hope for 2 girls.

Other peoples sons are lovely, but I wouldn't want one.

Girls let you have the best of both worlds, frilly pink dresses and pigtails

one minute and mud pies on the climbing frame the next.

A boy lets give you access to only half the toy and clothes shop. A girl

lets you into it all.

And come on I know girls who play rugby never mind football!

Sue Hutchinson, Mum to 30/01/98 and Isobel (HB) 23/02/01

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I have 3 girls and would like to have one more but DH has decided NO -

boring old fart - he says he's too old at 46 and I am a spring chicken at

41!! I wanted to have a girl every time and I was blessed - maybe I'd be

pushing my luck now, even if he agreed. I always wanted girls and felt even

more strongly as each pregnancy happened. Don't know why. Now, it really

wouldn't bother me what sex it was (after all its only imaginary) but if I

had a choice I would choose a daughter - better the devil you know! And at

just turned 12, DD1 is the she devil. So maybe DH is right!


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In article <014601c16e31$47709d20$4b0b7ad5@campbellsmith>, campbell

smith family writes

>I have 3 girls and would like to have one more but DH has decided NO -

>boring old fart - he says he's too old at 46 and I am a spring chicken at

>41!! I wanted to have a girl every time and I was blessed - maybe I'd be

>pushing my luck now, even if he agreed. I always wanted girls and felt even

>more strongly as each pregnancy happened. Don't know why. Now, it really

>wouldn't bother me what sex it was (after all its only imaginary) but if I

>had a choice I would choose a daughter - better the devil you know! And at

>just turned 12, DD1 is the she devil. So maybe DH is right!

I've got two girls, and wanted both of them to be girls. Now I'd quite

like to have a boy, although I can't actually face being pregnant again,

so it's probably not going to happen. DH has four girls, however, as his

older two are both girls too (probably means I'd have another girl

anyway, although I wouldn't be particularly bothered either way). He

says he wanted his dd2 to be a boy, and he wanted our first to be a boy,

but by the time it got to the last one, he wanted another girl, as he

knew how girls worked by then! Thinking about it, I do know two other

families of four girls, although one is my generation rather than my



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> DH has four girls, however, as his

>older two are both girls too (probably means I'd have another girl

>anyway, although I wouldn't be particularly bothered either way).

After I'd had our DD, my DH was in the lift with a man who was saying he

had been so looking forward to having a son and had just had his fifth

daughter - the first two by his first wife, the second two by his second

and this fifth from his third. She was in the bed opposite me and got

quite upset once or twice about having been unable to deliver a son,

IYSWIM. One of those times when you wish everyone had a private room,

when you overhear conversation like that, esp when you know what he's

said to your DH and he's still trying to reassure that honestly he

wasn't bothered at all.



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<< Trisha said:

Single sex families are in abundance with the majority of the children boys. >



Janet asked

So this makes me wonder.......

> Do 3+ boy only happen because:

> a) keep trying for a girl but she doesn't arrive

> B) just want another baby

> c) after 2 girls, say that's enough don't want to risk another one


In our case we have 3 because is was a compromise between 0 and 4!

DH was happy with none then he agreed to 1 then 2 and finally 3 but he would

never carry on to agree to any more.

I was happy with boys though - the only time I perhaps wish for a girl is

when I am buying presents and I get stuck with DS3 - I sometimes think if he

was a girl then I could buy the pink and doll type toys. I did find myself

agreeing to look after a friends 8 year old son and 6 year old daughter, but

refused to look after the 3 year old daughter on the basis that I don't DO

girls. It was the thought of toilets etc, at least at 6 they don't need too

much looking after!

My friend has 3 boys she wants to carry on for 6 children but can imagine

having more than 4 boys - we will wait and see. Another friend with 3 girls

had 2 and a happy accident!


SAHM to 3 boys

Jack 8, 6 and Isaac 2

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When I was pg with Kieran I wanted him to be a girl, because I already had a

girl and " knew how they worked " . I'm jolly glad he was a boy though and

wouldn't change him for the world.


Basingstoke NCT

Mum to (1/12/95) & Kieran (31/12/98)


You don't stop laughing because you grow old, you grow old because you

stopped laughing.

-----Original Message-----

From: Cath MacLeod

but by the time it got to the last one, he wanted another girl, as he

knew how girls worked by then!


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Janet, after my first son was born (at home) I wanted a total of six and

would have been quite happy with six boys! He was and is so lovely that we

went for number two and he also is a gorgeous boy. So when I was pregnant

for the third time, I lost count of the number of times people said " going

for a girl this time? " which I wasn't and think is terrible. I felt it

implied that I was disappointed that I had two boys and must be desperate

for a girl to be having three children, which couldn't be further from the

truth. And I felt stuck in what to reply. Saying no would imply that I

would be disappointed if I had a girl which I wouldn't have been - I just

wanted to show that I wasn't going for a third baby for any other reason

than for wanting a third child. I really didn't mind what I had, but a boy

would have been easier because I knew the ropes (like Fiona has said better

the devil you know....!), so I was delighted when my third son was born in

March. Although I've found each pregnancy harder (because of looking after

the other children), I said he would be my last but now I'm not so sure and

really think four would be a nice round number ;o)) And 4 boys would be

lovely too, but I think we will end up sticking with three.

I've also heard that if you have two of one sort, there is a 90% chance that

your third will be the same, so only a 10% chance of having a different



-----Original Message-----

From: Dimitris & Janet

So this makes me wonder.......

Do 3+ boy only happen because:

a) keep trying for a girl but she doesn't arrive

B) just want another baby

c) after 2 girls, say that's enough don't want to risk another one

d) any other reason I can't think of

It's late... I'd better go to bed!


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> Now if DH and I could be sure no. 3 would be a girl then ...

> I always assumed I'd have a girl and a boy I never dared hope for 2


> Other peoples sons are lovely, but I wouldn't want one.

> Sue Hutchinson, Mum to 30/01/98 and Isobel (HB) 23/02/01

As a fellow mum of two girls I have to say that I never thought DD2

would be a girl... not that I had strong vibes either way, but I was

quite surprised!

When I became pregant with #3 I was thinking that 3 girls would be

nice (easy for the clothes, cute on the eye at family

gatherings -though as one is usally in pink and one in purple I was

running out of suitable colours !!)

DH was adamant that he wanted a girl (don;t know what to do with boys,

etc etc, not a great sports fan either....)

Anyway -we decided that we would find out at the 20 week scan if poss

in order to prepare the girls, statistically we had a greater chance

of a 3rd girl, but I had a feeling from when I O'd (and the fact that

DH was away just before that,) that it could well be a boy....

Well it is!

I was shocked...not " disappointed " so much, as just surprised, and

took a few days to come to terms with not being abe to buy more cute

girly clothes, and with putting away DD2's summer clothes and thinking

that I wouldn't get to put them on another daughter:-(

DH was instantly thrilled and came up with all sorts of positives -I

am now looking forward to something different!

Never thouht to not try for #3 in case it wasn't a girl though...


Angi 0:-)

Georgi 4, Susy 2, Tim 34

#3 due 4th week Jan 02

~Kids get colds, men get flu, women get on with it~

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And you have a great source of lovely boys clothes - even if they do have to

come via me (or rather Kieran) first ;-)


Basingstoke NCT

Mum to (1/12/95) & Kieran (31/12/98)


You don't stop laughing because you grow old, you grow old because you

stopped laughing.

-----Original Message-----

From: Angi

took a few days to come to terms with not being abe to buy more cute

girly clothes, and with putting away DD2's summer clothes and thinking

that I wouldn't get to put them on another daughter:-(


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They're such good quality I'm sure they will ;-)


-----Original Message-----

Lets hope some of the clothes stand up to being worn by and Keiran


being handed on to Angi's baby!!


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