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My Dr. visit

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WEll, from what the Dr. said today most of my problems I'm having are caused from the pred, the swelling, depression, rash on my arms, leg weakness, foot soreness etc. I am finally going to start Imuran & he wants me to start cutting back on the pred to 60 & then stay there until I see him in a month. I don't think he was too happy that I went up to 80 on Saturday, but I was flaring & sore. I even took pain meds which I haven't used for quite a while. I cut back to 35 mg tonight instead of 40. I can't get the Imuran until tomorrow so I will start Weds. morning. I will be taking 150 mg. a day. I gained another 9 lbs. which makes almost 30. The nurse said not to beat myself up because it's the pred working on me.

I'm not sure if he is real crazy about me being on line with you guys. He didn't really say anything but there's just something there, maybe because I ask questions. He is very concerned about me though, when he put me in the hospital the day after Christmas, he had taken the day off because his kids were home for college & he was not going to be available but yet he made a special trip to the hospital to see the lump in my cheek, which is still there but a lot softer. It's just going to take time to go down according to the rheumy & the ENT. If the Imuran doesn't work he wants to try Cytoxan which I understand has major side effects. He said he likes to start with Imuran and then go from there. I asked about metho but he likes the cytoxan, but I'm not going to put the cart before the horse. I just want to get down on the pred & maybe my head will screw back on the right way.

I'm in a little better frame of mind today, although I was crying at the office. I know it will take time to get straightened out & I will not feel better overnight, but I was doing so well once I started resting in October that I figured by resting now I should feel better & I'm not. All I want is a little improvement.

I told him about the foundation & that we have approximately 200 members & that brochures will be coming out in the near future & I will bring some to him. I also mentioned Dr. Buckner's study. He hasn't heard about her but is interested.

He specifically made a code for RP on his list except he can never find it, so we always have a good laugh about that, he circled it today so he can find it next time. Right now I am his only RP case. He said I can call any time. He is knowledgable about it but as you all know it's a find the right med combination game that will work for us.

Thanks again for your support & encouragement. It really helps. I fell like such a baby but I just haven't been feeling well. I try to tell myself that tomorrow will be better but it's not easy.

Love ya,


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