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Re: RE: eye involvement

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--- Mike Giordano wrote:

> I wondered if you have any pain or watering with

> your eyes. I just started that yesterday and its

> getting worse. I've not had any eye involvement yet,

> except for pressure behind them from my nose and

> sinuses. I'm getting halos around lights, and it is

> a little tougher to focus, but not bad. But now my

> eyeballs actually feel swollen and hurt.

> Carol G

Hi Carol and welcome to the group,


I have only had a firm dx since May of last year, but

I have had eye involvement for about four years now.

Until I got on the right meds my eyes were constantly

flaring. It would start out feeling like there was a

stick poking into the inside corners of my eyes. They

they would get sore, teary, goopy with mucous, then

swell shut. Eventually the whites of my eyes would

turn bright red. Very, very painful. My PCP (at that

time) kept telling me it was an infection and would

treat me with oral antibiotics and antibiotic eye

drops. The eyes would not clear up, so she would

finally put me on a steroidal eye drop. Bingo! They

would clear right up. As soon as I'd go off the

steroid, the cycle would start back up. I finally

demanded a referral to a specialist and he found that

my eyeballs were actually swollen, and, in his words,

bone dry. I have a condition called

KCS-keratoconjunctivitis sicca which is associated

with RP. Please call your doctor! My eyes have done

so much better since on the correct meds.

Take care, Sharon

> RE: Glenda



> I also have trouble with a hoarse voice. Some

> days it is better than others. It's very

> frustrating. I think it is a flare. My ears have

> also been bothering me, just sore. My rheumy

> thought it was a yeast infection in my vocal cords &

> put me on antibiotics but I'm still hoarse. I just

> take it a day at a time.


> Started my Imuran on Weds. & so far so good.

> Going to the ophthalmologist tomorrow for an eye

> exam. I have had uveitis & iritis in my eyes. Have

> any of you had blurred vision where there is like

> shadows around letters. I have a hard time reading

> any material. I could not see the phone # of the

> pharmacy or the prescription # this morning & that's

> with my glasses on. I don't know if it's the pred,

> the disease or possibly my sugars. When I was in

> the hospital after Christmas my sugar at one point

> was 190, it then came down to 112 -115. No I

> haven't been checking it but I guess I should, but

> I'm in an I don't care mood.


> Went to a wedding last night & a gal I've known

> for close to 20 years came up to me and asked if I

> was Sue. How depressing. Then another gal that I

> know fairly well, Play Bunco with her, came up to me

> & said she didn't recognize me at the shower which I

> suspected. My face is so blown up & I'm so

> embarrassed. I just keep wondering why me. My feet

> are so bad, they are mega swollen & sore. I wore

> sandals to the wedding that lace because I cannot

> get my feet into any shoes except my gym shoes.


> Take care everyone,



> Susiecue



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