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Re: dry skin?

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BJ, I have really dry skin. It seems to be worse this year. I never had it

until I was put on metho. It was really bad then. I also lost some hair.

When I went for a spell not on any meds, it cleared up. Now on the plaquenil

it it dry again. Don't know if there is a connection, of if it is just my

body chemistry with the medication.

Glad to hear that you are doing better. Always love to hear good news. I

will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for your daughters surgery.

Take care and keep us posted.


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Hi BJ, This is Carol G from Cincy,

How blessed you and your daughters are to have such talent in the family! My youngest son, , plays guitar for fun. My middle son, Nick, plays drums in a rock band. They play the local clubs around Cincy and they've recorded 2 cd's. He also is an artist, and web page designer. I don't know how these kids can keep up with their lives sometimes!

This son of mine has something else in common with your daughter. He had major reconstructive surgery on his knee 2 years ago. Did your daughter have an injury? Nick blew his out completely having someone's shoulder bend his leg backwards playing flag football (That's when I wish I had girls like you!). I hope things work out that she can have the surgery soon . In the meantime is she doing PT or any strengthening exercises? I hope so, cause that will help her until, and after, the surgery to keep away scar tissue and make her rehab easier later. Please let me know how it turns out. I'll be praying for all of you (keep up the good work on the weight,too!).

I'm glad you brought up the dry skin question, cause I was wondering the same thing. I've always had oily skin until now. When my face flares, it burns and peels like a sunburn. And my hands and feet are starting the same. They are getting rough, like the skin is dying, and the burning makes me hold ice packs on them sometimes. I would like to use something regularly to try to keep the skin soft. The replies you've gotten so far from the others will be helpful to me too! Thanks!!

Take care, and I hope to get to know you better.

Carol G

dry skin?

Hey all, hope this finds everyone well. I have a question and some news. First the news. I am doing well, things are kinda getting better. My eldest was supposed to have knee surgery on the 28th of Jan. but my newly ex husband decided to end the med ins one week before the date. But she will still end up having it soon, her biological father is sending ins cards down, but on the down side I have to come up with about 1200 dollars which will be something if it happens as I don't work. so we will see It is definitely in Gods hands now. But all in all, my mom is doing well with her fb and her pa. both my girls are doing well in school, they keep me very very busy. they youngest plays the Violin, sings in Choir, does Church youth group and sings there as well as does Guitar lessons and volleyball. My eldest is in Choir at both Church and School but is in Madrigals at school which is the highest. she was in Drill team and color! guard until her knee started giving her fits. I have lost 5 lbs total so far and am looking forward to loosing more. ;>

Now the Question. does anyone suffer from dry flaky skin, especially on the hands and heels? I slather lotion, vaseline, etc and nothing works. Help,,,,, I hate it. To all, claudia, ute, sissel, doris, elizabeth, gail, janet, jean, jennifer, dawn, dagny, kim, kathy, kathleen, rc, gloria, judy, judee, heidi, arto, barbara, carol, glenda, elaine, grandma, lillian, lisa lu, lucy, maria, mary, maryann, michelle, mike, moon-sung, pam/bev, patty, rita, sandy, sharon, sherry, sue, veronica, werner, susan and anyone I may have forgotten, May Gods love shine upon you and bring you through to the brightest light and healing that ever was. And in the meantime may he give you Love and Peace of life.


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Carol, it is wonderful what our children can do now a days. but it sure makes for busy days for us... my eldest messed up her left knee in 5th grade playing sports, docs said nothing was wrong went on for yrs of telling them she was losing strength and it kept giving out on her, she was put through lots of pt with no help, then one ortho decided to go ahead and see what was going on. found that her ligament, tendons and tissues had tore a bit and through the yrs of being left alone got worse and by that time he had to loosen the stuff on the opposite side to tighten them on the torn side plus realign her knee cap. that was in the beginning of 8th gr. now because of all that plus more therapy afterwards her right knee has been overcompensating for it all and has gotten loose and weak so this is were we are right now. that is so cool about your son with the cd's and all. must be pretty exciting for him. It has been nice with the girls but they are 2yrs apart and omg,,, when they get along it is wonderful, but when they dont watch out. If any of you watched my wife and kids last week thats how they get,,,ughhhh. My mum says it was easier raising boys (she had 5 boys and 3 girls), even with their sports stuff. tc , Barbara dry skin? Hey all, hope this finds everyone well. I have a question and some news. First the news. I am doing well, things are kinda getting better. My eldest was supposed to have knee surgery on the 28th of Jan. but my newly ex husband decided to end the med ins one week before the date. But she will still end up having it soon, her biological father is sending ins cards down, but on the down side I have to come up with about 1200 dollars which will be something if it happens as I don't work. so we will see It is definitely in Gods hands now. But all in all, my mom is doing well with her fb and her pa. both my girls are doing well in school, they keep me very very busy. they youngest plays the Violin, sings in Choir, does Church youth group and sings there as well as does Guitar lessons and volleyball. My eldest is in Choir at both Church and School but is in Madrigals at school which is the highest. she was in Drill team and color! guard until her knee started giving her fits. I have lost 5 lbs total so far and am looking forward to loosing more. ;> Now the Question. does anyone suffer from dry flaky skin, especially on the hands and heels? I slather lotion, vaseline, etc and nothing works. Help,,,,, I hate it. To all, claudia, ute, sissel, doris, elizabeth, gail, janet, jean, jennifer, dawn, dagny, kim, kathy, kathleen, rc, gloria, judy, judee, heidi, arto, barbara, carol, glenda, elaine, grandma, lillian, lisa lu, lucy, maria, mary, maryann, michelle, mike, moon-sung, pam/bev, patty, rita, sandy, sharon, sherry, sue, veronica, werner, susan and anyone I may have forgotten, May Gods love shine upon you and bring you through to the brightest light and healing that ever was. And in the meantime may he give you Love and Peace of life. Barbara aka bjDISCLAIMER!!WE ARE NOT MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS, THEREFORE ANY INFORMATION THAT IS RECEIVED HERE IS FROM EXPERIENCE ONLY. PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE TRYING ANYTHING THAT IS SUGGESTED. WE ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR YOUR PHYSICIAN AND ARE NOT TRYING TO BE. REMEMBER EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT AND TREATMENT MAYBE DIFFERENT FOR MANY OF US. THANK YOU

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Thank you for the blessing for all of us. It meant a lot to me.

Take care and I'm sorry to hear about the insurance problem. What a

frustrating thing for your ex to do!

Take care!

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