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Re: BJ

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BJ, thanks for sharing your story... My daughter had the same thing done...

(She still has her cervix) They found pre cancerous cells on her pap and did

the same procedure you are talking about...They did a cone biopsy and it took

out all of the cells... She has to have paps every 3 months... Almost a year

now and everything is okay... The first dr tried to tell her it was nothing

and to come back in 6 months.. I told her no way... she went to my gyn and he

found it and went to work immediately to correct it.. Thank God. If it

does show up again they can't do more than 2 cone biopsy's without it making

it almost impossible for her to have more children..

Well i've blabbed on too long... Guess it's the three of us...Ann , you and

me... keeping the late hours... You should be in bed...


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Ann they did something called a colposcopy (spelling?) anyways. my pap started coming back abnormal about 3 yrs after having a hysterectomy so they did this thing (they put this vinegar paste stuff there and check it, they found something so they biopsied.) thank God they did. but that is what they found and they were just a baffled because they had never heard of cervical cancer without the cervix but it can happen. went through 10 wks of chemo cream, had a 2nd biopsy they found more cells but not cancerous and just today did a pap. so am keeping fingers crossed and mind in prayer wont know results for 2 wks but they are going to call me and not just send a letter. so that's it for that anyway hope it helps BJ Bj,Vent all you want. My gracious girl. You certainly have a lot on you plate.You handle it better than I would I would be in a padded cell by now.I would be interested in knowing how you got cervical cancer without acrevice.I have been having problems but my pap test came back alright. Justwondered.I'll definitely be praying for you girl.Ann

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hi bj

i read your post to day and my hart gose out to you and your family im not one for praying but will pray for you and your family i know life is tuff right now but it will get better so keep us all posted please and keep happy there is a light at the end of the tunnel

have peace my thought are with you pam/bev

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BJ, my heart goes out to you. That is way too much for one person to

try to hold right now! Bring your friends in close, let them share

some of this burden with you. My thoughts are with you during this

time, I hope you can find ways to nurture yourself in small ways,

until the larger situations going on start to calm down a little.

Take care!

> omg,,, I am sooo glad to see someone else who gets tired like

that... : ) I thought i was going nuts. And no it isnt easy when

you are a parent and a caregiver. sometimes even my mom doesn't

understand why I get sooo tired. She is the one I take care of

besides my 2 girls. Before Christmas I was going nonstop for about a

month and as long as I kept going and didn't think about me at all I

would be ok for awhile. But right after Christmas It all caught up

with me and all I wanted to do was sleep. I would sleep almost 10

hrs, wake up and be tired within an hour. This past 2 yrs have been

hell on me. My oldest daughter had knee surgery, my mom had knee

surgery then a knee replacement, then she had her hips scraped 2

different times, then ended up in ER and ICU for one week due to

colon bleeding then 3 weeks later went up had surgery lasted 5 hrs to

remove sigmoid colon (no cancer). All this while my husband was in

Alaska. he came back my brother passed a way (one of them). My

nephew passed away. My mom went into anaphylactic shock almost lost

her. then i got stage 3 cervical cancer and me without a cervix... go

fig. had to go through chemo cream. then to top it all of my

husband leaves me during chemo therapy and am now going through a

divorce am not sure where i will get medical that i desperately need

and all I know is raising kids and keeping house. have never

worked. my mind gets fuzzy at times and i think i am losing it. lost

my eyesight 4 mths ago in my left eye due to some infection that they

never could figure out so my eldest who has her permit missed some

school to take me to docs and ers. then some of her teachers balled

her out for it. which got me in there with my eye and me feeling

like .... and they didn't want to mess with me and my child at that

point. eye is better but still gets blurry at times. So those of you

that prayer please send prayers this way because now every time I

turn around i have to keep myself from crying. Cannot burden my mom,

she has panic attacks, high blood pressure and Fibro. and my kids

have had to deal with enough. thanks for letting me vent...

hope ;you all are going well. my prayers are with each and everyone

of you... Barbara aka bj


> Re: Sharon


> Sharon

> You hang in there and don't ever feel bad about blowing off steam!

If you need me I am only a few miles away. Maybe I can help you in

some way. Please call if you need me! I will feel bad if you

don't! It is hard to be a parent/caregiver when you are not used to

it and with RP it is no fun either. Let me tell you from expience!

Your family will just have to understand things are different now. I

know they know it is different but sometimes we have to lay down the

rules or how we really are feeling.


> I know it is hard cause I am the type that has to do it myself.

Yesterday I helped the little one clean her room and I have to stop

after about a half hour of work and rest. I am the type of person

who likes to get it done and see the job to the end. Well RP has

slowed me down.... It took me 3 hours and I was worn out after

that.LOL I was talking to Mike after and he said I know it is hard

for you cause you used to work circles around me. (I would go non

stop until I was done and he would have to stop and take breaks!)


> Take care and know you are in my thoughts and prayers! Hope the

blood work is all okay!

> Lots of Love

> Glenda


> O.K. I'll shut up for now. Sorry I spewed this all

> over!


> Hope you are feeling better this morning. I'm off to

> get my blood work just as soon as I get finished here.

> Just the regular stuff.


> Love you, Sharon





> ____________________________________________________

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--- Barbara Graff wrote:

> omg,,, I am sooo glad to see someone else who gets

> tired like that... : ) I thought i was going nuts.

> And no it isnt easy when you are a parent and a

> caregiver. sometimes even my mom doesn't understand

> why I get sooo tired. She is the one I take care of

> besides my 2 girls. Before Christmas I was going

> nonstop for about a month and as long as I kept

> going and didn't think about me at all I would be ok

> for awhile. But right after Christmas It all caught

> up with me and all I wanted to do was sleep. I

> would sleep almost 10 hrs, wake up and be tired

> within an hour. This past 2 yrs have been hell on

> me. My oldest daughter had knee surgery, my mom had

> knee surgery then a knee replacement, then she had

> her hips scraped 2 different times, then ended up in

> ER and ICU for one week due to colon bleeding then 3

> weeks later went up had surgery lasted 5 hrs to

> remove sigmoid colon (no cancer). All this while my

> husband was in Alaska. he came back my brother

> passed a way (one of them). My nephew passed away.

> My mom went into anaphylactic shock almost lost her.

> then i got stage 3 cervical cancer and me without a

> cervix... go fig. had to go through chemo cream.

> then to top it all of my husband leaves me during

> chemo therapy and am now going through a divorce am

> not sure where i will get medical that i desperately

> need and all I know is raising kids and keeping

> house. have never worked. my mind gets fuzzy at

> times and i think i am losing it. lost my eyesight 4

> mths ago in my left eye due to some infection that

> they never could figure out so my eldest who has her

> permit missed some school to take me to docs and

> ers. then some of her teachers balled her out for

> it. which got me in there with my eye and me

> feeling like .... and they didn't want to mess with

> me and my child at that point. eye is better but

> still gets blurry at times. So those of you that

> prayer please send prayers this way because now

> every time I turn around i have to keep myself from

> crying. Cannot burden my mom, she has panic

> attacks, high blood pressure and Fibro. and my kids

> have had to deal with enough. thanks for letting

> me vent... hope ;you all are going well. my

> prayers are with each and everyone of you...

> Barbara aka bj


Oh my BJ, you do have more than enough for any one

person to handle! I used to take care of my parents

too, and that was before I was this sick. I'm so

sorry that you are going through so much all at once.

I will be praying for strength for you! God bless you

for all you are doing. Love, Sharon



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You vent all you want. I am right here to listen anytime. It is not bad enough that we have RP but all the other wonderful things that life deals us to contend with. Keep your chin up. I am here anytime. I know what it is like to care for a parent. At least your kids you can tell what to do and they listen most of the time. Parents are a different story...they have a mind of their own that is for sure. I will be sending good thoughts and prayers your way that things will start to go your way and soon.

Lots of Love


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You are welcome and I had to laugh when I read this post. My Dad was such a poop. I miss him dearly but am so thankful that he is not here in the condition he was. I cared for him for over 6 yrs. after he had a stoke that paralized his right side. He had to learn to do everything all over again. I was sick with RP and had a grandbaby to raise along with it all. We have had her in our home from the time she was born. I don't know how I made it through the tough times but I did. I look back now and just shake my head. I wouldn't have changed anything...well except the RP. So look at me and thing there is hope....well maybe you haven't met me in person yet.LOL

Take care and know you are in my thoughts.

Lots of Love


Glenda that is so true about parents...omg.. it is so funny when you try to tell them you will do something for there own good and they get upset because you treat them like they cannot do anything even though they were the ones to tell you that they couldn't do this particular thing.. It is really rather funny. I know God has a plan for me and mine. but it is the mean time that gets to ya. I do have to be thankful that I haven't had a major flare. just tired and some memory lapses. for one year now. I am trying an antioxidant now and hopefully that will help. ty all for your support and caring. I really needed it. Barbara

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Glenda that is so true about parents...omg.. it is so funny when you try to tell them you will do something for there own good and they get upset because you treat them like they cannot do anything even though they were the ones to tell you that they couldn't do this particular thing.. It is really rather funny. I know God has a plan for me and mine. but it is the mean time that gets to ya. I do have to be thankful that I haven't had a major flare. just tired and some memory lapses. for one year now. I am trying an antioxidant now and hopefully that will help. ty all for your support and caring. I really needed it. Barbara Re: BJ BJ You vent all you want. I am right here to listen anytime. It is not bad enough that we have RP but all the other wonderful things that life deals us to contend with. Keep your chin up. I am here anytime. I know what it is like to care for a parent. At least your kids you can tell what to do and they listen most of the time. Parents are a different story...they have a mind of their own that is for sure. I will be sending good thoughts and prayers your way that things will start to go your way and soon. Lots of Love Glenda ____________________________________________________ IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click Here DISCLAIMER!!WE ARE NOT MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS, THEREFORE ANY INFORMATION THAT IS RECEIVED HERE IS FROM EXPERIENCE ONLY. PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE TRYING ANYTHING THAT IS SUGGESTED. WE ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR YOUR PHYSICIAN AND ARE NOT TRYING TO BE. REMEMBER EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT AND TREATMENT MAYBE DIFFERENT FOR MANY OF US. THANK YOU

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rofl,,, love ;ya already. Barbara Re: BJ Barbara You are welcome and I had to laugh when I read this post. My Dad was such a poop. I miss him dearly but am so thankful that he is not here in the condition he was. I cared for him for over 6 yrs. after he had a stoke that paralyzed his right side. He had to learn to do everything all over again. I was sick with RP and had a grandbaby to raise along with it all. We have had her in our home from the time she was born. I don't know how I made it through the tough times but I did. I look back now and just shake my head. I wouldn't have changed anything...well except the RP. So look at me and thing there is hope....well maybe you haven't met me in person yet.LOL Take care and know you are in my thoughts. Lots of Love Glenda Glenda that is so true about parents...omg.. it is so funny when you try to tell them you will do something for there own good and they get upset because you treat them like they cannot do anything even though they were the ones to tell you that they couldn't do this particular thing.. It is really rather funny. I know God has a plan for me and mine. but it is the mean time that gets to ya. I do have to be thankful that I haven't had a major flare. just tired and some memory lapses. for one year now. I am trying an antioxidant now and hopefully that will help. ty all for your support and caring. I really needed it. Barbara ____________________________________________________ IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click Here DISCLAIMER!!WE ARE NOT MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS, THEREFORE ANY INFORMATION THAT IS RECEIVED HERE IS FROM EXPERIENCE ONLY. PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE TRYING ANYTHING THAT IS SUGGESTED. WE ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR YOUR PHYSICIAN AND ARE NOT TRYING TO BE. REMEMBER EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT AND TREATMENT MAYBE DIFFERENT FOR MANY OF US. THANK YOU

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  • 1 month later...

--- Barbara Graff wrote:

To all, claudia, ute, sissel,

> doris, elizabeth, gail, janet, jean, jennifer, dawn,

> dagny, kim, kathy, kathleen, rc, gloria, judy,

> judee, heidi, arto, barbara, carol, glenda, elaine,

> grandma, lillian, lisa lu, lucy, maria, mary,

> maryann, michelle, mike, moon-sung, pam/bev, patty,

> rita, sandy, sharon, sherry, sue, veronica, werner,

> susan and anyone I may have forgotten, May Gods love

> shine upon you and bring you through to the

> brightest light and healing that ever was. And in

> the meantime may he give you Love and Peace of life.

> Barbara aka bj

Hey, you did good on the names! Thanks for the kind

thoughts and sweet words. Hope you are having a great

day today. It is cold here in Oregon, but as soon as

it warms up a bit I am going to take my puppy for a

short walk. I try to walk as much as I feel able, and

taking the puppy adds a whole new dimension to those

times. Love, Sharon




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  • 2 weeks later...

as I will you. things do come back with a vengeance but they go away just as quickly with prayer and good things to eat...... We love ya and prayers that your mouth will get better barbara Re: BJ BJ Try to rest up...LOL I know how hard that can be with that many to take care of. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts. Post us when you can! Lots of love Glenda DISCLAIMER!!WE ARE NOT MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS, THEREFORE ANY INFORMATION THAT IS RECEIVED HERE IS FROM EXPERIENCE ONLY. PLEASE CONSULT WITH YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE TRYING ANYTHING THAT IS SUGGESTED. WE ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR YOUR PHYSICIAN AND ARE NOT TRYING TO BE. REMEMBER EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT AND TREATMENT MAYBE DIFFERENT FOR MANY OF US. THANK YOU

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest


Wished you lived closer I would help you. I know exactly what you are going through. I am one of three girls and I was the only one who could take care of my folks. I cared for my Dad after my Mom died from cancer and he had a stroke that paralyzed his right side. I too was in the first stages of RP and had teenage kids and then we started raising our oldest grandchild.

Hang in there! Life can sometimes be the pits but in the long run you will know you are doing what is right and will feel better for it even if it doesn't feel like it now. Know I am here for you if you need me. You can email me privately if you like. eyeoreluv@...

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Lots of love


claudia I am so glad that you sent this back out, can you please send all the articles or old posts to my own email, I cannot find mine and was wanting to look at them again. would appreciate it lots. also just a little update, I haven't gotten on too often in the past few weeks, but I have been ill and my daughter had been pulling my email for me. am feeling better but i get soooo tired still, and my trap muscle is better i had pulled that somehow cooking St patty's day dinner (go fig).... but that's life. I put in for med Ins the other day but wont know for about 3 weeks if my family can get it. also will be going for the disability screening in the next 3 weeks also, and keep my mum in prayers on the 2nd of April as she is having minor surgery on her thumb and tendon as she has no use of her left hand at all because of the thumb. It has swelled to twice its normal size, locks into certain positions, and catches when she can bend it a bit. so we are praying that this surgery does work. Especially since out of my family I am the only one who is taking care of my mom. all the others have their lives and expect me to keep it up even with what i am dealing with. my brother that passed understood and he couldn't do anything to help but at least he recognized me and all,, i know this might sound petty right now i am just in a ucky mood sorry hope everyone is doing well. My prayers go out to each and every one of you. Also for all the Bdays i have missed. HAPPY BIRTHDAY


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