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Re: 1 week SCD and ???'s

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Welcome to the group Jen,

> I started SCD about 1 week ago. I think I was a little confused

> about how to start the intro diet so I don't know if I really did

> the intro but anyway now we are SCD doing lots of great proteins,

> cooked fruits and veggies (zucchini, spinach, carrots, onion,


> apple, raw banana and that is about it right now). I stopped

> supplementing for a time to get a baseline on her bowels, she had

> been having loose stools daily and when I started the diet her bms

> became less frequent (sorry for too much info!).

How many was she having daily preSCD and how many daily is she

having now?

She has been on

> SCD about 1 week and just over this weekend her behaviors have

> really intensified. She tried to bite her ABA aides more than 7

> times yesterday. She has never acted like that (maybe tried to


> once). Is this die-off?

It is most likely die off and some do see increased aggression.

This link lists some of the more common die off reations


This link gives some more info on die off and at the bottom of the

page describes epsom salt baths which many find help reduce the

negative die off reactions


> She seems like she isn't feeling well. I

> am thinking about slowly introducing her supplements (starting


> colostrum and a probio) (some supps I have to reorder to make sure

> they are SCD legal).

What probiotic is it? There are some legal ones listed at


> How long does die-off usually last? I also

> read that yeast can increase. I think this may be happening too.


> am trying to keep fruits down. At first I thought it was phenol

> reactions but now I think it is yeast. Is that a sign that the

> bacteria is dieing? Will the yeast begin to die too or is it best

> to use herbals to help keep it down?

Were you using herbals/supplements preSCD to keep down yeast? If

yes you might want to resume them. But, if you weren't you may want

to wait a bit before introducing any type of antifungal as that will

increase her die off symptoms.

> Her bms have already seemed

> improved - both were of normal color this week. She is not having

> daily ones though.

It sounds as if she is improving nicely with the diet :)

It is still very early in the diet for her and it sounds as if her

body is still adjusting to all the changes in diet, microbial shift

etc. Keep us updated and if agression (biting )doesn't improve or

if the bowel movements become more infrequent we can make appropiate

suggestions on what to do.

Any input welcome!! Also - need breakfast

> ideas - she is loving veggie/fruit omelettes but I have no other

> ideas! Thanks so much! Jen

There are some breakfast ideas at


and loads of great recipes at


Sheila, SCD 2/01, UC 22yrs

mom of and

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When we went throught the transition it was not fun. IN some ways

things seemed to get worse. Die off reactions are not easy. Today we

are doing better. Most allergies, food intolerance and sensitivites

are gone. Hange in there.

Antoinette and family of five scd 2/06 add, adhd, autism, celiac,

malabsorption and leaky gut and more

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Sheila - Thanks so much for the welcome! She had been having daily

(sometimes twice but not often) bms. Now she is seeming to go about

2 days without having one and then having one on the 3rd day. This

is my biggest concern (the irregularity of going). They are

definitely much more formed with some diarrhea, but not the horrible

huge slop it had been. We had been doing nystatin when we started

biomedical, but I became concerned about yeast growing immune to it,

etc., so I started herbals (candex, yeast aid, etc) but then I had a

bad experience of killing the yeast way down (awesome) but

increasing the bacteria (ugly!). I started to watch her go through

die-off and hated it. So I backed off. I haven't been treating her

yeast for 2-3 weeks now. This is the first I have seen it really

increase and today especially (tiptoe walking, spinning, scripting,

eyemovements, etc). But, some cravings actually seem down (had been

begging for peanut butter 5 times a day, asking for bananas, hasn't

too much today etc). I did candex yesterday (1/2 capsule). As I

said a little nervous to go after it too much. We do epsom salt

baths about every other night. I will check if our probio is legal

(might not be!). I will check out the recipes. Thanks for the

links. I will be taking a look. Jen


> Welcome to the group Jen,


> > I started SCD about 1 week ago. I think I was a little confused

> > about how to start the intro diet so I don't know if I really


> > the intro but anyway now we are SCD doing lots of great


> > cooked fruits and veggies (zucchini, spinach, carrots, onion,

> pear,

> > apple, raw banana and that is about it right now). I stopped

> > supplementing for a time to get a baseline on her bowels, she


> > been having loose stools daily and when I started the diet her


> > became less frequent (sorry for too much info!).


> How many was she having daily preSCD and how many daily is she

> having now?



> She has been on

> > SCD about 1 week and just over this weekend her behaviors have

> > really intensified. She tried to bite her ABA aides more than 7

> > times yesterday. She has never acted like that (maybe tried to

> bite

> > once). Is this die-off?


> It is most likely die off and some do see increased aggression.

> This link lists some of the more common die off reations

> http://www.pecanbread.com/difficulties.html#initial


> This link gives some more info on die off and at the bottom of the

> page describes epsom salt baths which many find help reduce the

> negative die off reactions

> http://www.pecanbread.com/badreaction.html


> > She seems like she isn't feeling well. I

> > am thinking about slowly introducing her supplements (starting

> with

> > colostrum and a probio) (some supps I have to reorder to make


> > they are SCD legal).



> What probiotic is it? There are some legal ones listed at

> http://www.pecanbread.com/probiotics.html


> > How long does die-off usually last? I also

> > read that yeast can increase. I think this may be happening


> I

> > am trying to keep fruits down. At first I thought it was phenol

> > reactions but now I think it is yeast. Is that a sign that


> > bacteria is dieing? Will the yeast begin to die too or is it


> > to use herbals to help keep it down?


> Were you using herbals/supplements preSCD to keep down yeast? If

> yes you might want to resume them. But, if you weren't you may


> to wait a bit before introducing any type of antifungal as that


> increase her die off symptoms.



> > Her bms have already seemed

> > improved - both were of normal color this week. She is not


> > daily ones though.


> It sounds as if she is improving nicely with the diet :)

> It is still very early in the diet for her and it sounds as if her

> body is still adjusting to all the changes in diet, microbial


> etc. Keep us updated and if agression (biting )doesn't improve or

> if the bowel movements become more infrequent we can make


> suggestions on what to do.


> Any input welcome!! Also - need breakfast

> > ideas - she is loving veggie/fruit omelettes but I have no other

> > ideas! Thanks so much! Jen


> There are some breakfast ideas at

> http://www.pecanbread.com/foodprep.html#menu

> and loads of great recipes at

> http://www.pecanbread.com/recipes.html


> Sheila, SCD 2/01, UC 22yrs

> mom of and


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Sheila - of course the probio I have isn't listed. Is Custom

Probiotics illegal? I gave her just 1/2 capsule this morning (at

the most). When do you usuaaly suggest introducing the yogurt? Jen--

- In pecanbread , " Sheila Trenholm "



> Welcome to the group Jen,


> > I started SCD about 1 week ago. I think I was a little confused

> > about how to start the intro diet so I don't know if I really


> > the intro but anyway now we are SCD doing lots of great


> > cooked fruits and veggies (zucchini, spinach, carrots, onion,

> pear,

> > apple, raw banana and that is about it right now). I stopped

> > supplementing for a time to get a baseline on her bowels, she


> > been having loose stools daily and when I started the diet her


> > became less frequent (sorry for too much info!).


> How many was she having daily preSCD and how many daily is she

> having now?



> She has been on

> > SCD about 1 week and just over this weekend her behaviors have

> > really intensified. She tried to bite her ABA aides more than 7

> > times yesterday. She has never acted like that (maybe tried to

> bite

> > once). Is this die-off?


> It is most likely die off and some do see increased aggression.

> This link lists some of the more common die off reations

> http://www.pecanbread.com/difficulties.html#initial


> This link gives some more info on die off and at the bottom of the

> page describes epsom salt baths which many find help reduce the

> negative die off reactions

> http://www.pecanbread.com/badreaction.html


> > She seems like she isn't feeling well. I

> > am thinking about slowly introducing her supplements (starting

> with

> > colostrum and a probio) (some supps I have to reorder to make


> > they are SCD legal).



> What probiotic is it? There are some legal ones listed at

> http://www.pecanbread.com/probiotics.html


> > How long does die-off usually last? I also

> > read that yeast can increase. I think this may be happening


> I

> > am trying to keep fruits down. At first I thought it was phenol

> > reactions but now I think it is yeast. Is that a sign that


> > bacteria is dieing? Will the yeast begin to die too or is it


> > to use herbals to help keep it down?


> Were you using herbals/supplements preSCD to keep down yeast? If

> yes you might want to resume them. But, if you weren't you may


> to wait a bit before introducing any type of antifungal as that


> increase her die off symptoms.



> > Her bms have already seemed

> > improved - both were of normal color this week. She is not


> > daily ones though.


> It sounds as if she is improving nicely with the diet :)

> It is still very early in the diet for her and it sounds as if her

> body is still adjusting to all the changes in diet, microbial


> etc. Keep us updated and if agression (biting )doesn't improve or

> if the bowel movements become more infrequent we can make


> suggestions on what to do.


> Any input welcome!! Also - need breakfast

> > ideas - she is loving veggie/fruit omelettes but I have no other

> > ideas! Thanks so much! Jen


> There are some breakfast ideas at

> http://www.pecanbread.com/foodprep.html#menu

> and loads of great recipes at

> http://www.pecanbread.com/recipes.html


> Sheila, SCD 2/01, UC 22yrs

> mom of and


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Question: When do you usualy suggest introducing the yogurt?

Answer: This is a personal choice. Elaine and BTVC says from the

start. For us it was at the start, and I do not regret it. Some say

to wait a month. Others are so fearful of the stuff they never use

it. Yet their success with SCDiet is questionable by some.

It does cause a much needed " die off " reaction. We also accidently

took probiotics with illegals in them. Bifidus is a no no (many

also have illegal sugars and starches in them).

The SCD yogurt has worked wonderful for our family, in adding the

much needed probiotics. I feel that it is part of SCDiet. Each bit

has millions of good gut guys in it. SCDiet starves out the bad gut

guys and the yogurt puts them back in.

WE came to SCDiet casein free too. Yet, after the first die off,

while using the SCD yogurt, we saw a miracle in our autistic

daughter. AS many already know here, she began to try to talk. She

smiled and no longer had deleriums and siezures.

In BTVC book she says to start with it. We now go buy the book. WE

experimented for over a year with differnt ways of eating. Now, if

Elaine doesn't back it up, we dont' do it. Truly wouldn't do it any

differntly. Something seriously think about. Do a search on

Elaine's web site and see what she thinks.

Hope this give hope, Antoinette and family of five SCD 2/06 (WAS:

add, adhd, autism, malabsorption, celiac and more)

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Hi Jen,

> Sheila - of course the probio I have isn't listed.

What is the probiotic and what is in it?

> Is Custom

> Probiotics illegal?

Custom probiotics L. acidophilus probiotic should be fine. I

haven't checked lately but if you do order from Harry you may want

to check what fillers he uses and what the capsules are made of.

The other probiotics he sells are not SCD legal.

Are you looking at the CP yogurt starter? There are legal starters

both dairy free and cow dairy starters at

http://pecanbread.com/goatyogurt.html#start and




I gave her just 1/2 capsule this morning (at

> the most). When do you usuaaly suggest introducing the yogurt?

Once things settle down and she passes through this initial

adjustment phase (a few weeks at least from the start date) then you

could slowly start with 1/8 th - 1/4 tsp and gradually increase. It

is such a small amount to start with because the 24 hour yogurt is

extremely potent with enzymes and high amounts of good bacteria -

which may cause further die off.

Sheila, SCD 2/01, UC 22yrs

mom of and

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Hi. New to the SCD. Been doing GF/CF for over a year. My son is

currently taking coconut kefir as his main probiotic. I am

understanding that young coconuts are illegal on scd, and that the

homemade yogurt is the probiotic of choice. Do you all supplement with

additional probiotics, or only do the yogurt?



> Question: When do you usualy suggest introducing the yogurt?


> Answer: This is a personal choice. Elaine and BTVC says from the

> start. For us it was at the start, and I do not regret it. Some say

> to wait a month. Others are so fearful of the stuff they never use

> it. Yet their success with SCDiet is questionable by some.


> It does cause a much needed " die off " reaction. We also accidently

> took probiotics with illegals in them. Bifidus is a no no (many

> also have illegal sugars and starches in them).


> The SCD yogurt has worked wonderful for our family, in adding the

> much needed probiotics. I feel that it is part of SCDiet. Each bit

> has millions of good gut guys in it. SCDiet starves out the bad gut

> guys and the yogurt puts them back in.


> WE came to SCDiet casein free too. Yet, after the first die off,

> while using the SCD yogurt, we saw a miracle in our autistic

> daughter. AS many already know here, she began to try to talk. She

> smiled and no longer had deleriums and siezures.


> In BTVC book she says to start with it. We now go buy the book. WE

> experimented for over a year with differnt ways of eating. Now, if

> Elaine doesn't back it up, we dont' do it. Truly wouldn't do it any

> differntly. Something seriously think about. Do a search on

> Elaine's web site and see what she thinks.


> Hope this give hope, Antoinette and family of five SCD 2/06 (WAS:

> add, adhd, autism, malabsorption, celiac and more)


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Elaine Gottschall recommended that we do both.... yogurt AND acidophilus

supplement. Those who absolutely can't do yogurt in any form, should at least

use a supplement. Gotta get the good guys growing down there!


Re: 1 week SCD and ???'s

Hi. New to the SCD. Been doing GF/CF for over a year. My son is

currently taking coconut kefir as his main probiotic. I am

understanding that young coconuts are illegal on scd, and that the

homemade yogurt is the probiotic of choice. Do you all supplement with

additional probiotics, or only do the yogurt?

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