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Re: Susiecue

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In a message dated 2/4/02 5:07:27 AM Pacific Standard Time,

eyeoreluv@... writes:

<< You are still the same person inside no matter what! If your

friends don't see it that way then they aren't your friends! You have

nothing to be imbarassed about about you hear me! This is nothing that you

did, it just happened.


Glenda, I know you are sooo right, but it is really hard when friends that

you have know forever don't even recognize you. Rich tells me the same

thing, that I still look the same, just a little fluffier. HA!!! He sees me

everyday and doesn't notice the moon face etc.

The good thing about it though is that when I went grocery shopping I would

always get caught by a million people and talk forever and the shopping trip

took hours. LOL Now I can go and come back without talking to anyone. LOL

We must think of the good side I guess.

Susiecue, We have all been where you are and it is hard to except some

things. but hey, these meds are keeping us alive and well and are worth

every minute of it.

The on amazing thing for me was that in Okieland in Sept, we all met and we

just all fell into place like we had known each other for years. It was the

first time in a long time that I wasn't even nervous. I felt I knew you all

and could feel the love in the room. I once again thank this group for

giving me the support and encouragement to get over some obstacles. You are

all the greatest. AND everyone had better start saving NOW for the next

reunion in 3 years in Oregon. (Save those pennies.)


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So what if you are fluffy. The pred. does that too you. Just think of it like this....You are still the same person inside no matter what! If your friends don't see it that way then they aren't your friends! You have nothing to be imbarassed about about you hear me! This is nothing that you did, it just happened.

Didn't the Dr. do blood work before they put you on the Imuran to make sure that there wouldn't be any problems. Call your Dr. to see if your sugar is up! Gosh now you will have me worrying about you!

When you get frustrated take it a day at a time or a hour at a time or even a minute. It is so hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel somedays you just have to go a little slower.

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I am pulling for you! The Imuran will take a while to kick in and then it will be awhile before they can change the meds around for you. There is a light!

Lots of love


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  • 2 weeks later...

--- Ted Staniec wrote:

> I'm on 60 mg of prednisone since Thanksgiving. Was

> up to 80 3 weeks ago then went to 70 & now down to

> 60. I've only been on the the Imuran for 2 1/2

> weeks. The docs are waiting for the Imuran to kick

> in. It's the patience thing that gets me, I don't

> have a lot. The rheumy is talking about Cytoxan if

> the Imuran doesn't work.


> I don't remember the cat story so if you can send it

> I would appreciate it.


> Susiecue


Hi Susiecue,

Hope the cat story helps. I thought it was wonderful.

My doctor is pretty aggressive with medications, but

more so on the DMARD's. I've never been on really

high doses of prednisone, but he has always had me on

two or more DMARD's at a time. Doctors treat us all

so differently and that is understandable as this

disease affects us all differently, and we all respond

to medications in our own unique way. The story is

just one way of looking at medications, and something

for you to think about and possible discuss with your

doctor. I'm just worried about you! Hope your Sunday

is going well.

Love, Sharon



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Imuran takes time...and patience is something that you will learn. This darn ole cRaP has a mind of it's own. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and send you patience. I have sure had to learn my share. :o)

Lots of love


I'm on 60 mg of prednisone since Thanksgiving. Was up to 80 3 weeks ago then went to 70 & now down to 60. I've only been on the the Imuran for 2 1/2 weeks. The docs are waiting for the Imuran to kick in. It's the patience thing that gets me, I don't have a lot. The rheumy is talking about Cytoxan if the Imuran doesn't work.

I don't remember the cat story so if you can send it I would appreciate it.


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  • 1 month later...
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--- Ted Staniec wrote:

> Went to the ortho today for my right leg which I

> ruptured the achilles tendon on. He said I am up

> the creek without a paddle. Surgery is out because

> of the pred & the disease because it won't heal. A

> cast is not an option which I thought they were

> going to do today. but because of my feet swelling

> he said I had a real strong chance of developing a

> blood clot. If I was younger & didn't have the

> disease I might have options. He said to keep

> walking with the cane but to use it with my left

> hand rather than right. The rheumy talked to him

> right before he came in so he knew what my situation

> was Plus I had a ton of MRI films. So the game plan

> is to take it easy & not overstress the right leg.

> It will heal but it will be slow going. At least I

> still have my limited mobility & I can drive to have

> lunch with friends which is what keeps me half way

> sane. As you know shopping or anything like that

> where I am on my feet for more than 5 minutes is out

> of the question because of the pred messing up my

> back. I wait for Ted to take me if I really want to

> go because then he can push me in the wheelchair.


> I am down to 30 mg of pred & took my 3rd dose of

> methotrexate today. Stomach is a little more queasy

> but I can handle it. Having problems with the

> dizziness again. Will get in to see the ENT about

> the vertigo that the Neurologist mentioned. It's

> not the regular kind, (why be different) but the

> room spins when I lay down & the ears are constantly

> ringing. I have just not been in the mood to go. I

> know going will help a lot of my problems because I

> have also been stumbling a lot lately. Sort of like

> around the holidays when I kept falling off chairs.



> Well that's my latest. Will keep you updated on

> what's going on. Go to the PCP & rheumy next week.



> Luv ya,



> Susiecue


Wow, Susiecue! You sure do have a lot going on right

now. Hope everything begins to get better soon.

I had the same kind of dizziness that you describe in

your letter. I believe this was one of my first

symptoms of RP. It has been much better since I have

been on medications, but does bother me slightly every

once in awhile.

I will remember to pray for you. Take it easy....what

else can you do huh?

Love, squeek



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